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Log 2

Posted on Sun Jul 10th, 2011 @ 6:50am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

*log turns on*

Torrna Maliya, MD, personal log

*chair creaks*

Well, it seems that I've been left in charge...again. Kar'G left me a note and that was it, BAM, I'm head Doc again. Well until Lieutenant Serran arrives of course. Then I can shove this whole thing back to him and the Kid and I can go back to my operations, and only that. Shit this ship is so full of head cases and morons alike...


Okay, that may have been overdone from my perspective, I generally don't trust people and think most of them ARE stupid, but there are several noteworthy exceptions so far, and I've not even met everyone yet. I'm curious to see if Spotty has changed any since San Francisco, and the grey-eyed him I can see myself working with well. And I have to look into the Callai's, this grey eye defect has me wholly curious now.

Pity Kar'G's gone hermit on me now, I would have liked to tralk to him more. A Klingon who was a medic, that mix always fascinated me. And once I get curious about something I don't know when or how to let it go...much to my own detriment.

*liquid being poured into glass*

I am really looking forward to meeting Cowell the Legend aswell. Is he really like his record describes him? Knowing people who write those...he's probably even worse, which is right up my alley.

Speaking of which, no word yet of what is going on, but we HAVE started moving, so I should be prepared for anything and everything. As usual....

*log ends*


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