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Conversations on the future

Posted on Sat Mar 5th, 2011 @ 3:45pm by Ensign Jennifer Russo & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Captain's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Before 'The Arrival to Pacifica'

Jenn had waited for the mission to be over, the ship was going to some R&R, and decided that she would approach the CO about her getting a chance at training for her OOD Quals. She sat in her office, looking up at the ceiling she was nervous about going to speak with the Captain. After talking to Liz she was convinced that she had told the Captain what Jenn had said about him.

After thinking more about it and making herself more nervous a slightly more flustered Warrant Officer made her way through the Ship's Office and to the turbolift. She walked across the bridge, and rang the chime on the Captain's Ready Room, and stood there her heart was beating quickly, and she looked a little red. She was nervous, and unknown to her for no reason at all.

"Come," Nathan barked from inside his office. The doors parted obediently as he said this, allowing the woman to enter freely to see him actually engrossed, for once, in work. Nathan glanced up for a second, registered the face, couldn't recall the name, and went back to reading.

"What brings you to my office? Don't tell me you're wanting to file a complaint for me running you over the other day. Can't say that was planned, though I suppose it was a little rude of me to hit you, rush off and forget who the hell you are. Who the hell are you again?" Nathan rambled on without looking up.

Jennifer's nervousness was slightly worse now that the Captain started his ramble, though she was a little relieved she figured he would at least remember her name if Liz talked to her. Or would he? She didn't know but she was a little hesitant to come further into the office. She finally got over it and walked over to his desk, though not standing at attention like she normally would. Mostly out of nerves, the thought never crossed her mind.

"I umm, wanted to ask you about something if you had time," she said, pausing. "Sir," she added nervously.

"Come, sit, ask, no promises on delivery if it takes more than a yes or no..." Nathan said shortly as he continued to work.

Jenn walked over to one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat down, she looked at him for a moment silently. Then she sighed accidentally, and turned bright red because of it. Jenn hoped that he didn't notice it, "Well I wanted to ask sir if I could begin my quals for Officer of the Deck while we're underway," she said.

"You mean your bridge officer certification?" Nathan asked, looking up for a moment, "What do you want that for? Aspiring for something?"

"Well sir, as far as I know my job description as it was described to me said I had to be able to function at every bridge station. I think that should include being a Bridge Officer. Plus sir, I do aspire for lots of things, I'm just not sure what, I haven't really been around that long to really know what I have to aspire for," Jenn said, nervously.

"Well, you can either keep going the way you're going, become a CW4 and have a wonderful teaching career ahead of you at the Academy boxing young cadets upside the ears in your twilight years, you could get all of your certifications and take yourself down the LDO route, get yourself a commission to Lieutenant Junior Grade and see where that takes you, or you could even give up your warrant and take your career on the enlisted site up to Master Chief. It's all in what you want out of Starfleet, really. Lieutenant Marion was much the same way, didn't know what she wanted to do with her career, but I managed to push her just enough in one direction to motivate her to do what I think she was meant to do. Can't say you'd be as receptive to the advice, but it's there if you want it," Nathan said.

Jenn nodded a little, it all made sense not that it helped her choose. "I just think I'm too new to know what I like best," she said, after a moment. "I thought of going to the Academy, but I didn't want to chance not getting accepted. Plus it got me off Earth quicker," She said, looking down. Her temperament changed when she had mentioned Earth, though she hadn't really mean to say anything about it. "But I'm glad I'm here on the Arizona, and I welcome any advise you might have sir," she said, turning a little red.

There was just something about this man that made her heart beat fast.

"If you wanted to go to the Academy, you didn't have to go to Earth. There are at least three satellite campuses that I remember back when I was teaching it, but that's neither here nor there. If you have officer aspirations, then getting bridge officer certification is a good first step. We can even start you an LDO package and work on the things you need to have checked off in those fancy little experience boxes before your package will be looked at. Hell, I'll even give you a personal recommendation to a few Admirals I know that owe me money, favors, or both. Don't see why you won't get what you reach for as long as you work hard for it," Nathan said, setting down the PADD finally, devoting most of his attention now to their conversation.

Jenn looked at him, she was in awe of the man. He was really willing to do this for her? She stammered a little, her face was red, and she felt hot. She was nervous, she didn't know what to say, and why was he so attractive he was an OLD man. "I umm," she said. "You're willing to do that for me?" she asked, forgetting to add sir.

Nathan shrugged, "Can't say I wouldn't do it for anyone with dreams of making their lot in life better. Guess you just have to consider whether it's something you want to see through to the end."

Jenn smiled at the man, "That's amazing," she said. "It's good to hear people caring for others, I think the universe lacks that a lot. Or at least, in a lot of the people that I've come across," she said. Then again, a lot of the people she came across were criminals, and some of them in jail as she stood there aboard the Arizona. She was lucky she had an escape, and only because her father was someone. It was all about the strings that could be pulled, and it appeared that she had a new set.

"Thank you," she added.

"Don't thank me yet," Nathan warned, "You haven't been bridge qualified yet, and I can't say I'm an overly compassionate teacher in that regard. I'll have a list of scenarios for you to run through with a qualified bridge officer by the time we hit Pacifica. You'll be busting balls this shore leave, not a drop of fun in sight. You sure you're up for this?"

"Yes sir," she said. "Good things in life shouldn't be effort free, especially when it's something like this." Jenn said, using a little word of wisdom from her father. He had all kinds of sayings that she thought were stupid when she was younger, or... well until she joined Starfleet. Being an adult by her own choice and not just by age made her realize the value in them, or at least as the situations came up.

"Glad you feel that way. Now you best run along an attend to your duties, can't have you distracted while you're being whipped," Nathan said, picking the PADD back up.

"Aye sir," Jenn said, she stood up at attention for a moment. About faced and walked out of the Captain's office. She was excited about the prospect of working toward all of this. And even more so that she had someone willing to help her accomplish her goals.


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