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Posted on Mon Apr 25th, 2011 @ 5:16pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)

Mission: Renegades
Location: Commodore's Ready Room

Commodore Nathan Cowell sat behind the large desk within the confines of his Ready Room, drumming his fingers impatiently. He'd told his new First Officer to meet him, but he had asked him to help divide the crew as well. That more than likely was the accounting of why he was late. Irregardless of such trivial facts, Nathan was getting more and more antsy as the minutes dragged on. He wanted to be done with this and be about the task at hand, even if he needed to rectify things...

Things had changed, ever so slightly in the eyes of those around him he assumed. From Aiden's perspective though, everything was different. The way he interacted with the crew had a different take on it, The way individuals spoke and addressed him had completely changed. Suffice it to say, Aiden still felt out of sorts in a way with his new position. Deep down, he knew that he would feel this way for a while until he adjusted and settled.

Daydreaming and deep thought aside, the First Officer exited the turbolift at the rear of the Bridge. He did a once over of the room quickly, making sure all things were in order before making his way to the door to his left. He tapped the door controls and entered as the doors parted.

"Crew assignments have been handed out and final repairs should be finished within the hour," Roberts said aloud, already anticipating the Commodore's questions, or so he hoped.

"Good," Nathan said, pointing to the chair in front of him, "Have a seat..."

"Is this were the Commanding Officer and First Officer share a drink before battle..." Aiden said in a hesitant manner as he sat down cautiously. "Because I've heard that happens from time to time..."

Nathan sighed. He was used to Aiden being the comedian... In fact he had grown to like the fact that Roberts wasn't afraid to make light of dark tidings. Now, however, wasn't really the time for that. Nathan knew deep down that it was likely the man's way of dealing with things, and in Doc Cowell's own past, he'd resorted to throwing out jabs at everything when times were tough. Nathan pushed himself back away from his desk and stood, making for the viewing portal to stare out at the unmoving stars.

"Aiden..." the Commodore said, the sound of it seemed alien even in Nathan's ears, "We didn't exactly start off on the best foot..."

The Lieutenant Commander have a nod after a moment, agreeing with the Old Man without saying it out loud. He knew what kind of conversation this was going to be by the tone of the Commodore's voice. Aiden had sort of expected it to come about sooner or later. A pep talk maybe? Or an olive branch to mend the past? While he expected it to happen, he certainly wasn't prepared for it.

"I think I gave you the wrong impression of myself and my abilities. For that... I apologize.. Sir..."

Nathan shook his head, "This isn't about you, Mister Roberts... So do shut up and listen."

The Commodore stood silently for a moment before turning to regard Aiden, "Look, I did some things when we first met that probably made me look like an evil bastard. Regardless of the circumstances, you didn't deserve it and I'm man enough to admit it..."

The man paused for a second to gather his thoughts before continuing, "You've done good since then, better than I expected you to. Hell, you stepped up in some pretty fucked up situations. Even if you are a Joker, you're a good man and I'm glad to have you aboard."

Doc Cowell walked back over to his desk and sank back down, "Much as I love a good drink... this isn't the time for it. We'll have one after we kill these bastards."

"I have a whole bottle of Ktarian Brandy in my quarters for just the occasion..." Roberts stood extending his hand across the desk. "See you on the other side Commodore?"

"Yeah... give 'em hell, son... All the hell you can muster," Nathan said, standing and taking the man's hand.

"You too sir...." Aiden said before giving a nod, and departing for the lower section of the ship.


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