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The Arrival to Pacifica

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2011 @ 5:20pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Various

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell, sitting in his central chair, watched as the USS Arizona dropped out of warp and drifted at impulse toward the bright blue orb that was the planet of Pacifica. The clear blue waters of the planet were breathtaking even from orbit, the small land masses that dotted the surface gave away nothing of the sheer splendor that awaited the crew on the surface. Several vessels of various classes were parked in orbit along with the Arizona, no doubt enjoying some much needed leave of their own. Nathan briefly flirted with the idea of finding out which ships they were just to see if one of his old commands just happened to be in the area, but abandoned it in favor of taking care of the business before him.

"Park us, Mister Akron," Nathan said, speaking to the young Helmsman that occupied the CONN.

"Aye sir," the man replied, making the appropriate adjustments to their speed and orbital synchronization.

Nathan then turned to Lieutenant Marion, who was at the Mission Ops station, "Start coordinating the transfer of supplies we need, and if you could, see about getting a few extra tricobalt devices aboard. I'd hate to have to resupply every mission that goes south..."

"Requisition more fly swatters... Gotcha," Liz smirked, turning back to her console.

Nathan reached down and hit the All Call command on his arm rest, "Captain Cowell to the crew, we've arrived at our vacation destination. Those of you not on the essential personnel list or otherwise incapable of rendering an excuse as to why you can't be off duty are hereby ordered into your bikinis or bathing trunks and ordered off the boat for mandatory fun. The crew will be ordered to meet up at the resort on the edge of the Western Sea. The dress code of bikinis and swim trunks will be strictly enforced. That is all..."

Pressing the button again, Nathan rose from his chair and passed by long Marion long enough to say, "That means you, kid."

Liz moaned aloud in disdain. She hasn't taken shore leave in a while and he knew it. He also knew she hated her bathing suit body. Even if she had managed to turn around fast enough to shot him a glare, he wouldn't have seen it nor would he have bothered with her. He had made up his mind and she was now subject to his twisted whims...

=Shores of the Western Sea, Pacifica=

Nathan materialized on the shores of the Western Sea, the first of what would be nearly eighty people if his estimation was correct by the end of it all. Unbeknown to the crew, Nathan had called ahead when the Commodore had handed down their resupply orders, sending a reservation to the resort to reserve, basically, the entire island for the duration of the shore leave. Did Nathan really plan to partake in all that the island, resort, and the planet itself had to offer, hell no... He just knew after the shit storm of a mission they had been on, decompression time would make the crew a little more pliable for what might come next.

The rolling waves and the fresh sea air filled the man's lungs as he took in a deep breath. Though Nathan had never served in the Navy back on Earth, he did appreciate the smells, sounds, and scenery of the beach. Nathan looked around him, noting several serving staff near the tiki bar who were... admiring... the Captain's rather contradictory physique. While he was rather old, his torso, arms, and legs didn't look like those of an elder man. He was startlingly well defined, muscular, and not at all the saggy bag of bones that most people took him for looking at his weathered face. It had been years since Nathan had been required to explain that had his life been different, he would have looked a fair bit younger than he did. Given the extremely slow aging process that El-Aurians enjoyed, he was technically still in the 'prime' of his life, it was just all the stress and conflict and strife he had been subject to in his six hundred years that had produced the lines of age that graced his features. It was fine with Nathan, however, for people to be so taken aback by his appearance. He would rather them be shocked that he wasn't a frail old man, made life more interesting...


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