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An Impromptu Meeting

Posted on Wed Nov 2nd, 2011 @ 11:49am by 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries

Mission: These are the voyages...
Location: San Francisco, Earth
Timeline: Currentish

It was a somber moment for the young marine as he slowly began to gather the remainder of his things from the temporary living quarters he had been placed in upon the Arizona's return to the present time line. Now that his 'debriefing' had been concluded and the Federation saw him as no threat, or at least to his knowledge, Lukas S. DeVries was finally a 'free' man. Exactly what that meant though, he had no clue. Section 31 had been officially condemned due to his testimony and that kind of left him with no job and no home.

"Feeling blue?" a voice interrupted from the doorway leading into the corridor outside.

"What the..." he blurted as he jerked his head around. "How the hell did you get in here? I didn't even hear you..."

Laughing as if that had been her plan all along, Riane D. Dvorak issued him a warm smile. "Let's just say... I have ways."

"Apparently," Lukas retorted as he brushed himself off and waved her further inside. "So, what brings you here?"

Riane entered into the living room and gave it a quick but thorough glance over. "I heard your 'trial' was over. Thought I'd stop by and see where that left you."

He sighed as he replicated two icoberry juices. "Officially it leaves me out of a job as I pretty much shut the entire organization down. Of course, that won't stop all the secret remnants out there but still. I figured seeing how I sort of lacked current obligations I'd do some... sight seeing."

"So... in other words... you're going to go digging using the information you got from the future," Riane concluded with a smirk.

Lukas nearly dropped the glasses he had been carrying across the floor. "Where'd you get that from?"

"A little birdie told me you had an interesting chat with an interesting source," she explained as she crossed the distance and took her beverage from him. "Anything you'd like to share?"

He chugged the juice quickly before shaking his head. "Hell no! I tell you and before I even finish my sentence my mother will find out about it and be here trying to beat the shit out of me."

"Uh huh," the raven haired woman smirked again. "So, not going to tell her, huh?"

Lukas nodded. "That's the plan. And I expect you to keep your mouth shut too."

"Perhaps I will. For a price." Another smirk.

The man was curious by nature, but even curiouser considering the playful nature of his company. "And just what is this... price?"

"An evening of entertainment," Riane announced. "It's been a long time since I had some... fun."

Fun? She wanted fun? "Hell, after a year of what I've been through... I don't think you could handle the fun I'm capable of issuing."

"A challenge then," she eyed him. "I'm willing to prove you wrong."

It only took a moment before the man finally felt his own lips turn upwards into a matching smirk. It was, he thought, the first time he had felt so happy in months.


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