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Mister Mister!

Posted on Sat Mar 26th, 2011 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Captain's Ready Room - Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Senior Staff Meeting'

Captain Nathan Cowell walked into his Ready Room after having concluded his meeting with the Senior Staff. Nathan had been impressed with the pro-activity of the crew. It freed Nathan up to focus on matters that had been nagging at him during shore leave. The Captain crossed the short distance from the door to his desk and sank down into the chair and awaited the arrival of his Security Chief.

Entering the office shortly after the Captain the Major took the nearest seat and crossed her arms. Though she knew where this conversation was about to go she still dreaded a part of it. Mostly the part where she had to reply to his questions.

"So..." she began.

"Buttons... but that's not important. What is important is why I had some 'suit' coming to me asking about you. I don't tend to look too deeply into a person's past out of courtesy but if you're playing double agent to those slimy bastards, I'd like to know about it. Can't blame you for wanting to do some good, but their brand of good isn't exactly kosher good, if you follow me," Nathan began.

Stace nodded her head in agreement. She knew all too well their idea of good. "I don't work for them... anymore. In fact they thought I might have been harboring a fugitive. Just where at is anyone's guess. I seriously doubt I could fit the man into my pocket... so I assume they expected it might be aboard the ship."

Nathan frowned at that, "So now I have to worry about those bastards coming on my ship? Isn't that a barrel full of laughs..."

Nathan leaned back in his chair and heaved a sigh, "Well, who do you think they think you're hiding on the ship? Did he drop any hints to you that might make sense to you? Or is this one of those situations where you know less than I do about something I can't even begin to piece together?"

"Oh that," she frowned as she took a deep breath. "Basically put... my son who died three years ago while working a mission for them apparently isn't dead after all but on the run from them with some super secret information that they want back really bad."

"Ah..." Nathan said flatly, "So this is personal on top of being personal. Sounds like some heavy shit... Much as I hate Section 31 and everything they stand for, I hate people pitting family against family even more... Now... I'm not saying I would support you harboring a fugitive from such an organization on my ship, but I'm not telling you I'd mention it to anyone either. But I'd like to know beforehand when I need to expect Mister Lynch to come knocking at my door making demands on my boat. I need time to clean the old revolver up before he pays me a visit..."

The red head straightened up in her chair as she took to staring him dead on. "Trust me when I say Captain... his superiors have taken from me things that can never be replaced. I seriously doubt they would risk coming here... but if they do... they know what awaits them. And I would have no regrets in giving it to them."

"Yes, I'm sure," Nathan waved the comment away, "I still want to know if they plan to come barging onto my boat. It's been a long time since I put a bullet into someone's skull. And hell, if he's Section 31, his skull doesn't exist and that means no one will come asking about it later. Perfect stress relief and a service rendered to the galaxy. A win win all around. So you just keep me posted, and we'll take care of Arizona business in house. Is that alright with you?"

"Sure, sure," she waved back. "Nevertheless... I suppose I should inform you that I've been spying on the activity in the Gavarian Corridor."

"Oh good, that's the next thing I was going to ask you about anyway. What've you found out?" Nathan said, accepting the conversation shift without losing his stride.

Shifting back comfortably into her seat, Stace rubbed her palms together. "Well, it's kinda like this. There is report after report after report of all sorts of mishaps going on. Some subtle... some alarmingly major. Of course, there are no suspects. One could assume it's the Romulans being where we are located... however... with the Cardassian Union right across the street it's hard not to believe they might be involved as well. I've complied my findings and plan to cross reference my thoughts with Play Boy."

"Play boy?" Nathan asked before he gave the nickname more thought, "Oh... Joker... Yeah, that fits him pretty well. But why him? I don't remember reading anything in his jacket that cried out knowledgeable about matters other than his genitals."

Stace raised an eyebrow as a mental image of the Lieutenant's pleasure sack flew through her mind. It was... awkward to say the least. "His previous billet was to Starbase 98 home of Intelligence Team IV. Being the starbase is rather covert to begin with it's only natural to assume he's had training in suspicious detection. I planned to use that to my benefit."

"Huh... I did not know that... Well, maybe he'll prove more useful than I thought," Nathan nodded, "Anything going on out there in particular that we should keep an eye out for? Any major hot spots, trends we should look out for?"

The red head shook her head. "Not yet... that's what I'm hoping the two of us can uncover. Either way I'll let you know what we find."

"Sounds good, keep me posted on all that. Hopefully we can make some headway with this area once we get there. If you have nothing else, I'll let you get to it," Nathan said.

Stace stood slowly and nodded. "Sounds good to me. We'll chat soon," she reaffirmed as she swiftly exited the room.


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