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Stuck in the Middle...

Posted on Sat Apr 30th, 2011 @ 6:16pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Antoine Théroit & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Three of Seven

Mission: Renegades
Location: Various

=Commodore's Ready Room, USS Arizona=

Commodore Nathan Cowell had finally received confirmation from Lieutenant Marion, who was sitting in at the Main OPS console while Lieutenant Commander Roberts was attending to the duties of First Officer, that the ship had reached a state of repair sufficient enough to allow for both the ship's transition to MVAM as well as the fight that would swiftly follow. Nathan brought up the communications protocol and sent a message to the USS Casey, alerting Commodore Pike that the ship was ready to put their plan into action. A curt reply came through with a timetable, the Casey would depart in ten minutes and the Arizona would follow briefly thereafter. That was all Nathan needed to know...

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Commodore Cowell walked on to the bridge and wasted no time motivating the masses. He moved expeditiously to his chair and sat down, pressing the all call command that would broadcast his conversation to the entire crew, all sections, all decks.

"All hands, this is Commodore Cowell... report to your designated areas and prepare for Multi-Vector Assault Mode separation. We will be heading for the asteroid belt where the Romulans are hiding out at in ten minutes. The ship will be separated in five. Make it happen... Cowell out!"

Nathan hit the command once more and closed the channel before surveying the crew before him, "You heard me... move out!"

=Deck 5, Main Engineering=

The drone glanced up toward the ceiling in a piece of observed behavior mimicked from the reactions which Three had observed in other crew when announcements came through the intercom. As soon as the Commodore's voice faded, the small Borg glanced around the interior of engineering. "You heard the command. All teams to your designated stations," Three announced, before turning to re-examine the Master Systems Display.

It was not perfect. It was not even what Three would have described as optimal, but the Arizona was sufficiently operational for its intended function.

Tapping a key on the front of its console, the Borg said simply. "Engineering to Bridge, all warp cores are on-line and operating within established parameters. Hull separation may commence when ready."

=Deck 7, Security=

Xylia walked out of Security and made her way down the corridor, skidding to a halt when she heard the Commodore's order. There would be no time to go change her uniform now, but considering what was about to go down, there would be no reason to dirty another one. She took a few deep breaths and ran through the corridor until she got to the nearest turbolift. Once inside, she closed her eyes and tried to compose herself. "Deck five."

=Deck 5, Secondary Bridge=

This was what she was waiting for. A chance to wipe out as many Romulan bastards as she could. When the doors opened to deck five, she flew out of them, dodging people as she went. She would love to tear one of them apart with her bare hands, perhaps fashion one with a Russian neck tie. She quickly moved toward the Secondary Bridge and moves inside, taking only a second to note she was the only one there at the moment. Instead of taking the time to wonder where everyone was, she moved over to Tactical and tapped in a few commands before she was even seated in her chair. Now all she could do was wait for the separation to commence.

Lieutenant Antoine Theroit stepped off the Turbolift and entered the Secondary Bridge. He looked over to a familiar face, "Lieutenant Lischka, I want a full report on our weapon systems." He found himself sitting down in the command chair while he checked out the controls built into the chair.

Lischka recognized the voice the moment she heard it, but now wasn't the time or the place to be chummy. She kept her eyes locked on the console before her, tapping away at it to acquire the information requested. She began to read off the what the computer presented to her. "All systems are fully operational, Lieutenant. Everything on my end is a go."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Antoine waited for the rest of his staff on the Secondary Bridge to report for duty.


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