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Everything is all Shiny and New

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 1:50pm by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: These are the voyages...
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: TBD

It had been nearly seven months, fourteen days, and twelve hours since Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani had left. After their return from the 27th century, and her deposition into the events that led to the loss of the Arizona, Xishaal had been summarily recalled by her government. Brought home to answer weeks of questioning and even more weeks of every sort of physiological and psychological test the Science Division could think of, Xishaal eventually was temporarily reassigned while the fate of Commodore Cowell and the surviving crew of the Arizona were decided back on Earth.

Guilt and anger were her constant companions during those trying times. The High Command had no interest in how the Arizona was lost or even the species they encountered. Their questions seemed to be focused entirely on learning the fate of their people 300 years in the future. Were there any of their people left? What events transpired between now and then and what of the state of their Empire?

Sadly, Xishaal could not answer any of these questions and yet they still persisted. Her thoughts remained focused on the friends she had lost, the crew she had left behind and of their commanding officer, who had been like a father to most of them. The time spent in the Andorian Guard had been a culture shock to her. Everything was the same, though she dared not to admit it; she actually missed the pink skins, and even the Cardassian who joined the crew.

Two weeks ago, word had reached her that the name Arizona would not be buried along with her honored dead but would rise again, reborn as a Sovereign Class vessel. Technically since the fate of the ship had been decided, and she was still officially a member of her crew, they eventually transferred her back to Starbase 001; Earth.

Xishaal's hearts beat murderously at the prospect of seeing her friends again, at having the chance to serve on a Sovereign, and under the old man. As soon as her transport, the USS James Carter, was within transporter range she soon found herself standing on board the new Arizona, smiling uncharacteristically at... everything.

"Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani, requesting permission to come aboard," she said joyfully to the unrecognizable transporter chief. She still wore her Andorian Guard uniform and must have looked a bit out of place.

"Permission granted, welcome aboard ma'am!" the Transporter Chief returned her infectious smile with one of his own as she stepped off the transporter pad.


Still loaded with her gear, Xishaal stood outside of the Captain's Ready Room and nearly froze for a moment. Her thoughts went back to when she first encountered then Captain Cowell, the stories about his exploits and his sharp tongue. None of that mattered to Xishaal, for an Andorian, someone who has lived a thousand lifetimes was to be held in high regard. Her own people faced certain extinction and were desperate to find a way to avert their fate. Xishaal sometimes felt that there was a reason why she was picked to serve here, under his command, but for now, none of that mattered.

She pressed the door chime and waited for what was to come.

"Come!" the voice of Commodore Nathan Cowell thundered through the closed door. His door, however, did not immediately part at the order. When it finally did, the look on the old man's face told the Andorian in no uncertain terms that her Captain wasn't pleased with the lack of snap to in the new ship.

"Damn lazy doors... remind me to have someone fix that... maybe with a hammer..." Nathan said as the Lieutenant walked inside the far more spacious but strikingly less decorated Ready Room, "So, Lieutenant... hear tell you're sticking around. Can't say I blame you. A lot of people seem to be in a hurry to put checks in chairs on this monster. Little bigger than I'm used to, but I suppose after five hundred odd years of serving my country, a little plush isn't all bad, eh? Take a seat if you want to, hell, take the damn thing with you when you go if you like, I can get more while we're in dock. They look pretty comfortable, not as much as my chair back here, but still... something to think about. So what is it you need?"

The immense amount of bio-electrical energy the El-Aurian gave off was immediately noticeable as she stepped into his office. "Good to see you Commodore! It pleases me to see that the fires that rage within you have yet to be diminished!" Xishaal bowed her head forward, before straightening upright and relaxing her posture.

Gliding across the floor to where he sat, she took notice of the surroundings and smiled, "Perhaps I will take you up on your offer sir, however, I would like to ask what can I do for you?"

Taking a seat in front of him, she leaned back, slightly and folded her hands across her lap, "...As soon as I heard that the Arizona would sail once more, I wanted to, throw my hat in with the others who have returned as well. If you remember, and I am confident that you do, I have always told you that I will go where needed under your command! If you find someone more capable then I am not so concerned with titles and appearances to fret about such trivial things!"

"Well, I'm sure you'll fit right in down in Security where you've been for the last year or so. Been doing a damn fine job and I'm not one to mess with success," the Commodore said, pausing only for a brief second to reflect on how familiar that sounded to him all of a sudden, "Might as well go right back to Security and help Lischka square these new people away. Can't be having a ship full of miscreants."

Xishaal reflected on his response and smiled "...I do miss working with Lishka. Not to mention that being bridge certified at Conn, Operations, and Tactical might be useful on this shiny new behemoth of yours!" Reaching down into her bag at her feet, Xishaal retrieved two small crystalline casks that seemed to sparkle from within. Both she placed on the desk between them.

"Andorian Brandy... a pretty rare vintage I'm told. It is very strong and very smooth, I think it matches your personality perfectly if such a thing could be bottled!"

Rising from her seat she bowed her head once again, "It is a pleasure to once again serve under you Commodore Cowell! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find Lieutenant Lishka and get back to work! I believe I've wasted enough time already..."

Turning on heel, the tall Andorian woman exited, having to pause just for a few moments to allow the door actuators to engage and allow her to continue on unimpeded.

Nathan chuckled after the woman had left. The ceremonial offering of booze to the old man was something he'd been apart of many times before... it never got old...


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