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Just Cheting In

Posted on Mon Apr 4th, 2011 @ 2:41pm by Lieutenant Chet McChet & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'Meeting the Captain'

Having gathered his belongings and clearing the docking bay ring Lieutenant 'Just' Chet C. McChet found himself finally aboard the Arizona. It was an interesting turn of events for him as he had grown accustomed to station life after so many years of serving on Starbase 11 but once the General ordered him off he had no choice but to pack and go. Of course, having heard wind of just what brought him to the warship was enough to make him want to cry a bit inside. Instead, pushing back his feelings of self-loathing, Chet wandered aimlessly in the direction of where he assumed the bridge would be, wanting to meet face to face with his new Captain.

Lieutenant McChet was fortunate enough to run into the Captain as he made his way from the Mess Hall on Deck Two, He'd just finished a nice meal and was in a less than disagreeable mood... for Nathan. He noticed the Lieutenant garbed in yellow, but not recognizing him the Captain intended to walk right on by the man without giving him a second glance.

"Oh..." Chet mumbled as he realized the Captain was approaching as fast as he could for a man his age. "Captain?! Captain Cowbell!? Is that you?"

"Never heard of him," Nathan said with a frown as he brushed by the moron.

Frowning himself, Chet assumed the old man must also suffer from some sort of dementia. Things were far worse on this vessel than he originally thought! "Now, now, Captain!" he cried as he gave chase. "I'm sure there is something we can acquire in Sickbay to help ease your pains. But first, allow me to introduce myself, I am Chet C. McChet! Here as requested!"

"Never heard of you," Nathan said, turning about, "Though being my own private physician, I can say without fear of contradiction that there is nothing in Sickbay that will change the fact that my name isn't Cowbell... And now that you've made an ass out of yourself and wasted my time..."

The elder officer turned once more toward the turbolift.

"I know, I know... my sympathy towards others is often times unappreciated," Chet admitted as he quickly rushed the turbolift door, holding it open. "Nevertheless, I simply wanted to make your acquaintance. General Michaels speaks rather highly of this vessel... for some reason."

"Oh... you're one of her little minions. That would explain damn near everything..." the Captain said with a grumble.

Chet blinked innocently. "Minions? Who? Are they dangerous? More so, are they hungry?"

"You, boy... You're one of DeVries' underlings..." Nathan explained for the mentally impaired officer.

The Lieutenant paused for a moment as his big eyes shrunk back down to normal size. "Underlings... I'm not so sure I'd call myself that... but yes, I am here by request of the Major. I learned long ago never to disobey her wishes. She's kind of like a female gladiator, minus the bad hair."

"Well, good luck down in that arena then," Nathan said, pushing the door close command to escape the bizarre security idiot.

Chet watched as the door slid shut - a puzzled look upon his face. Just what was it with that man? Only time would tell.


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Comments (1)

By on Mon Apr 4th, 2011 @ 2:55pm

Now that was hilarious!