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Tidbit of a Meeting

Posted on Tue Apr 26th, 2011 @ 4:10pm by 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Renegades
Location: Security Offices, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Bittersweet Reunions'

Having dropped by the Arizona's sickbay long enough to get his face put back together again, Lukas S. DeVries finally made his grand entrance to the security offices his mother had ordered him to pay a visit to. His uniform still stained in the blood from earlier the young man made no attempt to hide the unprofessionalism of his state of dress. Instead he simply waltzed into the room as if there was no issue with it at all.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

Xylia made her way out of one of the back rooms wringing her hands. Her own uniform was blood stained, but sadly, it wasn't her own, though she wished it was. She stopped short when she saw the new face she had yet to meet. "Er... hi... Can I help you with something?" She recognized him as a Marine, and one who either took an ass beating, or dealt one.

"Yeah, I'm here to get some PaDDs the Major left in her office... only I'm not quite sure which one it is. Think you could help me out with that?" he inquired as he looked around a bit. The place seemed rather quiet considering what had recently transpired.

"Follow me." Xylia said, turning to head back the way she had just come from. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm the only one here... Most of security is extremely busy considering the recent attack. I'm just taking a second to compose myself before I get back out there." She stopped in front of the door to the Major's office. "This is the Major's office. I certainly hope she knows you're going in there. She might break your nose otherwise."

Lukas felt his lips turning upwards in the direction of a grin before eying the woman. "Actually, she's already done that today... but give her some time and she might feel like doing it again. I take it you're her assistant?"

Xylia winced when he mentioned the redhead already cracked him one in the nose. That explained the blood on his uniform. "Yes.. Lieutenant Xylia Lischka. And, who might you be?"

"DeVries... Lukas," he introduced as he moved to take a step inside the office the Lieutenant directed him in. "Hitched a ride over on the Casey. You guys were pretty hard to track down for a while."

"Space is a rather large place, so I can see why it would be hard to find us." She leaned against the door and watched the man. "So, you're the Major's younger brother? I notice there are a few features that resemble some of her own."

Lukas laughed loudly at the woman's comment. It was certainly not the first time he had heard similar remarks. "Actually... the Major is my mother... though I can totally follow your train of thought on that one."

"Your... mother..." Xylia didn't even make an attempt to hide the skepticism in her voice. She looked the man over once again before turning her attention back to his face. "And you're what... twenty... twenty-one? That would have made her..." The woman shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts from her mind. "There's just something very wrong with that. Are you sure you aren't her brother? Like one of those situations where you lose your parents young, and she raises you or something? She's not old enough to be your mother."

Shaking his head, Lukas maneuvered around the desk until he came to rest upon the plush chair behind it. "I'm not technically from this universe. My twin sister and I grew up in a reality far different from this one... though there were some similarities. A number of years ago a starship from this timeline, the Lancelot, traversed into mine during a great and horrific crisis. It was aboard my Starbase 11 that the Major and her husband met their doubles... my real parents. Unfortunately, they were pretty big douches... so the Major decided to kidnap us... in a manner of speaking... and bring us back here with them." He paused a moment to collect his breath... and his thoughts. "The Major of my timeline was far older than her counterpart... hence my own age... but other than that they are an exact copy right down to their DNA. So... there you have it."

"I'm not even going to pretend to understand what you're saying, but instead, I'll take your word for it." Xylia stated. "I'm sure what you're looking for is in here some place, and since the Major gave you permission to be here, I'm going to leave you to it. I need to change my uniform before I completely lose my mind. Perhaps, I'll see you around the ship some time."

Lukas nodded. "Of that I have no doubt."


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