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And they're off!

Posted on Thu Jan 3rd, 2013 @ 11:47am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Funzone
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: MD 1: 0800hrs

[Captain’s Ready Room, USS Arizona]

“... And that’s the situation as well know it, Nathan,” Admiral Boyle relayed to Captain Cowell after a fairly long briefing, “All that’s left is for someone to investigate it. I was considering sending out the Farragut to handle it, since she’s fresh off shore leave…”

“To hell with that, I’ll look into it myself. Besides, a little skullduggery under the guise of a vacation should be just what the doctor ordered. I mean what’s the worst that can happen? We don’t find anything out of place and we all get to have a week or two of fun. What a horrifying thought…” Nathan said after giving it little thought.

“Are you sure?” Richard asked skeptically, “You don’t strike me as the type who’d go to a pleasure ship expecting to have fun…”

“Just because I don’t tell you everything there is to know about me doesn’t mean there’s not a whole lot you don’t know. There you go making assumptions again, Richard. What did I tell you about that?” Nathan asked pointedly.

“They make an ass out of you and me…” Adm. Boyle muttered in monotone.

“Well, you’re only half right. You look like an ass and I’m pointing at you laughing. But enough of that, I’m going to brief the crew. Where’d you say this place was again?”

Richard sighed, “I’ll just forward you the coordinates. It’ll be easier that way…”

“Now you’re cooking with gas, son. Alright, you have fun in the big chair there, I’m going to grab some trunks and hit the pool. Cowell out,” Nathan said before pushing himself out from behind his desk. The old man made his way around the furnishing and out onto the bridge where the vast majority of the Senior Staff was already sitting.

“Alright, people, listen up!” Nathan declared as he walked over to his chair and sank down into it, “Oh, and Elizabeth, be a dear and send this to the three people who aren’t on the bridge right now, would you?”

“Of course,” Lieutenant Marion nodded.

“Now,” Captain Cowell said while clapping his hands together, “It’s come down the pipeline that we’re all going to get a few weeks of paid vacation. Even have a spot picked out for us. Place called the Funzone. Like the name says, it’s one of those places where you go and have fun. From what I gather it’s a floating holosuite wonderland. Any fantasy you want to live is available, and a few that you didn’t think anyone would be crazy enough to make besides.

“Seeing as how this comes on the coat tails of some pretty nasty business, everyone is being ordered by me to have a good time. That means we’ll be manning the boat on a skeleton crew schedule and we’ll be shuttling or beaming as many asses over as we can afford to for some good food, good fun, and some good old fashioned quality bonding time. Anyone with a problem can submit their bitches in person once we’re settled in. Mister Mantell, I’ve taken the liberty of forwarding you the coordinates to the Fun Factory. Make it happen!” Nathan concluded his somewhat spontaneous speech.

The two forward chairs swiveled back around to face their stations and the undocking and departure effort kicked in to full gear. The Arizona was back in action, even if they had no clue what their real mission was.

“Oh, and Playboy, when you get a minute, I want to speak to you in my office. Speaking of speaking to people… Bridge to Three of Seven, report to my Ready Room as soon as you can,” Nathan said, pushing himself up and disappearing once more into his office.

“Does he ever stay on the bridge?” Lt. Mantell inquired of his counterpart at the Ops console.

“Not if he can help it, and I don’t recommend you try and sit in that chair while he’s gone… He’s got a ‘thing’ about other people putting ass prints on his chair,” Liz smirked.


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