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Posted on Tue May 10th, 2011 @ 4:50pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Following 'Remembering those for whom history may yet forget...'

Following the conclusion of the memorial services and having escorted Commodore Pike back to her vessel, Lukas S. DeVries had opted to finally return to his temporary quarters for a much needed shower and drink. It was overwhelming for the young man to realize just how much of life he had missed during his few years in self-exile. He truthfully didn't quite know how to respond to the out pouring of grief and tragedy. In a way he had become almost foreign to himself. A far cry from the individual he had once been. It was a sacrifice he knew. One he willing accepted knowing the dangers that might come with it. In the end however those dangers ended up sucking rather epically. Typical.

Freeing himself from his tattered uniform jacket he flung it unceremoniously across the room until it landed with a rather muffled thud on the small couch in the living area. He debated nearly at once whether or not to leave it there - the harsh reality of keeping 'house' coming back to him. However, this time he shrugged it off. These were his quarters. He'd litter them all he'd like. Well, maybe for just a short while.

He moved then into the bedroom and finally into the small bathroom where he removed the remainder of his clothes and quickly stepped into the sonic shower - allowing all the sins of the previous days wash themselves away. It was in that shower he thought he would finally find a few moments of uninterrupted peace. That was until the chime rang.

Cursing quite loudly and scrambling to half-way dress himself, Lukas flew to the door with heed and commanded it open only to come face to face with the only woman who could ever make him cry. "Hi... mom."

"Son," Stace greeted as she moved passed him and into the room. "I just thought I'd come by to see how things were. And, why is your jacket on the couch?"

Busted. "Er... sorry," he mumbled as he moved towards the direction of the furniture and removed the item in question. "And to answer your inquiry... I'm doing quite well considering the recent events since my arrival. I was more concerned about you truthfully."

"Don't be. I'm fine," the red head countered firmly as she took to observing the rest of the space immediately in view before approaching the closest chair and taking a seat. "I hear that you're going to take up a position in intel. Can't say I'm too surprised with that."

Lukas nodded slowly as he drank in the sight of her. Though the damages to her skull had been repaired quite amazingly enough... the hollow socket that was once her eye stared him so plainly in the face. He wasn't sure how she could stand it. "Well... what did you expect me to do? Just hang out in my room?"

"Honestly? Yeah... I guess I did," she countered as she shifted uncomfortably for a moment - the first real indication that she was having some issue with her injuries.

He frowned as he moved from his standing position to take up residence on the now empty couch. "But why? I'm more qualified about the inner workings of the section than anyone else you got. If we're going to make for the gateway in an attempt to royally kick some ass then you're going to need me."

"Need you? Well... I suppose in some way your knowledge would be beneficial... but for all intents and purposes I have no doubt we could easily handle this situation ourselves. Perhaps it would do you best to have some time to yourself to re-evaluate your life and which direction you will go in it," she offered with a slight twitch and a firmer posture.

Lukas bit down on his lip. Was she purposely trying to anger him? Was this payback to him for putting her through all those years of hell? "I'm not an ignorant boy who needs to be coddled. I have a job to do same as you."

"You're right," Stace nodded. "You're not an ignorant boy. You're an intelligent boy... a courageous boy... but you're still just that. A boy. More importantly you're my boy. And you know what happens when you don't listen to your mother."

Slamming his head back against the couch cushions Lukas refrained from screaming out in frustration. "Well perhaps I don't feel as if my mother is in any position to lecture me. It seems she's too careless herself these days in regards to her own safety."

"Careless?" she blurted as she nearly took to her feet. "I'll have you know..."

"Yes, careless!" he cut her off as he felt his face growing hot. "How many close calls do you have to have before you realize you've gone too far? This time it was your eye... the time before that your ship... what about the next time? How long til I'm reciting a speech at your funeral? If anyone needs to re-evaluate their life it's you! You need to stop chasing pavements and move on! The past is just that... the past. The more you dwell on it the more your future slips by. What was it that you always told me? Fate's will and yours were one and the same? Perhaps you should find out what that will is."

Stace said nothing as she eyed the man in front of her. Fate's will. So it had come to that once more. She hoped she was ready.


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