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Pit Stop

Posted on Sat Apr 2nd, 2011 @ 2:39pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: One week after departing Pacifica

Captain Nathan Cowell sat in his Ready Room, going over the patrol route, and all the happy little details that required attention prior to a patrol out in the fringes of the Federation. The Arizona was due to pull in to port at Deep Space 10 shortly, which meant that their supply issues would be soon attended to. Nathan had, in the midst of the meeting, ordered that extra storage be allocated to prepare for what could be nearly a year 'on the road'. Objections had been lodged by the First Officer on the issue a few days previous, which seemed almost uncharacteristic for the boy. Nathan hadn't seen Jack acting so... professionally... It gave him some hope that the boy might actually work out. He had, however, shot him down and gave people the green light to do his bidding anyway, since he was much happier being over-prepared than caught with his pants down.

"Bridge to Captain Cowell," the voice of the ship's Chief Conn Officer came over the comm, "We're approaching the station now."

"I'm on my way..." Nathan said as he pushed himself away from the desk he was sitting behind.

Nathan crossed the small expanse between his desk and the door that led directly onto the bridge. The bridge itself was abuzz with activity, which was fairly normal for the Arizona. The crew had proven in their first run out of dry dock that they were the kind of go get'em people that made a ship tick and Nathan liked that. He crossed the short distance between his Ready Room and the central chair that was reserved for him and sank down into it. Lieutenants Idrani and Roberts occupied the forward most console, which was their proper place. Major DeVries was actually on the bridge today, taking up her post at the Tactical Console immediately to his right. Lieutenant Commander Mantell occupied his station just forward and to Nathan's right while the station to Jack's left remained vacant. The rest of the bridge was manned by junior officers and crewmen, the names of which escaped Nathan with the exception of his 'daughter' Lt. Marion.

"Helm, slow to one quarter impulse and begin your approach to the station. Mister Roberts, prepare the ship for docking and umbilical support. Major, hail the station and find out which of those struts they want us at," Nathan began dolling out assignments, "Kid, once we get docked, I want you to supervise the offloading of the people we won't be taking with us and see about making sure everyone that's supposed to come aboard makes it here. Roberts, make sure we get everything we asked for, I don't want us leaving without so much as a ball of lint if it is on our supply manifest. Everyone else, keep doing what you're doing. I'm going to go play nice with the station powers that be and see what they know about the patrol route and anything else that's been going on around here that might be nice to know."


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