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Log 1

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2011 @ 5:26am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

*log turns on*

Doctor Torrna Maliya, Lieutenant, Ship's Surgeon, personal log:

I'm aboard finally, and it looks like I am going to be up to my elbows in work. Good, it staves off the boredom. My colleague, a Klingon with a hillarious forehead is going to be a challenge to work with, though I think he and I could actually get along. Time will show...

I've familiarized myself with Sickbay, and the staff present, so I know whom to terrorize for what. I've also done the first set of followups on the patients in Sickbay. Decent work on the patchups, there's going to be some serious scarring with one or two of them, but that can be fixed with some cosmetic surgery when they've fully recuperated.

The air on the ship is a bit tense, I'm not sure if it's because of the mission, which I've yet to familiarize myself with, or if it's just because of a poor crew make up. With Nathan Cowell as CO, you can never tell, the man is literally a living legend.

Never had a chance to meet him personally, but I think it's going to be interesting when we do. I've also caught another familiar name on the manifest...


Spotty is here, it's been a while since I saw him. Kosst, I haven't throught about him in months, since he left. So this is where he'd gone to.

*sounds of liquid being poured*

That will be another interesting meeting.

*log turns off*


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