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Posted on Sun Feb 27th, 2011 @ 3:22pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA) & Lieutenant JG Miomar Barr

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Immediately Following "Departure Briefing"

Rixx had walked out of the briefing with the Captain, noting that the XO was leading the guys being left behind, and smiled, 'At least the children are in the play pen, out of harms way.' As he looked over the morning's status reports, it seemed as if all things were in proper order. His personal inbox however, showed over a dozen requests for a meeting with him from his assistant. Having been busy with preparations and a few tasks dropped on him, he had hoped that the newcomer was smart enough to get himself worked into the department in some way. He would need to get this "Lt Barr" to come see him soon.

Flipping through the last reports, he realized that the much younger man had actually managed to get himself worked in so far, it was however a bunch of reports on the same stuff that the Engineering Officer on Duty was supposed to be checking, and reporting in on. He would have to sit down and discuss where the Dept Head and Asst fit into the work down in Engineering to the man later, at least Rixx's own feelings on the matter, not necessarily Starfleet's.

Rixx reached up to touch his commbadge intending to call for one Lt Barr, when the door to his office beeped, indicating someone was on the other side, so Rixx quickly changed into someone a little more comical, namely the Captain of the ship, and put his feet up on the Chief Engineer's desk, 'This should be fun, lets see how the new kid reacts to a shape shifter.'

"It's Open."

Lt JG Barr came in after hearing the 'It's open.", passing through the doorway. Inside, he paused and stopped, saluting the Captain. "Captain Cowell, Sir. " He was surprised to see the Captain in Chief Rixx's office, but then again, the Captain could go anywhere on the ship that he wanted. "I was actually hoping to see Chief Rixx, Sir. Is there anything that I can do for you, Sir?" He waited for the Captain's response, standing at firm attention.

Rixx smiled, and slowly slid his feet off the desk, looking at his Asst Chief, "You," Rixx stood up and walked around the desk, and gets nose to nose with his assistant, while still under the appearance of the ship's ol' Man, wondering how long it will take the Betazoid to figure out that this is NOT the actual ship's captain, then suddenly he realized that the man probably already knew and was playing along, and pondering 'hmm, a test of wills maybe, lets see how he does.'

'The Captain' paced around the man, "You, are supposed to stop Lt Rixx from doing stupid shit right? Then why don't you explain to me," he paused for dramatic effect, "THIS," with that Rixx threw a nearly empty PaDD on the ground at the feet of his new assistant, and stopped behind him, waiting to see if he would pick it up, in the mean time, while his assistants back was turned, Rixx began to revert to his 'base' form.

Lt JG Barr's empathy nudged him mentally and he looked at the 'Captain' again, raising an eyebrow as the man threw the a padd at his feet. It was true that the Captain was a curmudgeon, he didn't think that he would willing throw a data padd to the floor. He was tempted to see what would happen if he didn't pick it up, but he did. It just might be the Captain, so he leaned over and picked it up, glancing at the screen.

"A power plant on Praxis, Sir? What does this have to do with Chief....." He paused, seeing the Chief now standing in front of him. He started backwards for a moment, then snapped to attention. "Lt. JG Miomar Barr, reporting, Chief Rixx."

"Good grief, I'm not the Federation President, Sit down,"Rixx pointed at the chair, and walks around to his own side of the desk, "Welcome to the Arizona, Kid."

"Thank you, Chief. It was an honor to be selected for the post to the USS Arizona. I hope that you don't think that I've been overstepping my bounds here in Engineering, but I like to get my hands dirty in almost every aspect of Engineering. I know that the Officer on Duty usually handles most matters on who does what, based on your approval, but I feel that it never hurts to go over things with a fine tooth comb. Is there anything in particular that you need me for at the moment?" He relaxed, but only a fraction. The Chief's unusual humor might be still in play.

"I don't mind, Lt," Rixx smiled, "Of course, I expect you to familiarize yourself with what those who work for you will be doing. However, our day to day duties will be more along the lines of administration, although neither of us will be neglecting our skills as engineers, once the paperwork is done, I expect us both to be out in the thick of it with the kids. Well also be the Chain of Command's answer men when a "situation" strikes." Rixx used the air quotes when he said situation, "So, whats your specialty in the field? I am an Engineering Theories man myself."

Lt JG Barr relaxed a little more. This was where he had a chance to shine, or look like a fool. The thought made him tense up again, but he cleared his throat. "I've always been a fan of Warp Theory, myself. Hypothetical FTL Concepts, Subspace Fields and Warp Fields, Warp Field Generation, and other Warp Propulsion Theories. I've researched everything from Antimatter Containment to the Plasma Flow Regulators, and Warp Coil itself. To be honest though, I'm fascinated with every aspect of Engineering." He hoped that Chief Rixx wasn't going to grill him on every subject, but he felt that he was up to nearly any challenge. It was a matter of honor for him.

"Good, Good," Rixx leaned forward in his chair and scanned the PaDD's whose screens could be seen on his desk, finding the one he wanted he picked it up, and scanned a few of the entries before offering it to the man across from him, "I want you to review these personnel files, we are still a bit short on personnel in the department, and I am going to ask the CO's permission to bring on a Cadet or two after the mission is over. That is a list of the qualified Engineering Students in their 4th year of the Academy, I want you to choose no more than 2. You and I will be their Mentor's next mission."

Lt Barr took the PADD and looked over the list. "I'll get right on that Chief. By the way, I went and adjusted the EPS conduits on Deck Four and Six, and Lt Marion wanted me to check out the replicators in the lounge. They're taking a little too much power and there's no explanation for it that I can see. Is there anything else before I get to work?" Inwardly, he alternates between cringing at having to break new recruits in and the chance to mold them into excellent future Engineers. Finally, sensing the Chief was done, he turned and went back to his duties.


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