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Figuring out what happened

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2011 @ 1:20pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Julia Neral & Lieutenant JG Reittan Ral

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: USS Arizona Bridge
Timeline: Before 'Uneasy Alliance'

Counselor Ral was in the Counseling suite of Sickbay when they went through....well, whatever it was. So, he decided to try and figure out what was going on. He couldn't find any of the doctors in sickbay and all of the nurses were busy working on medical cases from around the ship, so Ral decided to head upto the bridge. When he walked onto the bridge, he could feel the tension in the room and he noticed that the commodore was busy talking to Commander Aix, so he walked over to a new face upon the ship and introduced himself.

He walked up to her and said, "Hello, I'm Counselor Ral, the head Counselor for the Arizona. I don't think that we've met quite yet. I came up to check out what was going on."

Julia flashed him a friendly smile as she shook his hand. "Senior Chief Petty Officer Neral, Language Specialist, and Chief of the Boat. Same here, I wanted to check out the sensor scans myself."

Reit also flashed a friendly smile and said, "Yeah, I was down in the Counseling office when the ship shook and one of the other Counselors and I woke up a little while later to a chaotic ship. Plus, ever since I've woken up, I could sense the people on the ship being a little tense. Thought I'd come up here and offer my services and see where I could be of help."

"Certainly seems like the logical course of action to take." Julia smiled a little bit to break up her tendency to use Vulcan phrasing in her speech. "I also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to see how the bridge works when something interesting has happened."

"By the way, do you know what happened? I've been hearing something about the Borg? Now, that's a thought I'd never like anyone to remember anytime in the near future, but if it's true, then I guess we'll be seeing more of them." Reit said, shaking his head, remembering stuff from several years, when his old ship encountered a borg vessel. Then, he said, "Let's just hope that it's not them, trying to make a comeback." He gave a shy chuckle.

Julia cracked a small wry half-smile. "Now that would be a most unfortunate outcome indeed." She glanced briefly down at her screen and then back up as he talked. "As I hear it, apparently they wish with us." Julia could usually read people pretty well to tell if they were being truthful or not, and that ability had only intensified as she studied language more, but the Borg were of course a different creature. Still, she had a pretty good feeling that they really did want to talk...which would be interesting.

Reit cocked his eyebrow in a way that was almost...Vulcan. He then went on to say, "Wow, talks with the Borg. Who would have known. The only time I remember anyone ever talking to the Borg was Admiral Janeway when she was the CO of Voyager and that was only in return for help. Kind of makes you wonder what they are thinking about and if they're going to ask for something in return or not, like they did with Voyager." He sat and pondered it for a minute.

"Yeah." Julia paused as she tapped a few buttons and looked closer at a sensor scan, thinking quietly. Seeing nothing of particular interest she turned back to him. "I bet you're correct. I wouldn't be surprised if they want something from us...though being the Borg as they are, I'm extremely curious to find out what exactly we could provide them."

"Well, we do have something that the Borg will probably never have. Individuality. That's one thing I know we'll have that the Borg will probably never have. Well, do you need some help with anything? I wouldn't mind doing anything, even just sending a message." he said with a smile really quick, knowing that the Chief of Boat was probably busy, getting to know the ship and the people on it.

Julia have the screen a closer look as she spoke. "I don't think there is anything at the moment..." She paused before she looked back up. "However, once we get the opportunity, I'd like to review the status of the enlisted crew with you." She gave him a brief warm smile. The insight he could provide from his perspective would certainly be useful.

Reit smiled back and said, "Alright, once we get everything figured out, I'd enjoy helping you out with it. Before whatever happened, I was going to start my rounds, but since this happened, I wasn't able to quite able to start my routine rounds quite yet. So, whenever everything is straightened away, I'd love to help." Reit was eager to be able to start doing what he did best; helping others. He was ready for when the time allowed him the opportunity. Then, he said, "Well, I better let you get back to your work. Maybe tomorrow, after everything is figured out up here, we can take a look at it all and I can give you some insight." He then gave another curt, warm smile as they said their goodbyes.

Julia gave him a final nod and a pleasant "Thank you" as she turned back to her own business on the console. This was proving already to be an interesting assignment. Further developments would undoubtedly be...fascinating.


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