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A Day In The Life

Posted on Fri May 6th, 2011 @ 2:21pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew April

Mission: Renegades
Location: Lt. JG April's Quarters, Deck 4
Timeline: After "More Than Just A Friend"

The door opened in the dark room. A lone figure stumbled in. He collapsed on the bed. Matt tore his combadge off of his chest and dropped it onto the nightstand. He was too exhausted to change or even pull back the covers. A multitude of things had occurred today, which had left him utterly exhausted. He stared blankly at the chronometer on the nightstand.

The doors of the shuttle opened. Matt looked up at his mother. "Come on Matthew," she said with a smile. "Alright," Matt responded in a small voice. The two of them walked onto the shuttle and sat down. "So how was school?" his mother asked. Matt began to explain the minor trifles that occurred in a day in the life of an eight year old boy. But then everything went to hell...

The shuttle suddenly lurched forward, throwing the passengers around the cabin. Matt flew over to the opposite side of the shuttle, smacking his head against the bulkhead. His vision blurred as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. He attempted to move, however he was stuck. Matt's small arm was wedged between the bench and the bulkhead. He was trapped. The shuttle slammed into the hard pavement of the street. The windows exploded in a shower of transparent aluminum. Matt turned his head and closed his eyes. He opened them a second later. His vision was blurred, all he could see was fire, smoke and several fuzzy objects. Matt looked frantically around the shuttle, looking for his mother... He saw her laying a yard away from him. He extended his small arm out to her, but he stopped. Matt looked at her face. A large bar stuck out of her forehead...

Matt sat up violently. His mouth and eyes were wide open, a cold sweat ran down his face. He stumbled out of bed, smacking his head against the wall. He grunted as he pulled himself to his feet. He grasped at his leg as he pulled himself over to the bathroom. He moved over to the sink and splashed some cold water into his face. The looked at his reflection in the mirror. His blonde hair was in a matted mess, dark circles surrounded his eyes. He lifted his hand to feel the left side of his face. He felt the the wounds that had been there sixteen years ago, the day his life came crashing down behind him. He looked into the mirror and saw the crash unfold before him. "No..." he pleaded, "Goddamnit no!" He punched the mirror at full force, cutting his hand and sending shards of glass all over the tile floor. He looked down at his hand and stared at the gaping wound. "This has to stop... I can't go on like this..." he thought to himself as he dropped down to a sitting position. "Can't go on..."


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