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Posted on Sat Feb 26th, 2011 @ 11:06am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & S'anra

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Various
Timeline: Shortly after 'Resolution'

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell exited his office and returned to the bridge proper where the crew was busy coordinating the efforts required to move Heaven and Earth to get goods and people where they needed to be. Nathan stood behind his chair for a minute, propping himself up with a hand against the back rest as he mulled over his next move. When no good ideas came to mind, he went with the obvious.

"Liz, hold the fort down until either the kid or I get back... or someone higher on the food chain relieves you," Nathan said as he slapped the back of his chair.

"Where are you going, sir?" she asked, mildly concerned at his sudden tossing of command off on her.

"Down to the planet," the Captain said bluntly, "Got business to handle."

"Just don't kill anyone..." Lt. Marion said with a frown.

"We'll see..." was all Doc Cowell offered.

=Constable Station, Brakken Security Administration Complex, Brakken III=

The transporter chief had gotten Nathan as close to the complex where Jack had ordered S'anra taken as was possible thanks to a series of powerful transport inhibitors built in to the complex. Whether a safety precaution or just overkill, it had the desired effect of keeping him from beaming inside. Granted, it was most likely more for keeping people inside, but it still managed to piss Nathan off that he had to walk a good three hundred yards to the entrance. Once inside, Nathan walked up to the desk and slapped the counter to get the person sitting with their back turned to pay attention to him.

"Look here, you've got something of mine, I need it. Hop to and make with the return of persons," Nathan said in his deep southern accent that came out now and again when he was annoyed.

"I'm sorry... who are you here for?" the desk clerk asked.

"A Romulan... I'm sure you don't have many," Doc Cowell responded.

"Ah!" the man said, moving to a screen, "She's in Cell three in the back, I'll clear you through."

"Lovely..." Nathan said dryly before approaching the door that read 'Restricted, Authorized Personnel Only'. Being now duly authorized, the doors parted to allow Nathan to head to 'the back'. Having spent centuries attending to people in or retrieving people from jails, the walk was about as familiar as a walk could get. Nathan marveled at just how unimaginative the holding facilities of every planet and culture were. Always a linear path, always the same shitty decor, the only thing that changed with the confinement method. Bars had long ago been replaced by force fields, but the general motif of the jails had not been diminished because of it.

Sitting in the only occupied cell at the moment, S'anra looked about as thrilled to be sitting where she was as Nathan was to have to go get her.

"So, you scared the kid into locking you up, eh?" Nathan stated the obvious to get her attention, "Suppose you didn't even try to calm the boy down before he threw a tantrum..."

"Commander Mantell does not approve of my scientific procedure," S'anra stated, "He did not give me an excess of time to discuss the matter. How are my patients?" She stood up and stepped to the front of the cell.

"Don't know yet, had to come get you first. But, if I'd have to guess, some lived, some didn't," Nathan shrugged, pressing the force field deactivation command.

Before he moved out of the way, "Next time you do something medically logical but morally ambiguous to the boy, have a PADD handy with lots of pictures in it so he has something to refer to. Kid might have heart, but he isn't a doctor nor a scientist, and picture books help those kinds of people. Now let's get going and see about this cure, eh?"

"Indeed," she replied, before changing the topic again, to her other pressing interest, "The... 'boy' says you have a Romulan aboard the ship."

"We do, but if we don't get a cure, she's not going to live long enough to tell us anything. She's in a coma," Nathan shrugged it off as he led the way back out of the complex. Once outside, Nathan turned to her and motioned for her to lead the way back to her lab, since she knew the way better than he did.

S'anra headed towards the science lab, looking to see if anything different had gone on in the short time she'd been incarcerated. "Was your mission successful?" she asked, noticing the increased number of Starfleet uniforms about.

"By and large, yes," Nathan said, "Still don't know the who and why of it all but I got what we needed," the Captain said as they entered the makeshift lab. Given that the woman hadn't been in the slammer all that long, not much had been moved about in her absence. One noticeable difference was the volume of information that had been gathered by the medical equipment that was being used to monitor the patients.

"Looks to me like you have a winner," the El-Aurian said, throwing a practiced eye over the test results of two of the patients, "And it is viable enough that if we hurry, we could conceivably save the other two... Wouldn't that just kick the boy in the pants one good one?"

S'anra examined the readout the captain was looking at. The patients' vital signs had improved significantly. She took an empty syringe from a nearby table, and took a blood sample, "I'll confirm the results. There's another couple doses of that on your right. Green label."

Nathan took the hypo-injector and the vials she had indicated and began administering the drug. Within minutes of application, the disease was showing signs of remission. Nathan took out his own personal medical tricorder and began some scans of his own before being completely satisfied. He turned away from the patients and approached S'anra.

"Once the tests have been confirmed, about how long would it take to synthesize enough for the current population of sick?" Nathan asked.

"It can be replicated," S'anra replied, "But it will take a significant quantity, your ship's resources may be heavily expended producing the necessary amount to treat everyone affected. It should be given with the pescaline and isoratonyl to ease the recovery process."

"Yes, I understand all that, I'm a doctor after all..." Nathan frowned, "I'm asking time lines here. How long would it take?"

"I don't know the capabilities of your ship's replicators," S'anra stated, "But I assume it would not take more than a few hours."

"Oh good... we can be home in time for dinner..." Nathan said with a smirk, "Finish the tests and I'll start replicating antidotes."


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