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Additional Relationships

Posted on Mon Mar 21st, 2011 @ 7:17pm by S'anra & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries
Edited on on Tue Mar 22nd, 2011 @ 4:04pm

Mission: Shore Leave 1: Pacifica
Location: Pacifica


With only two Romulans on the Arizona's roster to visit the Major was hoping to conclude all business within a timely fashion and write it off as a job well done. Having checked with the computer and verifying that Rh'sul i'Kihai was still in sickbay Stace decided to make that stop first. She knew a number of individuals had voiced complaints involving the woman's ties with the Tal Shiar and just her being Romulan in general but she didn't mind either. It was unfortunate that because of a few loose canon douches the entire race got a bad rap.

Entering through the doors to the med bay the red head searched the room until her eyes fell upon the 'sleeping' figure of Rh'sul. Approaching the biobed Stace wondered what it would take to jar her from her slumber. Perhaps she would check back later and run some experiments of her own.

"Computer what is the current location of S'anra?"

"S'anra is presently on Pacifica. Life signs indicate the Tahsho market."

Of course. Why would anyone be on the ship if they didn't have to. Not to mention the Tahsho market was impressive to say the least. Lots and lots of diversity could be found. A perfect hiding spot for her guest.

[Tahsho Market]

The main square was alive with intricate melodies when Stace returned to the planet. Around her dancers engaged in beautiful forms and flawless pipes sang the tales of love and peace. In a way she felt almost blissful. Too bad it was only a magician's trick - a fleeting desire - come and gone. She smiled and nodded to them as she passed between them - the tents leading into the bizarre just ahead. She was nearly certain she'd find the scientist there.

S'anra was putting a decent amount of effort to blending in. She tried stiffening her walk a bit, and keeping her expression more neutral. It was her best attempt to appear Vulcan; the addition of the commbadge would help with that as well. A noticeable Romulan might incur additional questions, but a Vulcan would go largely ignored. She was browsing many of the wares that were being peddled, most of which things that could be replicated. But many people preferred things that were original or hand-crafted.

It took the Major several minutes before she was able to finally pick her officer out of the growing mass that was starting to swarm the latest arrival of goods. Weeding her way through the crowd she mentally discussed with herself the best option for approach and then decided to hell with it. "There you are!" she settled on as she managed to put herself directly in the woman's path. "Hope I'm not intruding."

S'anra immediately tensed herself up at being 'caught'. Then relaxed again slightly, noting that she wasn't, in fact, doing anything wrong. But she hadn't expected anyone from the crew coming to find her. "Lieutenant DeVries," she stated, "You are not."

"Major DeVries," she retorted as she crinkled her nose in regards to being labeled as a naval officer. She had attempted that once before and the outcome was less than to be desired. "Nevertheless... I was wondering if we could perhaps have a word. About the current situation and where that leaves us."

"I apologize, Major. Of course," S'anra replied, "Lead the way." Starfleet ranks were complicated, she hadn't yet memorized all of them.

Motioning to a nearby area that looked the least populated, Stace took a deep breath before zeroing her gaze in on the other woman. "I suppose it's safe to say that most people aboard the Arizona aren't too thrilled to have you amongst us. I, on the other hand, rather enjoy it. However, that still leaves me to wonder about your intentions. So, instead of beating around the bush, I'm asking... what are your intentions?"

To the point, S'anra preferred that. "The Captain has permitted me to stay aboard until I find another contract," S'anra replied, "In the meantime, I am making use of the access to the science lab to further my own research. I am also... exploring. I have been in Federation space many times, but I have never been so far in."

Stace considered her words carefully before nodding in understanding. "What about Starfleet? How's that for a contract?"

"I have no interest in joining your military," S'anra replied, with some manner of disdain for the concept.

"I doubt most seriously you'll find any truer cause. Like you said, you haven't been this far in. I've been further in than I'd like to admit," Stace reminisced. "I apologize for suspecting that you might have something to offer us. In the meantime, however, if you need some assistance finding a new home for your illustrious career I might just have a few connections in various shady areas."

"Not all of my business is shady, Major DeVries," S'anra replied, "but if you know anyone who requires the expertise of a biochemist, you may put us in contact."

Stace grinned at the sentiment. "I'm sure I could find you something. But in the meantime... how about a proposal of pre-friendship? Something tells me you won't have too many offers for a while and as I mentioned before... I'm rather indifferent as to which race you belong."

S'anra looked at her oddly for the term. 'Pre-friendship'. It was... applicable. S'anra nodded.

"Very well then," the Major concluded as she extended a hand to the other woman's shoulder. "Glad we sorted that out. I run a tight ship... believe it or not... and I'm glad I'm able to count you as one of those 'friends' amongst us. I hope we'll be able to work together as time goes on... and feel free to always ask if you need something. That is what I'm here for."

Generally, S'anra's experience aboard vessels involved her having the Captain's authorization to be aboard in whatever capacity she was, and be it a civilian vessel or in rare case, a Romulan military vessel, that was all the interaction she needed. However, it was rapidly becoming apparent to her, that to avoid undue time in the brig, like on Braken, and to work comfortably with the crew, a fair bit of additional relationships were required. It was... intriguing, to say the least. "I will let you know if I have any issues, Major," she replied, allowing a semblance of a smile.


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