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Sun Sep 18th, 2011 @ 10:26am

Lieutenant Torrna Maliya

Name Torrna Maliya MD

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 37
Date of Birth 2349
Place of Birth Belshirra Province, Bajor
Nicknames/Aliases 'Nose' - as called by Aral Aix, the Chief Science Officer and an old friend of Maliya's.

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6''
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color auburn
Eye Color grey-blue
Physical Description A woman of considerable looks, and a strong stature. Posessing of a toned physique, she stands at a medium height, with neck length, bob cut hair, slightly layered. She sports the typical ridges on her nose, with the rarely seen V-shaped ridge between the eyebrows.


Father Torrna Antosso - deceased
Mother Torrna Lyrra - deceased
Sister(s) Torrna Reyla - deceased
Other Family Cousin: Commander Marta Valeris - USS Revan, XO, Major Marta Ti'An - Bajoran Militia, Vedek Marta Livna - Vedek Assembly

Personality & Traits

General Overview A brilliant physician, specialised in combat medicine, general surgery and virology. She posesses vast medical knowledge that supplant her specialization knowledge, and she isn't afraid to let it show. On the other hand, the Hipocratic Oath, the Nightingale Pledge and the rest are often ignored or thrown aside when it comes to Maliya, as she calls herself the healer of the body, the counselors she considers the healers of the mind. She's got a sarcastic sense of humor and approach to life, and will mince no words when she has an opinion, and considers herself the higher authority when it comes to things medical, so orders from superior officers will often go disobeyed. She will do whatever is in her power to save her patient if she thinks he has a chance, but she will not torture the injured if he has no chance, she'll give him a dignified passing.

When off duty, and in non medical situations, she will participate in social events, but getting anything more than sarcasm from her requires gaining her trust and understanding the background she comes from.

She is all in all an emotionally scarred woman. With the early death of her family, and the mindset she'd adopted after their deaths where it was 'kill Cardassians, kill some more Cardassians and then some more' and then seeing good soldiers die in the Dominion War when she was the medic they sent down to the fields to try and patch people up, Maliya become very friendly and accustomed to death.

As such her ability to soothe her patients and be the 'nice doctor' went out the drain. It doesn't help that she is at times too honest for her own good, and barely capable of lying, so she is not the most fondly remembered officer.

Her personal life is pretty much a mess aswell, having maybe two or three friends all together in life. She hasn't had a romantic partner, a proper romantic partner so long she can't even remember if and when she did actually have one. The closest she'd gotten to it in the past few years was Drake Lashmore, but what with the Roanoke debacle, and Maliya having to leave that was dead in the water before it even began.

She's had some dalliances here and there, more often than not stepping on people's toes in the process. So now she's trying to sort herself out.

She's not a devoutly religious Bajoran but she is a believer in the Prophets and what they have done for her people and the Alpha Quadrant.

She has a pet Human cat called Fayla, a gift from her long time friend Naria. At first she was unaccustomed and uncomfortable around the animal, but with time she grew accustomed and began to lovce the little furball that loves to cuddle.
Strengths Having been trained in old Bajoran healing techniques and herobology having expirience as a field medic along with the standard starfleet medical training, Maliya posesses a vast variety of medical knowledge and experience. As an intuitive healer she gets results, albeit not in the most proper and by the book ways at times.

Her combat knowledge is too vast for her liking, but with having grown up as a guerilla fighter and then having received combat training by Starfleet, Maliya is a formidable combatant who keeps in regular shape both mentally and physically for combat.

She is a good reader of people and can 'smell lies' miles away. This comes from the latent Bajoran ability to read people. She's a quick thinker and can readily step 'out of the box' if things need to be done. When people get used to here sharp tongue, they will find Maliya to be a good and resourceful leader though she would never admit that to the public. She's a deeply honest woman who has problems keeping her peace and lying, which is both a strength and a weakness.

Weaknesses Being numbed out to death and pain, Maliya will not even blink if she is forced to take a life, she will just do it, without it getting to her even in the slightest. However deaths of innocent people weigh heavily on her and she often has nightmares about thise incidents.

Speaking of nightmares, she has them in fairly regular intervals, sometimes medication helps her but sometimes they can be taxing on her, which reflects on her by a lack of sleep and subsequent paleness and bags under her eyes.

She's a deeply honest woman who has problems keeping her peace and lying, which is both a strength and a weakness. This often puts people off of her and gets her in trouble with her superiors and colleagues because they can't handle the brutal truth.
Ambitions To keep hold of her sanity and to finally try to be a proper Starfleet Officer and have a decent career.
Hobbies & Interests Dancing, running, reading, catching up on medical works, meditation (this is a new thing she's picked up while at SF Medical HQ), keeping in shape, staying efficient in her sharpshooting skills and martial arts, hiking, camping.
Linguistic Abilities Bajoran, Cardassian, Federation Standard

Personal History

Personal History Born into the dreaded Occupation, as the younger sister to Reyla, and daughter to Lyrra and Antosso. The whole Torrna family was a long line of healers, and as such young Maliya began training as one also. It was unfortunate that at a very young age, all four of them joined the Ornathia resistance cell, and worked dilligently with them. But dedication has its drawbacks, and in a raid Maliya was left an orphan. For a while she forsook her healing and took up arms and combat and trained with the cell furiously, becoming an efficient, and often ruthless soldier.

As the years drew, and the Cardassian-Bajoran armistice was signed, and the Federation came, Torrna had grown up, and decided she needed a break from the cruelty and death, and saw the Federation as a chance of a new life. So, along with her newfound cousin, Valeris, she applied for Federation sponsorship and was soon accepted into the programme.

But her past had forever scarred her, and the change was furthered by the atrocities expirienced and witnessed during the Dominion war, into which she was thrust right out of the Academy, on the Medical Ship, the Warsaw.

Education Informal education: Herbology, Healing, Combat medicine (by Torrna Lyrra and Antosso, healers)
Starfleet Academy: 2369-2373 - Starfleet Academy, Medical Training

Professional History

Service Chronology
2369 - 2370Cadet 1st YearGeneral Studies CadetStarFleet Academy
2370 - 2371Cadet 2nd YearMedical CadetStarFleet Medical Academy
2371 - 2372Cadet 3rd YearMedical CadetStarFleet Medical Academy
2372 - 2373Cadet 4th YearMedical CadetStarFleet Medical Academy
2373 - 2374Ensign Medical Officer (Field Medic) USS Warsaw
2374 - 2376 Lieutenant (junior grade) Medical Officer (Resident / Virologist) USS Warsaw
2376-2379 Lieutenant Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Warsaw
2379-2383 Lieutenant Chief Medical Officer USS Warsaw
2383 - 2384Lieutenant Chief Medical Officer USS Roanoke
2384 - 2384 Lieutenant (junior grade)Chief Medical Officer USS Roanoke
2384-2386 Lieutenant Special Diagnosis Team StarFleet Medical
2386- Lieutenant Ship's Surgeon USS Arizona

2384: Demoted to Lieutenant JG for conduct unbecoming an officer later reinstated to Lieutenant after an inquiry which found reasons for conduct unbecoming null and void.

Service Record She spent 12 years on the Warsaw, seeing through the Dominion War, all the way up to 2383 when she was decomissioned. The one friend that has stayed in contact with her during that time is a joined Trill woman called Naria Xaal, who had been a fellow medic on the Warsaw for several years.

And that was when all hell broke loose, again. The Roanoke was soon declared a rogue vessel after she was accused of a bombing of the government building on Trill. Although innocent of the heinous act, due to a lot of bad decisions from Captain Zara Tane, the Roanoke chose to run instead of defending themselves. During the rogue period as they were trying to prove their innocence, each and every officer who served on the ship gained that ill reputation that comes along with having been on a vessel gone rogue.

In the end they DID manage to clear their name and were a part of Starfleet again. Unfortunately, in the meantime Maliya had managed to step on Tane's toes and the latter, being of a very volitile nature demoted her from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Junior Grade, along with a very bad reputation mark via Tane's connections.

At this point Torrna asked for a transfer off the ship. Since the transfer she has been on one layover or another as Personnel tried to find her a ship that would take her on.

Rescue came in the form of Doctor Gordon House, head of the special diagnosies team at Starfleet Medical. A misfit and an unorthodox physician, House saw Maliya's potential and invited her to become a researcher in his team. Maliya took his offer readily. She was eventually reinstated to her proper rank as Captain Tane's reasons were made null and void.

She enjoyed her posting on House's staff, getting to experience the weird and unusual in medicine, which was a rarity these days given how advanced medicine now was. She was just starting to think she was in the clear when things decided that they would go askew once again.

Namely, the bug to travel got to her again, and she wanted to return to starship duty. She wasn't interested in a Department Head position again, wanting to just practice medicine. So in 2386 an offer came through to join the USS Arizona as the ship's Surgeon. With the ship's charter, Maliya decided that this posting may be the 'interesting' she needed and off she went again.

Medical Information

Medical Profile "Torrna is at peak health, despite the many injuries over the years, she has a very high healing factor." - Lt.Cmdr. Vladimir Korunov, MD, Starfleet Medical
Psychological Profile "Maliya is a brilliant physician, healing coming to her naturally. However, due to her background and general character make up, she will soone put people off than soothe them. Once you work past that front, you will see a woman trying to keep a hold on her sanity and composure and survive in a very different world than she is used to." - Lt. T'Seda, Counselor

"It is a miracle she doesn't suffer from PTSD due to all the trauma witnessed and experienced in her lifetime." - Savra Keyle, PhD

