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Cheting In Again

Posted on Mon Apr 4th, 2011 @ 4:08pm by Lieutenant Chet McChet & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Renegades
Location: Security Offices, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Just Cheting In'

Disappointed with the way his conversation with Captain Cowbell had gone, Chet opted to retrace his footsteps in the opposite direction and instead head back towards where he recalled the security offices onboard the ship were. Having never had much experience in the security field outside of guarding prisoners and cracking a few skulls... accidentally of course, the Lieutenant always wondered just what the space might look like. Would he find fellow officers diligently at work? Would they be arm wrestling or hanging out? Exiting the turbolift, a skip in his step, Chet soon found himself at the threshold. The beginning of a new adventure!

He nearly ran in... and discovered... an empty room save one individual working silently behind a desk. "Er... hello!"

Xylia looked up from what she was doing when the voice spoke. Once again, the distraction was welcome. She forgot how long she had been sitting here going over the plans for the program the Major requested. Leaning back in her chair, she eyed the man in front of her. Sometimes solitude was great and wonderful, but another person present was even better. She currently felt like she was working on a ghost ship. "Hi... is there something I can help you with?"

"Allow me to introduce myself! Chet C. McChet, Brig Officer extraordinaire, at your service!" he bowed slightly before dropping his bags unceremoniously on the floor and crossed the distance between them. "I was transferred here by special request and was curious as to what you are doing. Is it something dangerous?"

The woman raised a brow at the name she was given. Who in the world, other than a parent who didn't like their child, would name their kid something like that? She got to her feet and extended a hand in his direction. Afterall, he was another member of the security team. "Lieutenant Xylia Lischka. It's a pleasure to meet you, Chet. And no, it's not dangerous. At least, I hope it isn't." Her accent was a bit muted at the moment, thanks to being rather relaxed.

"Oh... I was hoping for bombs," the man frowned as he grew silent for a moment. "Nevertheless! I just met your Captain Cowbell and I believe he is not all there in his head. Perhaps it is his age. One can never tell at that stage." He paced around a little then, taking in the sights of the room. "Where is everyone else? Would they be having cake?"

"I'm not sure where everyone else is to be honest. As for having cake, I wouldn't know that, either. Maybe one or two of them." She stated, settling back down behind her desk. "And I definitely hope you didn't call Captain Cowell... Cowbell... to his face. He's kind of... cranky, and often times pretty misunderstood."

"Why wouldn't I call him that? People deserve to be called by their proper name," Chet explained as he sat abruptly on Ruiz's desk. "So... let's gossip shall we? Kinda like sisters... and brothers, of course! Have you seen the Major? Is she still scary?"

Xylia blinked. This was starting to become much weirder than her last encounter with the new Ensign, though she would never say it out loud for fear of hurting the man's feelings. For now, she would go with it. "It depends on what you consider scary, I suppose. The Major and I are on pretty good terms, so I don't see the scary side that most people do. I'm probably just lucky."

"I've served under her my entire career!" he announced proudly. "She has attempted to kill me many times... but I am strong and have survived. That makes me attractive doesn't it?"

The brunette coughed, looking for any way to escape without making it obvious. If Stace made an attempt to kill him more than once, there was good reason behind it. "I.. uh.. well.. Oh, hell.." She cleared her throat, trying to keep her thickening accent under control. Maybe if she started spouting off vile things in her native tongue, he would get frustrated and run away. "Sure... if you think it does."

"That's wonderful news," Chet beamed as he scooted his butt around a bit. "She asked me here, you know. Special and all. I think she missed me. I do good work. I guard the brig right!"

"I imagine so, considering that's what you told me when you introduced yourself." Xylia responded. "Have you checked in with her yet?"

Chet shook his head. "I have not found her! I thought she might be here. She's big into work now... since... yanno... the accident," he whispered.

"Okay, let me stop you right there... The Major and I are on friendly terms, and I'm not going to jeopardize that because of gossip." She got to her feet once again and made herself appear to be busy doing something else opposite her desk.

The Lieutenant frowned again and got to his feet quickly, approaching her desk with great speed. "Do you need some help? I can help. I'm good at helping."

Xylia turned her attention toward the man barreling down on her. "Er.. thank you, Chet, but I've got it. Why don't you... go look at the brig?"

"Do we already have prisoners?!?" his eyes lit up as his voiced raised a bit. "No one informed me of such a thing!!"

"I don't want to burst your bubble, but no, we don't have any prisoners. Maybe you could... decorate the cells with calenders?" It was a suggestion she hoped would occupy him, but she wasn't so sure.

Chet stood straight up. "You're right! I do recall... something... long ago... a prisoner once complained about the lack of wall decorations. Yes! That's a brilliant idea! If you see the Major tell her I am here! And I'll be there!!" He bowed again quickly before retrieving his bags and disappearing through the doors.

Xylia collapsed against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief. She was alone again much to her enjoyment, and before anyone else had the chance to come in and make themselves known, she planned to escape. Making a mad dash to her desk, she gathered up the plans she was working on and high-tailed it out of Security.


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Comments (1)

By on Mon Apr 4th, 2011 @ 4:15pm

Poor Lieutenant Lischka...