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A Moment with the Old Man

Posted on Sat Jan 5th, 2013 @ 2:56pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Marion

Mission: Funzone
Location: Captain's Quarters, USS Arizona
Timeline: MD 1: 1030hrs

[Captain Cowell’s Quarters, Deck Two, USS Arizona]

Captain Nathan Cowell pulled the suitcase he’d brought with him from Earth out of the closet he’d thrown it in when he’d gotten his room from Three. He had taken only a few minutes to pack the most important of essential equipment. As he threw the lid of the suitcase open, he was greeted with the cold black iron of his gun collection. Not a single shirt or pair of pants had made it, and rightly so since he could simply replicate those. What he couldn’t so easily get a computer to do was replicate a good solid firearm.

Just as Nathan had grabbed his old M1911 service pistol, the door to his quarters slid open and the figure of Lieutenant Junior Grade Marion strolled in. The old man glanced her way momentarily before returning his attention to his side arm, which he dropped the magazine out of with a flick of his thumb to make sure he’d remembered to load the thing.

“Didn’t expect you to break out the guns…” Elizabeth said as she made herself at home, sitting down on a couch facing the dining table where Nathan stood.

“Less you know about it the better, kid,” Cowell said as he reinserted the magazine, “So what are you here for anyway? Don’t you have a watch to sit?”

“I called one of the relief officers up so I could talk to you,” Marion said as she watched the Captain continue to dig through his cache of antique weaponry.

“Well talk, girl, I can do this and listen,” Nathan prodded her as he set his M1911 down to retrieve several more magazines.

“There’s a problem in Operations…” Liz began.

“So solve it, you’re a big girl! You don’t need me telling you what needs doing,” Nathan countered abruptly, cutting the woman off.

“It’s not that simple. We never got sent a department head to replace Lieutenant Romans. That leaves you short a Senior Staffer and my department short a leader. You’re the only one that can make the decision who to put there until you get someone from the Fleet,” Marion explained.

“And what do I have you for? You’re the second fiddle in that department, aren’t you?” Nathan asked, turning to face the girl.

“Yes, but I can’t just self-elect to take over,” Liz smirked.

“Why not, you’re just a much a Cowell as if I jumped your mother’s bones personally,” Nathan countered bluntly.

“Oh god… I really didn’t need that image…” Liz said, turning a bit pale as she looked away from Nathan.

“Just because I’m six hundred years old doesn’t mean I can’t get my rocks off… I hear you’re doing a fine job of getting yours,” Nathan scowled a bit as he moved to his easy chair and flopped down.

“And who told you that?” Marion frowned.

“That boy from Security, Playboy…” Nathan snapped his fingers several times before the name came to him, “Sheen.”

“Oh, him…” Marion folded her arms across her chest, “And what did he say exactly?”

“Wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it. He talked about you in that ‘I tapped that ass’ tone that young boys do when they’re trying to puff up. Now you’re a big girl and all… I’m not going to get all involved in your bedroom business but if you don’t put a leash on a guy like that, he’ll end up screwing around like Roberts did… the poor bastard…” Nathan explained.

Liz grew pensive for a moment at hearing the name, “I still miss him sometimes…”

“Yes… I know you do, kid. He wasn’t all bad, just couldn’t keep his dick from ruling his head. But when it came down to it he was spot on and did his job. I’d rather remember him being a good officer than a dick with legs,” Nathan chuckled.

“How do you do that?” Liz asked suddenly.

“How do I do what?” Cowell asked.

“How can you say something so cruel and make it sound like you’re giving someone high praise all in one breath? I just don’t get it sometimes…” Marion clarified her question.

“I don’t have a clue, kid. But I’ll go out on a limb and say it takes practice…”

Marion pushed herself off the couch and approached the old man. When she made it to his side, she leaned down and planted a kiss on his forehead, “I think you’ve perfected it already, Dad. Now that I know you don’t mind me taking over, I’ll get back to the bridge.”

“Just stay out of my chair,” Nathan called back after her.

“Yes sir!” Liz laughed before the door closed behind her.

“Good to be home…” Nathan mused before pushing himself back up to return to his suitcase.


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