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Reaping the Whirlwind

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2012 @ 10:11pm by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Various:
Timeline: current

Xishaal had never in her lifetime thought that she would be so close to Romulus let alone actually being a part of a humanitarian mission to help them escape the impending destruction of their home world. For years at the citadel, she and the others were taught to not only distrust Vulcans, but their offshoot cousins the Romulans as well. Her time in the Guard, she'd secretly wished that they'd have the chance to take on one of their famed Warbirds. Being a member of the United Federation of Planets and serving on an Andorian crewed Starfleet vessel, one still had to abide by the rules. But that didn't' mean that they had to like it.

Presently, Xishaal found herself conducting a level 3 security check of some of the secondary environmental control access terminals located throughout most of the ship. Her time spent as Chief of Operations, however relatively short, gave her a better insight into how unauthorized access to such systems could affect ship operations. Even though The Admiral and her new boss didn't seem so concerned about their..guests causing any problems, she still didn't want to be the one to have to explain how vital technical information was accessed and downloaded while on a humanitarian mission to save thousands of lives.

"Everything on this particular list is done!" The Andorian exclaimed to no one in particular as she logged off of the system and made her way back to the turbo lift. "Romulans" She snorted as she spied two refugees being escorted around by two security officers.

Leaning back against the wall of the empty turbo lift, her antennae drooped down, conveying her feelings on what she was being asked to do. "Hmpf! Next thing you know we'll be evacuating Vulcan!" she exclaimed as the doors to the lift closed.

Soon, the Arizona would be overflowing with as many civilians as she could carry and their resources would be stretched thin to save as many lives as they could. "They have harvested the fruits of years of their treachery.."



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