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Worn out welcome

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2012 @ 6:53am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: One hour after 'Findings most unusual...'

[Bridge, USS Arizona]

Despite the reluctance of Admiral Nathan Cowell to actually hold a stationary position so close to the Neutral Zone border, the ship had spent another hour holding position a stone's throw away from the expanse of space that composed the imaginary boundaries between Federation space and Romulan space. The old man stared at the view screen that had been displaying the star field stretching out immediately forward of his ship, pondering the border that stood before him invisibly. It was strange that, even after six hundred years of living he still hadn't seen the end to petty lines drawn on silly scraps of paper. Such trivial lines did only one thing, and though they performed their duties well enough, they still only managed to keep people apart.

Nathan had lived on Earth during the American Civil War. He had crossed the invisible line between North and South, the first of many border crossings he would make in his lifetime of military service to one power or another, only to discover that neither side was all that much different than the other. They had the same hopes, the same dreams, the same hardships and trials in life. But because of one small ideological difference, lines had been drawn and arms had been taken up to defend the very thing that was driving people apart. The same could be said of the Neutral Zone that Nathan was staring down, it simply kept the Federation and Romulans separated and distant. Differences had never been resolved, grudges never laid to rest, wounds never allowed to heal. If anything, the line drawn on the stellar maps was an even more potent weapon than the phasers and disruptors that were ever trained on the opposite sides of the line.

In the endless vigilance of the officers watching this line, attention inevitably faded. Thoughts wandered. Every hour that the bogeyman failed to appear made the bogeyman's appearance much less likely. The border between 'us' and 'them' became as much a metaphor as a reality. As much a symbol as a real phenomenon. But like all ideas, it persisted, waiting to be rediscovered.

And so it was, while Jasad was musing on the size of Lieutenant Idrani's ample cleavage, that the idea of the Zone came into startling focus. A veteran of many startling events, the Cardassian managed not to squeak as his board lit up with the inevitable: "Romulan ship decloaking, Sir. Opposite our position, their side of the zone." When a culture prided itself on stealth, such an appearance could only be deliberate. It was either a form of communication, or an attack. Given the range from here to there, Jasad wagered they were making a point that didn't involve disruptor fire. So far. He held poised over his console, waiting for any of the many instructions or exhortations to the seven hells that might spill forth from the Admiral's lips.

"Well it's about damn time someone noticed us... I was beginning to think they were ignoring us on purpose..." the old man grumbled as he sat in his chair, his posture a slouching one.

Silence permeated the bridge as Nathan considered his next move. It was very likely that the Romulan Commander poised on the other side of the Neutral Zone was doing exactly that as well. There were a hundred different options, a thousand different approaches, attitudes, excuses that could easily handle or mishandle the situation. And then of course, there was always the option to wait them out, stare them down... Given that Nathan had, conceivably, all the time in the world to wait them out, it didn't hurt his feelings a bit if they were the first ones to make a move.

"Helm, hold out relative position," Nathan said absentmindedly. The Arizona hadn't moved an inch since coming to rest after Lieutenant Devok had requested his somewhat unraveling scans of some system in Romulan space. The order was more for appearances than functionality. The Arizona was a brand new ship, she was a powerful vessel, and one of the more stable 'new' ships Nathan had commanded. The bugs were almost nonexistent and that was a welcome change from the usual glitches that seemed to surround new ships in the Fleet.

Minutes passed silently, and those passing minutes kept accumulating as Admiral Cowell waited the Romulans out. Though he hadn't bothered to ask what type of vessel it was, Nathan could guess that it was either a D'Deridex or a Valdore-class vessel. A single vessel of either class was a fair match up, though Nathan had a feeling his current crew had the Romulans beat. After all... they had just spent a year trapped in an alternate future fighting for their lives against odds thought insurmountable, and they were alive. The old man was willing to bet that they'd learned a thing or two about battles in all that time, things the Romulans wouldn't be able to keep up with.

At the hour mark, even Nathan was becoming impatient with the Romulans. He almost wondered if he was going to have to make the first move. Thankfully, the console before Lt. Broca began to chirp loudly, indicating that a transmission was being sent over. Nathan smirked just a bit in triumph, he'd managed to get into their heads...

"Put it on screen, Bronco," Nathan said, using the Cardassian's nickname.

Jasad sent the transmission to the main screen, but kept his fingers hovering over the mute and blackout functions in case the Admiral needed to make an aside during the conversation. A Romulan commander flashed onto the display, replacing the serene starscape from a moment ago. At this range, there was not yet any visual on the Romulan ship. That would change quickly if they decided to penetrate the Zone and engage the Arizona.

"Greetings from the Romulan Empire, C-" the Romulan commander paused, feigning a surprise that clearly wasn't genuine, "Admiral. Well, congratulations are in order. I am Commander Torvel. You require no introductions, Admiral Cowell. There are those of us in the Imperial military who follow your career with avid interest. It seems you always find yourself where the action is."

Torvel shrugged, putting on a sympathetic face, "But now I see your talents have been mislaid. Here you sit, reaching out with your sensors to study a rather mundane sector of space. I'd accuse you of spying if there was anything interesting to be seen here. But alas, I fear you'll be disappointed. I, on the other hand, have been sent to find out why the Federation has dispatched an Admiral's Flagship to peep on their peaceful neighbors. Mine must be the more interesting of our two assignments. What shall I tell my superiors, Admiral?"

"You can tell them whatever the hell you want to for all I give a damn," Nathan replied bluntly. The man on the other end of the conversation smacked of arrogance and Nathan wasn't too excited to have to deal with such a flamboyant person. The old man's extremely limited patience was already being taxed and showing signs of giving out, evident in his fingers beginning to drum slowly on his armrest.

"So, now that you've got your answer, you can toddle off to wherever it is you came from and leave me..." Nathan started to say before another screech erupted from Broca's console.

Jasad quickly muted and 'wait screened' the Romulan. "A message from Starfleet Command, relayed via the nearest starbase, Admiral."

"Well put them on," Nathan said, forgetting all of a sudden he'd even been talking to the Romulan Commander. The old man leaned back and watched the screen shift from the image of a Romulan sitting on his bridge to an Admiral sitting in some office on Earth.

"Nathan," the man being displayed greeted.

"Kyle," Adm. Cowell replied in kind, given the two man were now of identical rank, "What can I do for you way out here?"

"We've just received word from Ambassador Spock that he is in need of retrieval from Romulus," Adm. Caldwell began.

"So you want us to go fetch him?" Nathan half interrupted.

"Not exactly..." Kyle said as he shook his head, "Actually, we have the USS Yorktown already in route. This has more to do with your recent transmissions to Starfleet Science than about the Ambassador. It would seem you've stumbled on something the Romulans had been trying to keep quiet. According to Ambassador Spock's communique, the star is approaching critical mass. Despite how mundane a supernova event normally is, he seems to think that it will be much larger than normal. He didn't really go into details as to why he felt this way, however he has convinced the Romulan Senate to allow him the chance to return to Vulcan to procure some manner of experimental technology to combat the perceived threat."

"Sounds like you have everything handled, Kyle... so why call me about it? Is the Yorktown one of my ships now or something?" Nathan asked, sounding utterly confused as to what reason the man would have ever bothered to call him.

"Yes, she is, but that's not the reason I'm getting in touch with you. We received a second transmission from one of the members of the Romulan Senate itself. They are asking for ships to be dispatched to Romulus. They are in the middle of evacuating those outposts and colonies that are in the actual threat range of a natural nova event, and aren't able to divert enough ships to mount a suitable evacuation should the need arise. I've already contacted seven other vessels... the Arizona will be the eighth and you'll be heading up the task force. I will forward you a list of all the ships who will be participating in the mission and transmit the Senatorial order allowing you and the rest of the ships to cross the Neutral Zone and enter Romulan space. This is a priority one mission, Nathan," Admiral Caldwell said firmly.

"Drop what I'm doing and get my ass to Romulus... yeah, easy enough, I wasn't doing anything overly wonderful in the first place. Anything else, Kyle?" Nathan asked.

"Try to be nice to the locals..." the man on the screen said with a smirk.

"No promises there, Cowell out," the old man responded flatly before his ever-vigilant Chief of Operations killed the link for him. Nathan was about to give the order to depart when he realized he had been talking to a Romulan Commander. Nathan flipped up the small interface cover on his arm rest and checked to make sure he'd gotten the Senatorial order from Caldwell before returning his attention forward.

"Put that damn Romulan back on screen," Nathan ordered.

Without a word, Jasad returned the Romulan Commander, Torvel, to the view screen. The man looked somewhat put-out at having been placed 'on hold' by Cowell. "You have a strange view of diplomacy, Admiral," Torvel said. Jasad couldn't help thinking that the Romulans didn't know as much about the Admiral as they thought they did.

"I usually don't practice it," the elder officer replied in a disinterested tone, "Anyhow, we'll be crossing the Neutral Zone now. Thought you might like to know. Seems your government needs a little insurance or something. Any way you look at it, I'll be heading to Romulus and there's nothing you can really do but follow and maybe make yourself useful if something needs doing. Sound good to you? I knew it would."

Torvel's gaze narrowed on the view screen, "I see you are as... interesting... as your reputation suggests, Admiral. Of course, I knew the Federation would be sending ships to volunteer. I see you've chosen a most... creative way of announcing your intentions. I'll take a position behind you. You may have the pleasure of leading the way."

...And being a clear target for their weapons, Jasad mused to himself. He cut the transmission before 'friendly banter' could evolve further. Swiveling slightly in his chair, he glanced at the Admiral, waiting for him to give the inevitable order for them to cross the Neutral Zone... and enter the territory of a long-term Federation adversary. The Federation had once taken such steps with the Klingons. It had all worked out in the end, but not before treachery, imprisonment, combat, and near war. Hopefully this affair would be more mundane.

The old man tapped his fingers against the armrest of his chair for a second before turning to Lieutenant Junior Grade Akron, his new Chief Flight Controller. The boy hadn't really moved much during the entire ordeal. Normally the kid was jumpy, skittish, and rather inept when anything was going on around him on the bridge. But then again... that had been before being lost in the future. Either the boy had toughened up or he wasn't comprehending what was going on. Either way, it made Nathan happy to see him growing up, even if only in appearances.

"Mister Akron, what is this vessel's maximum warp velocity?" Nathan asked, knowing the answer already.

"Nine point nine-five in an emergency, for up to twelve hours, Admiral," Paul replied, trying his best to be as brief and to the point as he could muster.

"That Romulan ship over there, how fast can she go?" Nathan asked, a smirk forming on his face.

"Nine point eight-five in an emergency," Paul responded.

"Well then, Mister Akron, let's see of them green blooded bastards can keep up, shall we?" the old man said as he leaned back, "Set your course for Romulus, warp factor nine point nine-five. Make it happen."

Paul nodded, the intent behind what he'd been asking becoming all too clear to him as he made the course inputs in the navigational computer and made sure all propulsion systems were primed and ready to go. When all systems indicated ready on his board, Lt. Akron pressed the warp engage command and the Arizona's nacelles eagerly complied. Within the span of a few seconds, they'd spun up and unleashed the burst of energy required to push the Sovereign-class vessel from a dead stop all the way up to the designated warp factor. Thankfully, the inertial dampeners were working just fine, lest the crew would have been in danger of merging with the ship in a most uncomfortable way.

Once they were safely at warp speed, Nathan turned to Lieutenant Broca, "Bronco, contact the department heads that aren't already on the bridge and tell them we have a staff meeting in ten minutes. Everyone else, asses in seats no later than ten."

The Admiral pushed himself out of his chair and headed for his Ready Room before a thought came to him, "Ms. Idrani, put in an appearance as well, I'm sure we're going to need a good deal of security support on this one so it's better you get this stuff first hand." Without waiting for a reply, the old man disappeared into his office to gather the relevant information he needed to brief.

Jasad nodded, and sent the relevant messages to the department heads. Then he contacted junior officers so that they could fill in for the absent department heads during the meeting. It sounded like things were about to become interesting.
When his replacement showed up at the Ops station, he offered a friendly smile to Idrani and made his way to the meeting. Evacuating Romulans could be nothing short of a security nightmare. He wondered how many Tal Shiar operatives would be mixed in with the evacuees. He didn't envy Security on this mission. Their job would be almost impossible.


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