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Happy Homecoming

Posted on Wed Jan 25th, 2012 @ 3:58am by Commander R'eilani K'Riov-Deveraux

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Ra'tleihfi, Romulus
Timeline: Current

It was a bittersweet homecoming for the Starfleet Commander as she re-materialized in the midst of her birthplace for the first time in nearly a decade. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts R'eilani Deveraux eventually began the walk towards the city's general market square hoping to discover what plans the Senate had to deal with the impending disaster. An overly proud race she knew most citizens would not take the necessary aid of others lightly and therefore she had opted for her casual attire.

Breaking into the city limits shortly thereafter R'eilani could already see the effects Hobus was starting to have on the poorer population. The woman often referred to it as ' beginner paranoia'. Small children cried as their parents carelessly shoved what precious items they could into makeshift knapsacks. Others were seen peddling goods at much too high a cost. Sadly, what she didn't see was any type of security detail. It was a sign of how severe things had become.

She tried her best to smile politely to the passerby's as she made her way in the direction of the Hall of State, not quite sure what welcome she would receive upon arriving. She inwardly wondered if she were making a mistake by even going there.

"On your way to the Senate?" a voice asked as strange hands made contact with her jacket.

R'eilani felt her eyebrows arch as she turned her two-toned eyes to face the elderly woman. "What makes you ask?"

There was a glint on the wrinkled worn face. "You're the first person to walk towards it instead of away. But you shouldn't bother. No one is there now."

The engineer frowned at the news. Was she too late? "Is there no one left in the city?"

"I believe Senator Regok may still be holed up at his residence. He passed by not too long ago," she admitted.

Regok? Son of a Reman. What were the odds? "You don't say. Thanks a million. Make sure you get off the planet as soon as possible."

"Sure sure deary."

Sparing her another look, R'eilani knew her warning had fallen on deaf ears. Like with many older folks she knew they would remain no matter what. It was the pride. She envied her courage.

R'eilani turned suddenly on her heels and quickly made her way down the winding streets to the familiar house of her past. The house of her mother's husband.

The cobblestone path had cracked since her last visit and she in part felt guilty for staying away for so long. She stood for several minutes at the gate drinking in the sight of it - knowing it could perhaps be the last time she saw it.

"Funny isn't it? How in a matter of days all of this could be gone?"

R'eilani turned at the sound of Jurai Regok's voice. It had been even longer since she had seen her half-sister. "I thought I might find your father here."

"He's on his way to board a transport with a couple other senators," the older sibling explained.

R'eilani nodded as she took a closer look around. "So they're serious about evacuating but what about everyone else? The market is full of confused and scared people."

"We're doing the best we can," Jurai retorted, clearly offended. "You seem to forget we have yet to fully recover from Shinzon's antics and now we're dealing with having to prepare an entire empire for a crisis."

R'eilani closed her eyes as she felt the start of a headache coming on. "I wasn't trying to say you weren't doing what you could. I was merely expressing my concerns. I came here to help."

"Well maybe we don't need your help," Jurai scoffed. "After all, this place has been the least of your concerns since you abandoned it."

She knew it wouldn't take long and she had been right. Even in times of peril the family feud remained strong. "I didn't come here to fight... and I won't be a part of one. I hope you stay safe and perhaps we'll see each other again once this is over."

"Perhaps," Jurai relented after some consideration. "I will also send some guards to the market... as a token of appreciation for your... help."

R'eilani knew it was the best response she would get under the circumstances and in a way she was thankful for it. Nodding in acknowledgement and goodbye, the woman once more found herself without direction. So much for her plan.

"Deveraux to Arturo," she chirped into the commbadge she had been concealing within in her pocket.

"Any luck?"

The link was average at best - the further warning of something wrong. "Afraid not. The senate has more or less cleared out. How about you?"

"I'm picking up some Federation signals. Could be some ships in orbit. Shall I make contact?"

R'eilani wasn't surprised at the announcement of ships already in the area but she wasn't quite sure if she wanted to be forced under someone's command due to the situation. Nevertheless it was apparent she needed some additional support.

"Go ahead Daz. Just don't commit us to anything."

"You got it! Arturo out."

Welcome home.


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