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Obtusity is the Mother of Exile

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2011 @ 3:40pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eldon Solus
Edited on on Mon Mar 21st, 2011 @ 5:04pm

Mission: Renegades
Location: McCoy Medical Complex, Earth
Timeline: During the weeks preceding

The Federation's finest medical minds scrambled at the McCoy Medical Complex, Earth to deal with a political crisis.

"Eldon... please. Let me do the talking?"

The Salarian shrugged slightly, "If you insist." He scratched his head for a moment, puzzled at how everyone they encountered glared at him. "How odd."

Eldon's commanding officer led him towards a conference room to meet with Vice Admiral Rainer. Shouting emanating from therein didn't bode well. "This is an outrage! How can something like this have happened?"

"Ambassador, please, try and remain calm!"

"Calm? CALM? How can anyone remain calm- THERE!" He pointed at Eldon in the dooray, "YOU! You're the one! What did you do to the Prime Ambassador?!"

"Treated patient. Was successful."

"You put parasites in her body!"

"Had to. Conventional treatmant not an option. Ambassador allergic."

"You turned her skin bright purple!"

"Natural secretion of parasite. Quite harmless."

"Harmless? This is a catastrophe!"

"Matter of opinion. Some might consider it an improvement."

As the assistant ambassador's eyes filled with shock and rage, Vice Admiral Rainer stepped in, "That was out of line, Doctor!"

"How so? Must keep parasites, but patient cured. Should be grateful."

"GRATEFUL?" The assistant demanded, "We will be grateful when Starfleet, meaning not YOU, restores her skin color!"

Eldon shrugged, "Recommend body paint. Believe humans call it 'makeup'. Used to sate personal vanities."

The assistant could only cry out in anguish. In social circles with zero tolerance for bluntness, he was left speechless. He stormed out of the conference room, entourage in tow.

When they were gone, the admiral glared, "This is... unbelievable!"

Eldon's boss grimaced with dread and pain. He tried vainly to balance some reason, "Sir..." He sighed, "Salarian science is..."

"Never should have been allowed in this facility outside of proper medical evaluations!"

Eldon shook his head, "Unwise. Patient not live long enough for that to happen."

His boss cringed, "Eldon!"

Wide eyed, Rainer forced through grit teeth, "You should have pre-announced your treatment method beforehand!"

"No no. Unimportant. Could not have changed outcome. Same treatment required."

"I'll decide what's important, DOCtor!"

"Not good. Trained physician would make superior decision than fleet bureaucrat."

"OUT! Get out of my presence!"

"No need to shout. Can hear. Going now. Am grateful. Waste of valuable time."

Rainer pointed to Eldon's anguished companion, "You stay!" After the door closed, he paced around with red face and bulging veins. "After thirty one years of effort, we almost persuaded those people to finally sign a treaty with us!"

"Admiral, with all due respect, sir, the essential point is the ambassador's medical condition. Doctor Solus was the only one who had a treatment."

"Oh, he had a treatment, all right. Tell me! Are all Salarians as politically obtuse as he is? Believe it or not, this is how wars can be triggered!"

"I... don't know, sir. Like all newer Federation members, we need time to become famil-"

"Don't give me that cultural sensitivity crap! The xeno-teams were supposed to take care of that before exposing... it to the heart of our Federation! And just how exactly did that... man... end up in a Starfleet uniform with no concept of how to address superior officers?"

"Well sir, it's part natural disposition-"

"Not around in my presence it's not!" He stepped close, "You get that creature away from this facility... away from this solar system... away from this quadrant! I don't care how far!"

At the sight of clenched teeth, wide eyes, and pointed finger, Eldon's boss decided that discretion was the better part of valor. He gave a hasty salute on his way out, "Sir!" Once outside, he slumped in near shock. After a few moments, he regained the ability to speak.

Eldon walked up, starting to retrieve his hypo kit, "You look stressed. Here, let me."


Rainer's adjutant stepped up, "In all my years, I have never witnessed such insolent disrespect."

Eldon didn't miss a step, "Nor have I."

Stung a little bit by the comeback, the adjutant stepped close, "Just what kind of 'doctor' are you, anyway?"

"Specialize in study of parasites. All kinds. Some bigger than others." The corners of Eldon's mouth turned up in a smile.

As the adjutant's eyes widened in shock, Eldon's boss scooped the Salarian out of the room. Outside, he vented anxious frustration, "You and I will be lucky... if we don't end up getting posted at Minerva Two!"

"Location unimportant. Continuation of study is. You stress too much. Should let me treat."

PO2 Eldon Solus
USS Arizona
Bravo Fleet


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