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Posted on Sat Feb 26th, 2011 @ 4:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Deck 5 - Pool
Timeline: After Rectification

With the business on the planet behind him finally, Aidan felt restless. Not a restless in a sense that he longed for open, lush spaces. No, he had far too much of that lately. He was restless with pent up energy. It had taken some time, but slowly Aiden was starting to regard this ship as his new home. Truth be told, when he had first set foot aboard, he wasn't planning on making it in the long haul here. He had even went as far to start his transfer requisition back to a front line starbase or outpost. Starship life didn't seem to suit him, but alas it was a change. And sometimes, change was just what people needed to grow.

Upon arriving back on board, he briefly met with Crewman Sekara, whom seemed to be coming along rather well in his new position. He acted more like his own yeoman at times, but there was hope for him nonetheless. His Assistant Chief was finishing up work he normally would be doing had he not been on the planet, so with that in mind he was going to take the afternoon and evening off.

Roberts his the gym. He didn't work out as through he normally would. He skipped the weights and simply ran, trying to get a nice sweat and burn going on before hitting the showers, and a relaxing swim. He exited the locker room, wearing a pair of floral boardshorts that were decorated in crimson and white with dark green vines on them. He purchased them on his last stop at Risa, so they were hand made - much unlike the replicated types. He scanned the room with his eyes, seeing he was the only one there, which he had assumed would be typical at this time of day so close to dinner hours.

He tossed his towel, before jumping head first in the deep end.

Xylia weaved her way through the locker room toward the entrance, unashamed of the black bikini she was currently wearing. When she walked into the gym twenty minutes ago, it was empty, and even if it weren't, she wouldn't care what they thought of her current attire. All she cared about right now was the cool, refreshing water of the pool and how it would help ease the tension caused by the last couple of days. Her thoughts drifted to the final moments upon the Sutekh Station and the shots that were fired. That was some pretty scary stuff. The Arizona had gotten what it came for, and that's what mattered. Now maybe the people on the surface would start getting the treatment they needed, and while the thought was a warm one, she was grateful she wasn't the one who had to administer said treatment. She was in Security for a reason. When words were no longer an option, she could step in and use her fists. The thought appealed to her in a way that many other things did not.

Dropping her towel on one of the chairs, she made her way over to the edge of the pool and dipped her toes into the water with a smile, completely oblivious to what was going on around her. Right now, she was on a mission, and that particular mission was to relax while getting a work out in. She took a step back and looked at the crystal colored water beneath her before raising her arms above her head. Her dive was clean with little to no splash, something that had always pleased her.

After swimming to the other side of the pool and back again, she broke the surface and pushed the water from her face. Yes... this was exactly what she needed.

Aiden popped his head up from underneath the water instantly upon hearing another body enter the rather large pool. He wasn't upset that his solitude was gone, but he was curious nonetheless. The last time he had briefly enjoyed the peaceful privacy in the pool, he was interrupted by a furry crew member who clogged the filter. He reached his toes to the bottom of the pool, stretching a little before swimming to the nearest edge of the pool. He saw a figure moving back and forth on the water from each end of the pool after hoisting himself to sit on the edge of the pool, his feet and ankles still dangling in the cool water. Then he saw her face and body as she popped up above the surface.

"Computer..freeze ... freeze program..." He muttered under his breath, just making sure he was actually in the pool and not one of the new holodeck programs he had order. He looked around, and noticed the water was still moving, and so was the beautiful figure only meters away.

Xylia stretched her arms above her head with a groan of satisfaction before turning. She let out a gasp and brought a hand to her chest, willing her racing heart to slow down. She recognized the man sitting on the edge of the pool, but at the moment, she couldn't quite place him. In recent days, she met so many people.

"I.. uh.. sorry. I wasn't aware anyone else was in here." She lowered her hand back to her side and continued treading water. Her accent thickening slightly due to her embarrassment.

"Not a problem..." Aiden started, craning his neck to look for a rank, full well knowing he wouldn't find one. "..fellow ... crew member?.." He said awkwardly, with a wiry grin. He wasn't sure if the two had met, but would have definitely remembered that accent, amongst other things.

"Lieutenant JG Xylia Lischka. Assistant Chief of Security." She stated swimming closer to the edge of the pool where he sat. Hoisting herself up with her arms and turning, she settled down a few feet away from him and began the process of wringing her hair out. "You look familiar, but I can't put a name with the face. I think I may have seen you in the Security offices."

"Lieutenant Aiden Roberts.., Chief of Operations.. " He said while casually staring, trying to place a face with a name. "Possibly, but I don't think I was in the brig yet... At least not that I recall..."

"As far as I know, no one has made it into the brig yet. I think it was before the crew split." A thoughtful look crossed her features before recognition set in. "Ah, yes. Lieutenant Roberts. You came to Security to let the Major know some of our department needed to go down to the surface. Not long after, you became the topic of discussion."

Aiden raised his eyebrows at both the realization of when he was below decks with the security folks, but more so was caught up with the idea of being a topic of discussion. "I've been alot of this Miss Lischka, but a topic.. I'm not sure... do tell.." He said as he sprung into the water again, swimming away backwards, flexing his muscles ever see slightly on purpose.

Xylia's eyes followed him as he moved away from him. "Xylia, please." She slipped back into the water herself, making easy work of gliding through the water like she was born to do it. "The Major and I met up in the lounge shortly after that and got to talking. It was mentioned that someone should keep an eye on you. I told her if she didn't want the job, I would take it."

With a grin, she went under the water and continued her course to the other end, thus giving him a chance to ponder what she just told him. When the need for air began to burn in her lungs, she came up and looked in his direction.

"Well... it's a full time job..even with two eyes..." He said before going under water himself, opening his eyes getting an eyeful before popping up again above the surface. He shook his head and hair like a dog, before running his hands over his face clearing off the water droplets. "Do you feel up to it...?"

Xylia leaned against the side of the pool. "That all depends really..."

"And what's that Lieutenant..."

"Your place or mine?" And with that, she climbed out of the pool and moved to where her discarded towel lay. After scooping it up, she began to dry herself off, but she was putting on more of a show for him.

"1800... Holodeck One...and wear more than the bikini...sadly..."


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