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That's no way to treat a lab..

Posted on Thu Jan 20th, 2011 @ 11:38am by Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard
Edited on on Thu Jan 20th, 2011 @ 11:41am

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Arizona, various decks
Timeline: Following Orbital Oncology.

=Deck 4, outside science lab.=

'This ship is way bigger than the Faraday!" Thomas thought as he walked last few feet to the science lab. He had seen the schematics of the Arizona, and once seen a Prometheus class ship through the window, he hadn't been impressed till he stepped onboard. He yearned to see her, bow to stern, but mostly the science lab and main engineering. He wanted to be close to the core and hear her song.

Thomas walked into the science lab, ready to see officers at their stations, examining things, or trying to solve something. Instead, he found a silent room. Even the consoles were powered down. 'This isn't a lab yet,' he though as he touched the display of one console to activate it. Tapping a few keys he brought the system online.

"Computer, activate all consoles, sensors, and containment systems in the science lab." Thomas said. Other systems came to life, equipment began whirring and warming up. "I have a feeling we're going to need you ready to go." A final check of the systems and he was satisfied with the readiness of this lab.

Thomas began to wonder why this lab was so empty. "Computer, list primary members of the science department." Thomas saw the first profile pop up. Petty officer 2nd class Nico Tani, a Bajoran woman well versed in xenobiology. Next, petty officer 3rd class Damien Floyd, a human man who specialized in geology. Then he saw himself, astrophysics and quantum mechanics.

Tapping his console he found the two petty officers in the mess hall. Checking the duty roster, he noticed that it had not yet been filled out. He might as well do it now, no sense having the science department staff sitting on their thumbs.

"Lieutenant Beliard to petty officers Nico and Floyd." He said as he patched into the intercom system of the mess hall.

"Nico here sir. How can we be of assistance?" Came a very young sounding female voice.

"When you are done with your meal, please report to the main science lab on deck 4." Thomas started. He then realized that he had not yet eaten today. "Scratch that, I will join you in the mess in about 5 minutes. Beliard out."

Thomas tapped a few keys on the console to put everything into standby and made his way to the nearest turbolift. As he walked he couldn't help but wonder why there was not a chief science officer listed on the roster. He knew his assignment was as assistant chief, but wondered who is superior would be.

=Mess Hall, Deck 2=

Thomas walked into the mess and made straight for the replicator. After a moments decision, he ordered a simple burger, fries, and a dish called Kim'chee. Taking the food, he turned and scanned the room for his petty officers. It was not difficult to locate them. The had a table with 4 chairs in the middle of the room,

Thomas walked over and stood for a moment, waiting for them to realize he was there. The Bajoran woman saw him and jumped slightly as she prepared to stand.

"Stay seated petty officer, this is the mess, not an official meeting of any kind." Thomas pulled out a chair and sat next to the man, across from her. He sat his plate down and extended his hand to her. "Lieutenant junior grade Thomas Beliard. Assistant chief science officer."

"Petty officer second class Nico Tani. A pleasure to meet you, sir." She took his hand and shook it with a firm grip. He then turned offered his hand to the man next to him. "Petty officer third class Damien Floyd. Also a pleasure, sir." His grip was less firm. He seemed almost intimidated by Thomas.

"So, as you know, we are the science department. Well, mostly. Do either of you know who our department head is?" Thomas said before taking a bite of his burger. "We were kind of hoping you could tell us, sir." Said Floyd as he stared at the Kim'chee on Thomas' plate. Thomas noticed that Nico was looking at it as well.

"There isn't even a name on the duty rosters." Thomas said and made a show of taking a portion of the Kim'chee on his fork and smelling it before devouring it, savoring the burn. After swallowing, he said "It's called Kim'chee. A Korean dish from earth. They take a bunch of cabbage, put in who knows what spices, seal it up, and bury it for about six months. Very spicy." Floyd made a face at the description, but Nico seemed interested.
"The Bajorans of Darkur province has a similar dish made with a native vegetable similar to earths tomatoes. Perhaps I will try this 'Kim'chee' sometime." Nico said as she eyed her plain salad. Thomas followed her gaze and smiled. "No time like the present, petty officer." He said as he took another bite.

The three sat and made idle conversation through the rest of the meal, getting to know each other a little bit. At the end of the meal, Thomas stood and prepared to take the remainder of his meal and plate back to the replicator. "Head to the science lab. I have a few stops to make on the way. I will join you shortly."


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