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Sniffing out tracks

Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2011 @ 4:28am by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant JG Susan Barret

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various
Timeline: BACKPOST: Concurrent with 'Memory Remains'

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Captain Nathan Cowell drummed his fingers against the armrests of his chair as he contemplated what to do next. He'd already tasked people out to tend to the wounded, see to the interviewing of the more knowledgeable survivors, and sent people to look over the ship to see if they could gather some intel that direction. The only thing Nathan really hadn't accounted for was the surrounding area and the tracks that most likely were still around thanks to the ship not being destroyed. Nathan finally rose form his chair and looked back at Lt. Roberts, who was at Mission Ops at the moment.

"Joker, the bridge is yours for a second. Try not to fuck it up," Nathan said as he headed for the turbolift.

=Astrometrics Labs, USS Arizona=

Captain Cowell walked into the somewhat small astrometrics lab and was greeted by the sight of one Lieutenant Junior Grade Barrett, though Nathan couldn't rightly recall that her name actually was Barrett at the moment. He simply knew he'd seen her a time or two before and she had helped them with the whole pirate station ordeal.

"Got a question for you, Lieutenant," Nathan said, drawing the attention of the people gathered in the room toward him, "Because there isn't a lot of residual matter/anti-matter energy in the area, I wondered if you can perhaps get a lock on any of the warp trails that might be around here."

The group had been studying a star-map of the surrounding region when the Captain walked in. The request wasn't in her area of expertise but she had some experience in it.

"We should be able to find at least residual warp trails. Are you looking for a warp trail from a specific type of ship?"

While most races used the same basic principle to achieve warp travel, there were differences, that if one knew what to look for, could help narrow down which warp trail was which.

"Right now, we're torn between Romulans and Cardassians being responsible right now. That would be your best bet. We've got an away mission going over to the ship right now, so if nothing else, they might find some information that will help us figure out who it was, what ships they were using, and that will make your job a whole lot easier. For now, do the best you can. Run any findings you may get to me as soon as you can. I'll be on the bridge, can't miss me," the Captain explained before turning around and heading back out the way he came.


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