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Going Boldly... On Vacation!

Posted on Mon Feb 28th, 2011 @ 10:33am by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Crewman Apprentice Sekera & Lieutenant Three of Seven

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Deck 5 - Astrometrics Lab
Timeline: Current

Shore leave meant something different to each member of the crew. While work wasn't something Aiden was inclined to do when on leave, he found himself in the Arizona's Astrometics lab doing just that - in a sense. The lab itself had yet to be used since the ship was launched, and truth be told the ship's science compliment still had a vacancy at the Astrometrics Officer position. Seeing as the room was vacant, and factoring in the Lieutenant's background in stellar cartography, he planted his flag and set up shop.

The bulk of all sensor telemetry was routed to this room, displayed vividly on a three dimensional display for study. However, at the moment the display didn't depict any particular region of space. Instead, a brilliant sphere of green and blue hovered before the main console.

"So Crewman, what are you planning for leave.." Aiden said while peering over his right shoulder at the Quartermaster Sekera.

The young Bolian had been reading a loud requisition requests for the better part of an hour, receiving grunts and nods in terms of replies from the Lieutenant. While he knew that Roberts was in one way partially paying attention, he too had taken a keen interest some of the locations that were being displayed.

Casinos. Beaches. Resorts. Cultural Ruins.

It all seemed too busy in the eyes of the Crewman. While he enjoyed relaxing like the next person, he preferred to do it alone or in small groups. Masses of people in large crowds didn't sit well with him.

"Uhhh I'm going to save the time for the next time we stop somewhere. I'm not really fond of sunlight and water. I...ermm burn easily..."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, and turned slightly to look at the young man. He raised an eyebrow, and contained a laugh whilst imaging the blue being in a floral shirt with spots of brilliant red sun burn. He turned his attention back to the forward screen, where he was 'scouting' out his accommodations for his stay on Pacifica.

"Good... I have something for you to work on..."

The double doors to the astrometrics lab parted to omit the child-sized drone. Three would have admitted to some confusion when the computer had made it aware that this was Lieutenant Roberts' current location, but their duties did necessitate a fair amount of understanding as to the sensors of the Arizona. If the lieutenant were using his time to better familiarize himself with the Arizona's sensor arrays then that would be, in Three's estimation, a fair and adequate use of time.

As soon as the former Ocampa saw what was on display however it knew that such was not the focus of the lieutenant's pursuits. "Pacifica. A Class-O pelagic planet in the Taurus System. Largest land mass above sea level, the island of Iy'Dewra'nl," the drone commented dryly as it made its way over beside where the quartermaster and the lieutenant stood by the central console. "The resort designated 'Eden's Beach' is located there and highly favored in the materials posted by the ship's Morale and Recreation office," Three added, accessing its recent memory files for adequate fodder from which to draw conversational 'snippets' that were not intended to be substantive. Merely social. An oddity of humanoid social customs. So many things deemed 'polite' really served no other function. Small talk was thus aptly named.

"Good Morning Lieutenant.." The Bolian said quickly, still a bit of uneasiness in his voice. Sekera had never encountered the Borg, let alone a drone - or former drone in this case. The stories and accounts he had heard were horrible, and the holodeck training simulations he had witnessed left him with nightmares. Still, in best interest of growing as a Starfleet crewmember and as an individual as Lieutenant Roberts had suggested, he was trying to put on a positive front.

"Good morning, Crewman Seskera," Three returned with a nod toward the Bolian.

Aiden turned to see the former drone enter the lab, and couldn't help but smile at keen eye of the Lieutenant. Upon meeting the young man, Roberts wasn't sure how we was going to fair as a member of this crew. He was extremely efficient, always on time, and never complained. However, the degree in which folks would and have reacted to his differences never ceased to amaze him. He had personally set some folks straight who were teasing and speaking ill of him. He understood some of their motives, a lot of folks had suffered losses at the hands of Borg over the last decade. But as he told them, they were Starfleet officers and had a duty to keep an open mind. Aiden may throw the rule book out the airlock when it came to a lot of things, especially his personal life, but he was loyal to his people. "Three of Seven, how are things going for you this morning...."

"All reports and diagnostics have been completed within acceptable timetables and my physical vessel is operating within normal parameters," the drone responded simply. The Borg version of 'I am well'. Extending out a padd for the lieutenant to inspect, Three concluded now was an adequate time for small talk to cease in favor of substantive discussion. "A proposal for your review, one I wish to submit to Lieutenant Rixx and the Captain if it meets your approval," Three prefaced while allowing the lieutenant a moment to glance over the contents.

"These upgrades would improve efficiency in the waste processors by one-point-six-eight percent, resulting in an estimated savings of eighty-seven megajoules per day on average," the drone remarked, electing to lead with the point it felt formed the strongest argument for going through with the overhaul. "With the majority of the crew off of the vessel, the loss in waste processor capacity while sections are taken off-line for upgrade would go unnoticed by the crew. And my performing the labor during shore leave frees the engineers from any additional duties or burden."

Aiden scanned the padd, skimming it looking for the particulars - manpower, downtime, provisions needed, etc. He knew Three of Seven wouldn't cut corners, but at the same time he knew that there would be very little non essentials used if it could be avoided. Like he told himself, the kid was efficient.

"You have my blessing and recommendation.." He said while signing off on the proposal electronically on the padd. "Sekera here was just saying that he wasn't planning on partaking in the festivities on the planet. He can give you a hand with whatever you need... just take it... easy gentleman. It's not often that we'll get down time so try and enjoy some of it..."

"I have no need for 'relaxation'," Three remarked candidly, accepting the padd back before looking back over at the Bolian crewman. "However, the assistance of another is always appreciated," the drone stated before taking a step back from the pair.

"Enjoy your vacation, Lieutenant," the Borg said, before turning and exiting the Astrometrics Lab.


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