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Reporting for Duty

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2011 @ 4:48pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eldon Solus & Captain Nathan Cowell MD
Edited on on Mon Mar 28th, 2011 @ 2:12pm

Mission: Renegades
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Arizona
Timeline: Current

Eldon Solus made his way through the corridors towards the captain's ready room. If people thought he had the appearance of frowning, they were right. He'd dropped by sickbay on his way and was deeply troubled by what he saw. "Prometheus supposed to be modern. Sickbay woefully incomplete. Bad design. Must speak to captain about restructure to ship. Perhaps convert cargo area."

Lieutenant Marion watched a very agitated Petty Officer approaching the Captain's Ready Room and decided in the best interests of making sure the... person... was prepared for the encounter, she cut him off.

"Excuse me, Petty Officer, but I'm not sure you'll want to do that just yet..." Liz cautioned, trying to gain his attention.

"What? A voice addressing me? Human body language indicates yes. Facing my direction, eyes staring at mine." He then formally faced the stranger and sniffed in a deep breath. "Hello, female human. Am curious. Why not announce presence to commanding officer? Creates dilemma. Am required to report."

"It's Lieutenant Marion, not human female," Liz frowned, "And the Captain isn't in one of his friendly, entertain the masses mood right now. I just wanted to warn you about that."

Eldon was taken aback with surprise. He launched into his typical rapid, fragmented speech, "Not human female? Most puzzling. Voice intonation, physique, style of hair are typical. Shape shifter? No no, not allowed aboard starships. Federation still paranoid about Founders. Other possibility. Perhaps lookalike species, Betazoid? Not likely. No subtle indications of empathic reactions. Perhaps human but not female. Perhaps transvestite disguise?"

Liz frowned even more deeply than before, "You're not understanding me. You address people by rank and name, not gender and species."

"Ah. Understood. Did not know name. Not sure of species. Easily rectified by profile reviews."

"You say Captain is not receptive? Poor mood? Perhaps I should examine. Moodiness can indicate stress or illness."

"The Captain is a Doctor, I don't think he'll take an examination very happily. He's just moody as a matter of course. I just wanted to warn you so you didn't walk in there and make the mistake of presuming you could simply make demands. But hey, it's your funeral if you do..." Marion said, turning back to her station.

Eldon scratched his head, looked at the ready room door, then back towards Maron. "Discretion is better part of valor. Will be patient. Crew appears to be in poor moods. Perhaps diet change? Lack of exercise? Much to think about, much to explore."

Lt. Marion & PO Solus
USS Arizona


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