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Not in Kansas Anymore

Posted on Sat May 7th, 2011 @ 4:41pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka
Edited on on Sat May 7th, 2011 @ 5:17pm

Mission: Renegades
Location: Deck 7 Sickbay
Timeline: Four Hours after "It Must Be Tuesday"



Those were only a couple of feelings assaulting Lieutenant Xylia Lischka as she began to rouse hours after her surgery. A semi-nauseous feeling washed over her, mainly due to the onslaught of scents and sounds of the wounded, dying and dead, but also from the pain she felt just under her ribs.

Where was she?

How did she get here?

Those were only a few of the questions rolling around in her haze filled mind. The very last thing she remembered was leaving the bridge of the Primary Hull after the battle was won, and sweeping each deck for survivors. Everything after that was a blur. She had no recollection of passing out in the hall of deck nine, or that she was one of the many injured.

Sitting up slowly and gritting her teeth, she fought through the pain and looked around, taking note of all the chaos surrounding her. The devastation was so much worse than she remembered it being. Bodies with sheets covering them were scattered amongst the living, no doubt frazzling the nerves of those who were desperately fighting to save the living.

Uniforms of various colors moved around her. Commodore Cowell undoubtedly ordered those members of the crew who were capable to tend to the wounded, and she couldn't say that she blamed him. She opened her mouth, her lips dry and throat parched, making the need for liquid great. But, with the chaos around her, she was pretty sure she would go unnoticed.

She was wrong.

"You look like you could use this." A voice from next to her said.

Xylia turned her attention to the voice. It belonged to a woman she didn't recognize. Short stature, red hair, and the best thing of all, she was holding water.

"Thank you." Xylia said, her voice hoarse. She took the glass from her and took a small sip, savoring the feel of the cool liquid rolling down her throat. When she felt she could speak a little better, her attention was back on the shorter woman once more. "Do you know what happened to me?"

Crewman Kaci Baxter nodded and took the now empty glass from her. "You've had a torn artery and a laceration to the liver. Commodore Cowell operated and saved your life. I apologize, but I've got more rounds to make." And with that, Baxter was gone again. The Lieutenant sat there, a look of shock clearly written on her features. The Commodore and Investigations Officer saved her life. SHock didn't even begin to explain how she felt.

Pushing herself to her feet and doing her level best to ignore the feeling that her body was giving off, Xylia unsteadily moved out of Sickbay, not caring about the sterile hospital attire. She planned to take a shower and change into a clean uniform, then track down the two men responsible for saving her life before jumping back into the thick of things.


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