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Impromptu Meeting

Posted on Sun Mar 6th, 2011 @ 5:09pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Sophia Goodman

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Cafe Zephyr, Western Sea, Pacifica
Timeline: The morning after 'The pastpays a visit'

Sophie was sure that she was at the right spot for the meeting with Captain Nathan Cowell. At least she thought that she was. Although meeting at a beachfront cafe called "Zephyr" wasn't something that she would see Capt. Lucatz doing. Still, she thought, it takes all kinds.

The Aborigine approached the waiter at the gate, and waited patiently. He looked up and acknowledged her. "Good morning, I'm here to meet Capt. Cowell. Would that be here?"

The waiter smiled and replied, "Yes, Ma'am. The Captain called and booked a table. It's right over here." With that he led here over to the table, a rough wood hewn and stained job. It was very appropriate for the beach motif. She took a seat at the indicated table.

"Would you care for a refreshment while you wait?" the waiter asked.

She thought for a moment, and asked for a tall orange fizzy. The waiter nodded and left. She pulled out her PADD, and leaned back into the chair. Wondering what would happen next.

Nathan strolled in the caf a few minutes later, garbed in a loose fitting button down shirt draped over shorts that extended just above his knees. He looked every bit the tourist and nothing like a seasoned Starfleet Captain of nearly 80 years service. He flopped down in the chair of the table he had reserved, the dark sunglasses adorning his face hiding his inquisitive glances at the woman that was also at his table. He picked up the menu tablet and looked it over before finally addressing his guest.

"So, who are you? Someone new, someone old, what?" Nathan asked without giving the appearance he was actually looking at her.

Goodman regarded the newcomer carefully. The litigator in her reminded herself this was exactly why you never selected a site that contained so many variables. But a variable was here. And it needed to be dealt with. She arched her right eyebrow, looked over the newcomer, using her Starfleet uniform to full effect for dignity. He was hard to read. And it was all him. He was relying on skill, not on artifice like clothes. She was impressed, but kept it hidden.

"Someone new," she responded evenly. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that seat is already taken. I'm expecting my new boss to show up shortly, so I'd appreciate it if you would please vacate it. It's a very important meeting, so I need to make a good impression. After we're done, you can have the table. Does that sound acceptable with you," she finished with a smile.

"Nope, my table, reserved it yesterday," the old man quipped, "But I don't think your new boss will mind my being here."

Nathan set the PADD down and waved the waiter over and placed his order, a standard bacon and egg breakfast with a healthy glass of Long Island Ice Tea. It was plain to see the man was intent on getting his drink on, and early.

She sighed with hidden frustration, "Sir, I understand that there might have been some confusion regarding this table. But the waiter assured me that Capt. Cowell had a reservation for it this morning. So, unless you're Captain Cowell, you really ought to vacate the seat. There are numerous other tables here, with undoubtedly a better view of the beach. I would very much appreciate it if you would do so."

She paused and waited for his response. It was at this time that the waiter brought her orange fizzy.

"Oh, you're looking for ol' Doc Cowell! Well why didn't you say so in the first place!" the old man said, looking around for a moment as if he were hunting him down, "I know that old bastard is around here somewhere."

Nathan kept up the charade for a few seconds before returning to face the woman, "Oh wait... I'M Doc Cowell... so now that you know who I am, why don't you tell me who you are?"

Goodman had been had, and she knew it. Whatever sort of doctor Cowell was, he was also an excellent manipulator and diplomat as well. She pushed her chair back and stood up, going to attention. "Lt. Sophia A Goodman, Security, reporting for duty as ordered, sir."

"Sit down, woman... I'm on leave and if you're part of my crew now, you're out of uniform. I specifically ordered bikinis... but you weren't there so I'll forgive you... but none of this sir shit while I'm on vacation. Call me Doc if you have to be formal. Now, Ms. Goodman, where am I getting you from?"

"Er, yes...Doc," she said as she sat down. Definitely, she thought, nothing like Lucatz. She paused, and then continued. "Deep Space 14, Doc. I was in and then became Chief of Security under Captain Dominique Lucatz."

"Never heard of her..." Nathan dismissed the name, "But if you've got some leadership skills, I'm sure Major DeVries will be able to use you. Might even put you on the bridge rotation if you're Bridge Officer certified... Are you?"

"Yes, that was one of the advantages of Deep Space 14. Lots of opportunity for training, and I took advantage of it." She hoped that she hadn't set a bad first hand. The litigator in her had the feeling he had x-rayed her inside out.

"Good to know," Nathan nodded, "When do you plan to go get changed and relax a little? If you don't have a bikini, you can get one, plenty of people her selling them."

Even if Nathan wasn't a diplomat per say, he was adept at changing the subject on a dime, and he also liked to see how agile people were, conversationally, in keeping up.

"Actually, I have several in my gear. When I was told to meet the Arizona here, I took the liberty of renting a small place on the beach. I've always loved beaches. Thank you for the opportunity," She paused, and then continued, "If I may ask, when would you like me to report on board the Arizona? So I can plan accordingly."

"We'll be here for a week or two, so just plan for being here about that long. If we need you beforehand, we can find you," Nathan explained.

"Not a problem, Doc. It will make time for a nice transition. Thank you again." She paused, and took a sip of the orange fizzy. "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure, I got time," Nathan shrugged.

"I was curious. I don't hear of many medical physicians commanding combat vessels. Just when and how did you make the transition?" Her interest was honest and apparent. She drank some more of the soda.

"Been commanding boats for about twenty years, but this is my first gun boat. Must have been my shining personality..." Nathan said indifferently, "Didn't really ask Starfleet why, just took command. Being that I'm 605 years old, I guess it doesn't matter what they stick me in anymore."

"605 years old," she asked. "Just how long have you been in Starfleet? It must be incredible to have seen that much history." She paused, and then continued. "I assure you that I'm not trying to intrude, it's just that my family are academics. My Mum and brother would be peppering you with questions."

"I've been in Starfleet about 80 years," Nathan answered, "Been a part of a little history, avoided other parts."

It seemed to her that Doc Cowell had finished up the meeting. He was now taking her measure. Best not take up too much time. "I can understand that," she replied. "Occasional discretion is underrated as an approach. Well to get to one last bit of business, who will be my department head, and do you have any more questions for me? I'll be happy to answer any you have." She finished her drink, and waited for his response.

"Major DeVries, Marine type, red hair, green uniform... can't miss her. As for questions about you... nope, can't say I do. You just enjoy your time off. I'm sure I'll see you later," Nathan said as his breakfast finally arrived.

"Thank you, Doc. I will. I hope that you enjoy your time off as well." With that, she rose and left, planning her unexpected vacation and still wondering what her tour on the Arizona would be like.


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