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Posted on Mon Mar 14th, 2011 @ 4:05pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: The Arizona
Timeline: After Divine Retribution; Part 1

Xylia stepped into the hallway. She half expected to be greeted by one of the Security team, and then escorted to the brig. Perhaps Stace had the right idea of going back to the planet, but instead, she opted to hang out on the ship to wait for whatever punishment was to come. She wasn't one to run away from problems, but she had no plans of turning herself in, either.

She found her thoughts drifting as she made her way down the corridor, her destination, her own quarters to take a shower. Just how, exactly, did the Major get the Captain to the planet? She probably should have asked, but at the time, it didn't come up. Maybe is was better not to know to save herself from being in even more trouble. What happened on the surface would remain a mystery to her until she and Stace came face to face with the man who was the object of their shenanigans. Oh, she had no doubt that Captain Cowell would be pissed off when he came to, and he had every right to be. On the plus side.. she should still have some time to kill.

Stopping outside of her quarters, she cast a glance behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed. A lot of the crew happened to be down on the surface, but there were still quite a few that decided to stay behind. Who.. she wasn't sure short of digging around some, and right now, she didn't have any plans to do that.

Xylia stretched her arms above her head before opening the door. The moment it slid open, her senses were assaulted by the most foul smell she had ever experienced in her entire life. She faltered back a few steps and leaned against the wall on the opposite side, covering her mouth and nose with her arm. The stench wafting from her domicile was noxious, she thought someone made their way in there without her knowledge and died. Sure, she could blame Apollo for the odor, but he was currently down on the surface waiting for her to return.

Blinking back the tears in her eyes caused by the onslaught of stench, she reached down and ripped away a good portion of her t-shirt, not caring that most of her midriff was exposed. Tying it around the lower half of her face like an outlaw from an old western, she made her way into her quarters, wishing she had some goggles or something to keep her eyes protected and maybe a hazmat suit.

"Ugh... what the hell is that..." she asked herself out loud.

She was quiet for a moment, as if waiting for someone to answer. With a shudder, she moved around the main living area of her quarters looking behind, below and everywhere in between trying to find the source, but she came up with nothing there. Her journey continued on into the bedroom where the smell grew to almost overwhelming proportions, but still, she found nothing there.

That only left one place to be checked, and she absolutely dreaded opening the closed door, terrified at what she would find awaiting her on the other side. How the hell would she explain someone going in there and dying? This definitely wasn't her night... Maybe she should hit the bar, have a few more drinks, then come back and deal with it when she didn't care, but where exactly would that get her? She was never one to run from a problem, and she had no intentions of starting now.

Closing her eyes and offering a silent prayer to whatever God would listen to her, she moved over to the door and opened it, letting out a scream of terror at what awaited her there.



And it was beginning to ooze its way toward her.

Desperately trying not to toss her cookies, Xylia quickly closed the door and jumped back. How the hell was she going to clean that up? She would much rather roll around in toxic sludge and run the risk of growing a penis in the place of her nose rather than deal with... that.

The horror..

Xylia was certain she would have nightmares of giant shit monsters chasing her around the ship for months to come by the time this was all over. And the thought of having to touch it... it sent a horrified tremor down her spine. Maybe if she searched the planet, she could find someone willing to come take care of it for a fee, but were civilians allowed on a Starfleet vessel? She didn't think so, which meant she was back to square one. What the hell was she going to do now? And who the hell would she call to fix the problem that was currently the bane of her existence?

What really got to her was the knowledge that she saw more of the other beings on the ship than she ever wanted to. The thought made her stomach roll, causing her to have to fight back the urge to puke once more.

Shaking her head, she headed back out of her quarters, pulling the makeshift handkerchief from her face and taking a deep breath of uncontaminated. Right now, she needed to head to Operations. The problem needed to be fixed, and the sooner that was done, the better off she would be. And if no one there wanted to handle the issue, she would go straight to Engineering.


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