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Back in the Saddle...

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2011 @ 3:04pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Mission Start

=Captain's Ready Room, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell had finally received orders from the upper echelons regarding their post supply assignment. What he hadn't really expected was the shift in their 'turf'. It seemed that some internal turmoil had rendered much of the old Task Force he'd been assigned to inert, which meant that rather than throw the Arizona back out into the wilds without a support network, they were being tasked out to another portion of Romulan space up around the back part of Federation space. In fact, the area they were going to be patrolling, the Gavarian Corridor, was not actually part of the Federation. It marked a small stretch of space between the Romulans and another power, which hasn't been exploited by anyone until now. The fact that the Federation was trying to make it a foothold in the much larger Gavarian Expanse beyond meant that the Arizona, with all her enforcement capabilities, was well suited to deal with threats that have been looming in the vary loosely patrolled area of space. It had not been uncommon to hear of raiders preying on lone ships with no official escort trying to make it to a colony before being captured or destroyed for their cargo. Plenty of action, not a lot of frills... just the way Nathan liked it.

Their journey would take them right passed an old Nor Class station left over from a failed expansion attempt by Cardassians in years gone by. The station, aptly named Deep Space 10, would likely be their base of operation in the area for the simple fact that there were no other stations anywhere inside or beyond the Corridor. Nathan idly wondered if they would find some place to hang their hat in the space beyond or if they would constantly have to backtrack when supplies ran thin.

Nathan glanced at the manning roster and nodded to himself in a satisfied manner when it read that all personnel had been recalled, accounted for, and were currently manning their respective stations. The old man pushed himself away from his desk and took the short walk out of his office onto the Arizona's bridge.

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

The Captain exited his office and made for his center chair, which he quickly occupied and began to bark out ordered.

"Helm, set a course for the Gavarian Corridor, maximum cruising speed. Take us out once you've plotted your course. Ops, start making last minute supply inventories to make sure we have everything we need. If we're missing anything, let me know before we pass Deep Space 10, because that's our last rest stop before we hit the highway," Nathan said, speaking to the two bodies manning the large front console.

He swiveled over to his First Officer, "Make sure we take care of any last minute transfers in route to Deep Space 10. Anyone who didn't get off or get on at Pacifica will need to beat feet to or wait until we get to Deep Space 10 before we can offload or grab them up. Once we're out on patrol, we're not coming back to pick their sorry asses up. Make that happen."

Nathan returned his chair to the neutral position for only a brief second before pushing himself out of it, "I'm going back to my office. Any problems, let me know."

With that, and without letting anyone really have much in the way of a word in edgewise, Nathan disappeared back into the confines of his Ready Room.


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