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Report Interruptus

Posted on Sat Apr 16th, 2011 @ 5:04pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka
Edited on on Sat Apr 16th, 2011 @ 5:04pm

Mission: Renegades
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Following: 'Memory Remains'

Once she took care of her space suit and handled a couple other matters, Xylia made her way toward the Captain's Ready Room. She would try there first before seeking the aid of the computer in regards to his current location. The trip to the damaged ship proved to be interesting, and in taking her time before seeking him out, she hoped the 'Old Man' would have had enough time to go over the information they sent back. When she got to the doors leading to the area she hoped the Captain was, she extended a hand to alert Cowell there was someone on the other side.

She wasn't certain if the Science department had gotten back to anyone about their analysis of the debris from the Temperance, but when that was finally available, she hoped it would prove the theory she had. It was possible others on board had the same philosophy she had, but she couldn't be sure. Xylia planned to keep it to herself until she had the chance to talk to the Captain about it.

The door chime tore Nathan away from his report reviews, which in his opinion was a two edged sword. On the one hand, someone was breaking up the monotony of his paperwork... on the other hand, they were likely going to give him something else to deal with and he wasn't always all for that. With a resounding sigh that only he could hear within the confines of the Ready Room, Nathan tossed the PADD he was holding on the table and performed the 'Picard Maneuver' on his uniform tunic before bellowing "Come!"

Xylia walked through the door and nodded her head in the man seated on the other side of the room. "Captain." She clasped her hands behind her back and moved toward the desk, stopping a couple of feet away. "We have returned from our away mission. Have you received the data we transferred over?"

"Yes, I have OPS going over the information right now to see what is salvageable and what isn't," Nathan replied, motioning toward one of the chairs sitting in front of his desk, "Have a seat, fill me in on the details."

After settling herself down, Xylia cleared her throat and tried to figure out the best place to begin. "I have a feeling you might have suspected such, but there was no cargo on board. The cargo bay was empty. I even went as far to check a few other places, but there was nothing there as well. I've been trying to figure out how they're getting the cargo out so fast, but I've come up with nothing so far."

"Once we get a look at the manifest of cargo, maybe we'll have a better idea of what they wanted. Anything overly unusual about the wreckage, aside from it being torn in half and such..." Nathan inquired.

"Not that I saw. We would have looked to see if any parts were missing, but it would have been just about impossible to tell given the ships condition," the woman responded, "When we first got word this was happening, myself and another member of the security team came up with a chop shop theory. I don't think that's so likely anymore. I'm not going to pretend to know what exactly is going on, but it's my feeling that whoever is doing this is keeping the parts and using them themselves. I was hoping Science might be able to confirm that theory once they've analyzed the remnants of the Temperance. That is, if there's anything to be seen."

"The scans from the Temperance came back inconclusive, which fits with the way she was destroyed. Everything we've pulled out of the Haul so far has been a lot more helpful, even if a lot of it is conjecture until we get those files sifted through that you and your team managed to get. I'm sure that..." Nathan was saying before the entire room began to convulse.

"Bridge, report!" Nathan demanded.

The voice of Lieutenant Roberts came over the comm, "Captain, you need to get out here, now!"

Nathan bolted out of his seat and rushed to the bridge...

To Be Continued...


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