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Operational Reorganization

Posted on Sun May 15th, 2011 @ 9:31am by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

=Bridge, USS Arizona=

Work on the various damaged consoles was progressing as well as could be expected, but not to Xishaal's expectations. She saw the ship and by extension her embark craft as her children, it not only pained her to see the bridge in such a state of disarray, it angered her that things weren't being donne as expiditiously as possible.

Several key departments were now severely undermanned and in the days since the attack, she'd found herself working with her old subordinate Morgan Price, now assigned to Operations, helping to restore a lot of the key systems. With the death of the old Chief of Operations and XO, Commander Roberts, it seemed as if the very soul of the crew had been gutted. Xishaal, though a pilot by training, had spent much time learning about ship operations as any bridge certified officer. Actually, since Xishaal didn't spend any time in what she considered 'frivolous' pursuits, she instead studied and cross trained as much as she could. This extra-curricular habit of hers gave her the knowledge base not normally found with Chief Flight Control officers.

Turning on heel, she made her way to the Commodore's Ready Room. In the months since she'd been on board, this was probably the second or third time she'd even approached his office let alone even spoken with him.

"Come!" came the bellow of the old man behind the door. Almost immediately, the doors to his office slid open and allowed the Andorian woman to enter. Inside, Commodore Nathan Cowell sat behind his desk, the surface of the furniture covered with PADDs of every size and containing nearly every kind of information imaginable. Even if he didn't look like it, he welcomed the distraction.

"What can I do for you, Lieutenant?" Nathan asked, sitting back in his chair.

Xishaal entered, her antennae extending cautiously from her skull, feeding her a wealth of information about her surroundings, including much about her commanding officer. Pausing a few respectful steps in front of his desk she waited a few moments to finish "reading" her surroundings before speaking.

"Commodore, please forgive my intrusion..." she began, looking down at him she suddenly felt a kind of kinship with the El-Aurian, though the sudden feeling wasn't enough to allow her to break her sense of protocol when it comes to speaking to a commanding officer. "Things have not gone well as of late, It pains me to see the ship in such a state of...disarray. With so many... casualties, many departments are stretched beyond their breaking points. I wish make myself available to help put Her back in order Commodore Cowell. I do not know how good of an officer Mr. Roberts was, but I can feel that the rest of the crew is... painfully distracted by his loss." Xishaal looked directly at Nathan, her eyes almost cold and emotionless

"You are long-lived and have seen countless loved ones pass on from this world; I suspect you've grown... comfortable with the short life-spans of humans. I do not suffer from such distractions, and wish to simply state my willingness to take on more responsibility on board the ship. We Andorians consider it a great honor to serve in the Imperial Guard and for those of us who serve in Starfleet, we strive to accomplish as much as we can before we are called back to the ice..."

Nathan shifted in his chair, "Well, since you brought it up, I was going to get around to swapping a few people around in both Helm and Operations. Your abilities in the area of Flight Control not withstanding, I'm going to need to fill in that gap, as you so eloquently put it, and get that department out of the depths of depression and self-doubt that it currently resides in. Your penchant for spending a great deal of your off duty hours in the pursuit of professional development haven't gone unnoticed. Unless you object, I'd like you to move to the Operations department as her new Chief and help them recover and return to some semblance of order. I'm going to be putting Mister Akron in charge of Flight Control, see if he can fit the needs. Sound good to you?"

"Akron would be a sound choice, he has performed his duties quite well. He will treat the ship like she were his own child. I will begin immediately after my current rotation on the bridge, unless you object sir.."

"No, Lieutenant, the sooner the better. Just don't forget to change into that mustard uniform before you do, don't want people getting confused out there," the Commodore chuckled, "Thanks for stopping by."

" I am here to support your command sir, I am not the sort to offer a shoulder to cry upon but I can simply do what is expected and go beyond....I will begin immediately...sir."



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