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Those who stay behind... Part VIII

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2011 @ 2:42pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Mantell

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Arizona

With all of the other items of business that needed to be attended to immediately, Captain Nathan Cowell turned his attention to the last order of business, who was being left behind to run things. Nathan had briefly entertained the notion of staying on the planet himself, however such a 'pipe dream' was impractical and downright improper for him to do so soon after taking command. As competent as Jack might be in all actuality, the crew had not been taking him overly serious because of his outward appearance. Going up against harden pirates without so much as a reputation to back up his presence on the bridge, the entire mission would likely be in jeopardy of failure through no fault of the boy's own doing. Captain Cowell would simply have to let Jack shine in another capacity...

"Cowell to Mantell, are you near a terminal so I can send you a proper communique?" the Captain asked after tapping his combadge.

The communication interrupted Jack's progression through hearing reports from various members of the Away Team, who had set up a makeshift command center to deal with the epidemic's victims. Stepping away from one of the Science Officers, the boy tapped his own combadge, looking around for a portable computer terminal. "Mantell here. I'm heading to one now."

"Well when you get there, let me know..." Cowell said in a huff, folding his arms across his chest impatiently, even if the boy was deprived of the benefit of such a display.

As he booted up the terminal, apparently the Away Team had been too busy to activate this particular display, the boy, rankled by the captain's nagging words, responded more in kind to his appearance than his actual age or station, "Alright, alright, I'm here. Geez."

"About damn time..." Nathan snapped, "So what did that shithead have to say after I left?"

"A lot of things, Captain," Jack answered with an impish sensation of satisfaction, hoping to subject Cowell to the same sense of irritation he'd just experienced. "That Romulan's been here for a few months, or so he claims," the boy started at last, "which is about the same time that people started getting sick."

"And he's either an idiot or something's up here, Captain." The Miran was no expert at reading people, but even he could pick up a feeling of unease from the Colonial Administrator. "He didn't call for a Federation Medical ship and he let that Romulan walk around without a guard. This close to the border, it's like he's got a death wish or something."

"Well, our guest has delusions that she's a Tal Shiar agent, so maybe you're right. Keep an eye on that slimy bastard while you're down there," Nathan said with a shrug.

"She is?" the Miran's voice raised with alarm, his eyebrows arcing high. His thoughts focused on the Arizona's other Romulan hitchhiker. Convenient, it seemed, that they had picked up two Romulans since the mission began. Remembering his recent discussion with S'anra and her off-handed response to his, admittedly, childish question, Jack posed a serious question, lowering his voice to avoid being overheard, "Captain, have you thought that we're actually being set up? Maybe one, or both of them, the Romulans, I mean, are spies? We're close enough to the Romulan border. Maybe this whole thing has been planned by the Tal Shiar or even the Romulan Senate."

"Right now, that's all speculation, even if it isn't a bad theory. Keep it in the back of your mind while you keep things straight down on the planet. The Arizona will be leaving orbit in the morning so you'll have plenty of time to lurk around and gather what you can from people. Connect all those dots and see if you come up with the picture you have in your head about what's going on," Cowell said euphemistically.

"You're leaving?" the boy echoed, his eyes drawn to his chest in a small show of dismay. The Miran was the ship's First Officer, but he had little practical experience with Command. The Away Team was growing quite large, with newcomers still beaming down, expanding in size almost to the point of equaling his department on the Seleya. It was Jack's first mission as XO as well, too soon, he felt, to be left with these kinds of responsibilities. Too soon, too much. He opened his mouth, intending to request a return to the Arizona. Cowell could send down the ship's Second Officer or Third to be in charge here. Something stopped him, and the boy looked up, imbued with a sudden resilience. Or perhaps it was defiance -of what he couldn't be sure.

"Yes, sir," Jack answered, but his words were not in the resignation that might be expected after his previous remark. "Any other orders, Captain?"

"No, I do believe that's everything. If you get into any kind of trouble, I'll be sending shuttles to the surface to give you some manner of escape means, but that is a last ditch item, not your first fallback plan. After that, use your best judgments, consult with Joker if you need someone to confer with since he's staying behind for logistical support. If there's anything you think you'll need before we depart, make sure you pass them to Lt. Marion. You good?" Nathan inquired.

"Joker?" Jack ran his tongue over the word, as if the air that composed it could describe its true nature. The boy wasn't familiar with the entire array of nicknames that Cowell had begun distributing to the crew. "Is that the Helm guy? No, no, it's Ops, right? Lieutenant Robinson?"

"It's Roberts," Nathan corrected.

"You could always leave us the bottom section of the ship, you know," the boy teased, knowing full well the captain wouldn't do that, despite the ship's capability for separation.

"I'll think about it..." Nathan paused for effect before saying, "Nope, don't think that will happen. Make do with what you're getting. Anything else?"

"I think we'll be fine, sir." The boy noted, even as a voice in his youthful mind added a cautionary remark, I hope.

"Glad to hear some confidence out of you, kid. Carry on smartly, son... Cowell out," the man said before the link died, leaving the Arizona's First Officer to his own devices...


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