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Birthing Day

Posted on Thu Dec 29th, 2011 @ 5:01am by Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Bridge
Timeline: After Heading for the Neutral Zone

Jasad watched as the Stardock exit gate yawned wide, as though spitting them into the void. This was it. They were finally underway. For over a month the crew had been settling in, fine-tuning, and trying to move on after the hellish future they had endured together. Meanwhile, everyone was getting to know the new crew. There was a definite divide between the Guardian survivors and those who hadn't endured the challenges of that possible future ordeal. There was something in the faces of the survivors. Even those, like Jasad, who had received bright new faces upon their return to civil space.

This past week had been occupied largely with tactical drills at the urging of Lieutenant Idrani. Her attention to detail was both irritating and admirable. She had ridden the backs of Ops and Engineering until every glitch or aberration in the weapons and targeting systems had been thoroughly addressed and triple-tested. Now that they were headed to the Neutral Zone, Jasad found himself grateful for her diligence. No doubt the old man would find someone to shoot at on the border. He always seemed to be in the right place at the right time for a fight. Fortunately, he was also the right man to win a fight when it came.

As the ship emerged from the solar system, Jasad released the long-range sensor priority over to the Science department as suggested by the Admiral. That would doubtless make Chief Sadler happy. The man had made a point of explaining to Jasad that the primary mission of Starfleet was Exploration, and nothing could be explored if all the sensors were pointed at tactical concerns. "So I expect to get a fair share of the sensor time," he'd said- rather commandingly for an Enlisted man. Jasad had kindly pointed out that if tactical concerns were not addressed, there would be no Exploration. But he'd promised to make time for Science whenever he could manage it.

With that accomplished, there was little to do but sit and wait. Still, it was a better brand of waiting than what they'd been doing so far. The ship was in motion now, and there was a sense of excitement building in the background. Every man who wore the uniform wanted to live and learn in the mysterious blackness between the stars. Each time a ship emerged into that unforgiving expanse, it was like being born anew.

"Merry Birthing Day," Jasad murmured to himself, letting a slight smile touch the features of his face.


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