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The Last Patient

Posted on Wed Mar 23rd, 2011 @ 8:12pm by S'anra

Mission: Renegades
Location: USS Arizona, Sickbay
Timeline: Current

The Braken situation was over, but S'anra still had one patient left. Technically it wasn't 'her' patient, medical was seeing to the woman. But given the nature of the patient in question, and her familiarity with the virus, she felt the need to check on her.

S'anra looked over the form of the only other of her kind on the ship. Nobody had told her very much about her, not even the woman's name. All she knew, was they found her on the planet, with the same plague everyone else had been afflicted with. She got the impression that Cowell and Mantell knew more than they had told her, but what that could be, she didn't know.

Her clothing was fairly simple, intended to blend in with the colonists. It gave away nothing about who she was or what she was doing on the colony. Until she came out of coma or the Captain decided to fill her in, S'anra had little to go on, other than monitoring her patient.

S'anra looked over the medical readouts from the biobed. The virus was gone, but it had done a significant amount of damage. Apparently the strain was much more virulent on Romulan physiology. S'anra was lucky she didn't catch it herself. During the time they were searching for the cure on the planet, this woman's case had progressed much more rapidly on the ship. While the treatment had eradicated the virus, and other treatments had reversed much of the damage, there was no sign of the woman regaining consciousness. She could wake up in five minutes or five years.

She left a request to be notified if anything changed with the attending nurse, and headed back to her quarters.


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