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The Curmudgeon meets The Egotist

Posted on Mon Jan 10th, 2011 @ 2:42pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA) & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Arizona, Dravic Rixx Quarters
Timeline: Just before 'Getting Underway'

Sitting on the bed, was a Padd, which in and of itself would be a bit strange, except that it held the technical specification for the Arizona. Dravic picked it up as he set his bag on the bed in his new quarters, and stepped towards the replicator station.

"Perfect," he mumbled to himself, as he slowly ran his hand over the cool material of the control panel. At his touch, the replicator came out of its power saving mode and several lights began to flash, of course, they were the standard indicators, showing power, computer datalink and the fact that the replicator was connected to the replicator stores.

I have been dreading this day, my entire career. A Damn Prometheus Class. I am going to have my work cut out for me.

Dravic stepped out of his quarters, and looked around for the nearest turbo-lift, which of course, he was unable to find without the help of the nearest bulkhead terminal, which by comparison, was easy to locate.

As he walked down the corridor in the direction the terminal had indicated, Rixx passed several enlisted crewmen, causing him to note the distinct abundant lack of Officer's. Weird. After arriving at the Turbo Lift Door, Rixx pressed the call button, which caused the door to open almost instantaneously.

Stepping into the lift, Rixx noticed the first officer he had encountered since his boarding the Arizona, tossing the man an abrupt nod, "'Bout time, I was starting to think I was the only Officer on this boat. At least the Ol' Man is an officer."

Captain Nathan Cowell had spent the majority of the day finalizing things for the impending departure. The one thing that the ship didn't have last he had checked was a Chief Engineer, which was a problematic situation if they were going to have to go off without one. Ol' Tuesday creeping it's ugly head again...

The sound of the turbolift doors behind the Command Chair drew Nathan's attention, catching sight of a man that wore the uniform trimmed with the gold of the support department, which meant he might very well be an Engineer. The feeling the man gave him as the El-Aurian ran his eyes up and down the man, however, was less than comforting. The problem was, he didn't know why he felt that way just yet...

"You lost, Lieutenant?" Doc Cowell called out when he noticed Rixx looking around the bridge.

"Lookin for the Ol' Man, figured I should let him know that God had arrived," Rixx looked around the bridge, surveying the consoles and positions as they were laid out, his dislike for the Prometheus Class, evident on his face, "and for my post in case we ever have to enter that damnable Multi-Vector Mode."

"You're in luck then, boy, because you find them any older on this boat than me," the Captain said, turning fully around to face the Engineer, "Though you really don't look like any deity I've ever met before. Wait, don't tell me... you lost your omnipotent powers and all they gave you was a Starfleet uniform. I think you got cheated, there, son. So who are you, my new Operations Officer or my Engineer?"

Dravic smirks and begins to shift through multiple different appearances, from Romulan Tal Shiar Agent, Klingon, Ferengi Woman, and even Orion Slave Girl, "I can be anyone you want me to be big boy."

The looks he received from the rest of the crew on the bridge, ranged from comedy to sheer panic, unsure of what was going on.

Dravic finally returned to his normal appearance, "You decide ol' Man, until then I'll be in Engineering."

"Shapeshifter," Cowell stated flatly, "Just don't go looking like me and I won't have to shove you out of the nearest airlock. So you're an Engineer then... good, keeps the kid out of the Engine Room. I never will understand Starfleet's penchant for assigning the strangest people to the most mismatched of careers..."

The Captain continued to rant about the subject, though not about anyone any of the officers around him had ever heard of before, until he had some manner of epiphany and returned his attention to the Lieutenant, "What's your name, anyway, stretch?"

"I've gone by quite a few in my days, but I guess you want my current name," Rixx reaches into his pocket and pulls out a rigid piece of paper, and hands it to the Captain.

Dravic Rixx, Lt
Head Snipe
This Bucket

Rixx smirked at the ol' Man, "You can call me Doc tho."

"No, that's my nickname," the Captain said firmly, "You're stretch now, get used to it."

Rixx shook his head as he was walking back towards the turbo lift, mumbling unintelligibly under his breath.


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