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The beginning of something, but what?

Posted on Tue Mar 1st, 2011 @ 3:47pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard
Edited on on Tue Mar 1st, 2011 @ 3:49pm

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: USS Arizona
Timeline: Shortly before Go Boldly...On Vacation!

Thomas prepared his bit for departure. He had is terminals in line. He would leave the rest to his crew mates to disassemble and return to the Arizona. He had an issue to bring up. He tapped is combadge.

"Arizona, one to beam up, directly to security. Now."

Xylia sat behind her desk in the security offices and muttered. Maybe it was because everything was still new and the crew was still getting adjusted, but why oh why couldn't someone pull something to give her and her colleagues some entertainment? With the shake of her head, she got to her feet and looked around the empty offices. Most of her departments people went to the surface for some reason or another, but she chose to hang back. Something about being surrounded by sick people just didn't sit well with her.

After getting a much needed cup of coffee, she settled back down behind her desk and kicked back. She was sure no one would come in and bother her, otherwise she wouldn't worry about being so unprofessional.

Thom appeared in the security office. He wanted the top dog there. He had issues to discuss. He wondered around a moment then asked for direction to the Chief's office.

"Damnit." Xylia muttered as she slid her feet from the desk. She got to her feet and looked to the man who just walked into her department. "The Major is currently down on the surface. What can I do for you?"

" Ma'am, I am Lieutenant Thomas Beliard, assistant chief science officer. May I have permission to speak freely ma'am?"

Xylia nodded and gestured for him to sit down. "Lieutenant JG Xylia Lischka. Please sit." She settled back down in her chair and put her coffee aside. "What's on your mind, Lieutenant?"

Thomas sat, glad that he was making contact with on board crew. He needed to know these people if he could work.

"I have spent my life devoted to science. And I live for the endeavor of it. But I must say that I have suspicions about my, shall we say, non federation superior. I must make my formal complaint about S'anra. She is Romulan. She can not be trusted. It is believed that the attack on Alpha Centauri was a Romulan plot."

"Being that she is Romulan, no, she shouldn't be trusted, but let me ask you a question, Lieutenant." Xylia tapped a finger against her chin and looked at the man sitting in front of her for a moment. "Has this particular Romulan in question given you any reason... any reason at all... as to why she can't be trusted? I mean... the Captain has put her in the position she's in for a reason, and you know as well as I do that if he felt anything sneaky was going on it would be handled. Are you, Lieutenant Beliard, questioning the actions of the Captain?"

"Not in the least, Ma'am. And no, S'anra has given no reason not to trust her. I simply wanted to express that I feel she should be watched closely until her loyalty to this crew and its mission are clear. I must confess that she did a very good job down there on the planet. But just because the dog doesn't bite you this time, it doesn't meant it wont next time."

"Okay, Lieutenant Beliard. You've made your concerns known. When I speak with the Major next, I will relay them to her and see what can be done to ease your concerns. In the meantime, I think you should relax and enjoy some down time." Xylia stated, settling back down behind her desk.

"I don't know that i know how. Permission to speak freely?" Thoim said as he sat a little looser in his chair.

"I do believe you asked me that once before, but yes. Feel free to speak freely."

"I spent the last three years on Utopia Planitia. It took a long time to make friends. I will admit that I'm not very good at it. Now, here I am, aboard a fine vessel and the only people I know are a Romulan I'm not sure I trust yet, and my fellow science team members. They are all good people, but fraternization with enlisted personnel is not something I am willing to tangle with. From the stories I have heard, the Captain can be somewhat, um, grumpy." Thom looked down at his shoes. He knew this woman probably didn't care about his personal issues. Especially one of this magnitude of beauty.

Xylia leaned her head to the side and studied the man sitting before her. She should be used to things like this happening, but truth be told, she wasn't, and it was likely she never would be. After clearing her throat, she picked up her forgotten cup of coffee and took a sip of the cold brew more as a distraction than anything. "Is there something in particular you wanted to ask me, Lieutenant?"

"Shore leave is coming up and I have felt that I need to do more to get acquainted with my fellow crew mates. I know we don't know each other at all but as junior officers, I thought that we could do something together and get to know each other. Just because I am not good at making friends doesn't mean I don't understand the importance of a good friend."

Xylia looked thoughtful for a moment. It couldn't hurt to do something with a fellow crewman while they were on shore leave, but at the same time, she didn't know him all that well. She really didn't have much to be concerned with, though. If push came to shove, she knew she could take him if absolutely necessary. "I'll give your request some thought, Lieutenant Beliard, but I don't see how it can hurt anything. I'm not exactly sure what my plans are just yet, but when I know, I'll get back to you."

" That's all i ask." Thom stood. "You know how to reach me if you decide to 'hang out' as they said on old Earth. And thank you for your time."

"You're welcome." She got to her feet once more. "Should you have anymore concerns you can come to me and I'll see to it that they get to the required person."

"thank you, Ma'am. I will take my leave now, as I have yet to meet the Captain. I should explain my actions regarding the XO to him, so that he understands. Good day." With that, Thom exited the office and made his way to the turbolift. A beautiful woman, to be sure, but she seemed to have a fire that would indicate that she would be a good friend,


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