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Those who stay behind... Part VI

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2011 @ 2:34pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Walter Suder

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Arizona

Captain Nathan Cowell, freshly returned from Main Engineering and his 'ordeal' with Stretch, walked into his Ready Room to find that the PADDs were still where he left them. Normally any clutter would have been tidied up by now, except that disturbed little man that was his Yeoman was on the planet. This meant he wouldn't have the benefit of a personal man servant for the time being, but it also meant he didn't have to worry about Sweeney being up his ass all the time. And thinking about things that liked to be up people's asses...

"Cowell to Mr. Suder, I need to see you in my Ready Room," Nathan said after slapping his commbadge.

"On my way," Suder answered.

Several moments later, Lieutenant Suder arrived on the sparsely populated bridge. He wasted no time approaching the Captain's Ready Room and tapped on the LCARS interface waiting for the Captain's further invitation.

"Come," came the voice of the Captain, prompting the doors to part for the Counselor, "Ah, good, you made it. Have a sit, we need to talk."

Walt sat down and crossed his legs waiting for the Captain to begin.

"I'm sure you know what's going on down on the planet as of late, correct?" Cowell began.

"Yes, Mr. Roberts and I were planet-side before the Arizona galloped in."

"Well, with sick people comes panicked people. And panicked people need someone to alleviate their fears and help them deal with the grief and emotional strain that this illness is no doubt causing," Nathan continued, "Which is where you come in."

"Yes sir."

"I want you to set up a facility that can handle grief counseling for those people. As much as they will need the medical support, they need emotional support as well. Can you get this done?" Captain Cowell asked.

"Right away sir. Can you speak with the Colonial Administration and see if there are any facilities on the surface that they can loan us at this time?"

"Something tells me if Science and Medical are having to pitch tents down there, you're not going to get much more than a plot of dirt and a few tent poles yourself. Just make do with what you have," Nathan informed him.

"Very well, sir, I'll get right on that," the Counselor said, standing and making his way out of the Captain's Ready Room.


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