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For the Greater... Good?

Posted on Mon Jan 3rd, 2011 @ 6:15pm by Yuven Tovsh

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Space near the Braken Star System
Timeline: Concurrent to the Arizona docking with Deep Space 6

[Transport Vessel North Star, Outside of the Main Cargo Hold]

The yellow fragmentation that was located on one particular deck of the North Star quickly formed into four solid masses, in a standard transport offensive position with each member of the strike team at the ready with their respective weapons facing either side of the deck. It was apparent upon beam in that the deck, for now, was clear of any hostiles, though it would not be so for long.

With a track record for sheer excellence, the absolutely insane team each turned toward the large doors blocking the cargo hold. Yuven walked up to the controls and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. It seems their arrival was already noticed. "Typical," Yuven muttered to himself as he motioned over Jracke to take a look at the controls. Yuven turned around and took a secure position near one of the secondary control panels as cover on the left side of the cargo hold door just as Jracke ripped out the primary door control panel and began to try to hot-wire the door to open. Yuven didn't see anything on his end. So far so good. Eerily good, possibly too good.

"They're coming, Maverick," Y whispered suddenly, bringing her weapon to bear. "Three guards on our side, two on yours. I sense at least two more coming, but from which way I can't tell yet."

"All right. Jracke, can you get that door open in thirty seconds?"

"No, Captain," he spoke disappointingly as he took his own secure position across from Yuven.

"Okay then, you're up, Y. Wire this door with explosives and we'll push the guards back far enough on my end so that we can take cover. Let's move, we have a bloody job to do!"

Y slung her weapon behind her back as she took the explosives off of her belt buckle, activated them, and set them, with Quova literally covering her as she did so. Yuven could hear the guards closing in on them now. They didn't have much time at all.

"Y, did you --"

"Yes, and now let's get the hell out and dodge!"

They formed a small tactical column, traveling in pairs along either side of the wall for maximum cover and making sure to guard the rear as they advanced left. They saw the two guards, most likely only a basic security force equipped with side arms. Yuven and Jracke fired at the guards as they continued to advance. In moments Jracke eliminated one of the guards, smiling with unnatural Vulcan pleasure as the man crumpled to the ground in a heap. Yuven made short work of the second guard blocking their path just as the three guards attacked from the rear. Y and Quova easily kept the guards at bay. Without a word, Y and Quova got up and began a quick sprint down the hall toward the nearest corner they could find while Yuven and Jracke provided covering fire. Yuven managed to hit one of the guards square in the face, cleanly blasting the man's head to a million bits of charred flesh and bone as they too retreated, following quickly on the heels of Y and Quova. They managed to take a sharp right turn just in time to jump behind the wall as the explosion incinerated the hallway behind them.

Laughing manically, Yuven stood up and wiped off a little dust and ash, then said, "And this is bloody why I like my job so much. A damn good fight."

"You always manage to almost get us killed. It's -- stimulating," Jracke spoke as he stood up panting, a cold smile upon his lips, his dark eyes seemingly dull of any emotion.

It wasn't often that Quova spoke, but when he did he was agitated as he said, "Let's move."

"And the man said it, folks. Get your buttocks in gear. Y, you take point."

"Letting the lady take point. Now that's rather --"

"Do not talk back to me, woman," Yuven whispered in a hoarse voice, raising his fist and nearly striking a blow to the side of her face. Instead, however, he stopped himself short. He proceeded to wipe some hair from her brow and tuck it neatly behind her ear. He patted her face lightly, and then with whispered, "Move."

Y gulped and then took point without anymore argument. Yuven followed behind, trailed closely by Quova and allowing Jracke to bring up the rear. They made their way quickly through the smoke and into the now open cargo hold.

It was a massive room, maybe forty meters long and thirty meters wide and absolutely jam-packed with supplies. Yuven had been paid to take the supplies, but in all honesty he didn't really see why they were so important. Bloody hell, he had to uninstall some of his key systems just to make room in his cargo hold for all of this junk, which he then needed to see delivered to his clients later. It was a bloody drag, but at the same time no sane man would ever turn down a job that paid as well as this one.

"Bag it and tag it. Jracke and Y, you're on it. Me and Quova will cover the entrance."

As Jracke and Y began placing transporter transponders on all of the material, Quova and Yuven took cover at the charred entrance just in time to engage the next security force sent against them. This time they were better trained, and most definitely better equipped. Disruptor, perhaps phaser rifles, and two teams of three each. They could've easily been hired hands, possibly mercenaries, but Yuven didn't have time to think as he fired at a rapid pace, trying his best to keep the enemy at bay.

"Let's pick up the pace, people! They're bearing down on us!"

"Almost done, Captain! Just a few more!" Y replied quickly.

Yuven needed a plan. The way this was headed, the two teams would easily overtake their position before they could begin their escape plan. He needed grenades, and he needed them now.

"Y, pass me down two grenades, NOW!"

She complied quickly, detaching two metallic, circular objects and passing them successfully to Yuven. He dropped his disruptor side-arms to catch them but he managed. He quickly attached one to his combat belt, picked up one of his side-arms, then had the other in hand. Quova's side was the closest -- he would send it there first. He pressed down on the green button on the left side of the spherical explosive and then tossed it just behind the strike team nearest Quova. Quova took cover just in time to avoid the shrapnel that flew his way. Without hesitation, Yuven armed and through the other grenade behind the second strike team and it also exploded. It didn't look like he had killed anyone, but that didn't matter.

Y and Jracke followed behind them and took positions opposite each other. Just as the cargo began transport, the strike teams began their assault once again. Yuven looked at Quova's team -- three still standing. However, he took a peek to the other side and saw one stationary solider in cover behind a piece of fallen bulkhead. He was injured, guaranteed. The odds were even, it seemed.

"Okay, time to get out of here. Quova, Jracke, take positions on either wall using the debris as cover! Me and Y will do the same. Once we get out I'll signal the ship to beam us out and get us the hell out of here. On three! One -- two -- three!"

With their weapons firing like mad men, they took their respective positions. Yuven dropped into cover and used his wrist signal device to signal the ship to beam them out. Just as the enemy security force began to overtake their position, the familiar bright light of the transporter encompassed Yuven and the rest of his team. They had completed their mission, and their mission had only forwarded future events to come.


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