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Posted on Sat May 21st, 2011 @ 4:41am by Chief Petty Officer 1010 & Chief Petty Officer 1011

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Intelligence Office
Timeline: After "Intel Interview"

After Lieutenant DeVries had left his office, Ensign Schenk looked at his department manifest before tapping his combadge.

"Chief Petty Officer 1010, Chief Petty Officer 1011, please report to Intelligence."

Leaning back in his chair with a small mountain of PADD's in front of him, Marc was looking forward to getting the last two interviews out of the way simultaneously. He still had a mountain of work to do and he knew that the odds were good that he would still be working when the Arizona arrived at Starbase 900. Rubbing his tired eyes, he glanced at the information in front of him and wondered which of the Bynar pair would show up first.

1010 and 1011 looked up from their combined work in the middle of the Intelligence Annex aboard the USS Arizona. They turned to each other from their respective work stations and began to converse in what was bursts of binary code, neither had been told about an Ensign being assigned to their department. But that was a problem to discuss another time and place and with a simple nod they closed out their work and walked towards the office that had once been that of Commander Halsey, but now that of the Ensign.

They arrived and with another rapid fire conversation, 1010 raised his hand and raped once on the door frame. "Ensign, Chief Petty Officer's 1010..." Began to say, with 1011 finishing his sentence. "And 1011 reporting as requested, Sir!!"

Marc looked up from yet another PADD of important information and locked it, turning it over on his desk. "Enter. Please, have a seat." He indicated the two seats in front of his desk. "My name is Ensign Mark Schenk and I'm the new Acting Chief of Intelligence until further notice. I prefer to keep things informal if possible. Tell me about your work and experience in the Intelligence field."

1011 and 1010 quickly entered the room, saluted the Ensign before taking their offered seats. "Informal Sir?" 1010 started, "We are not accustomed to informal..." 1011 continued, "We prefer to stick to the facts." 1010 finished, both were curious as to how the Ensign would take their speech patterns, which most humanoids found annoying. "We both started out as dedicated computer intelligence and cryptography..."

"We we're selected as a mated pair to assist what were known as SF: I Combat Action Groups, special forces clandestine units in the field..." said 1011.

"As a form of eye in the sky and command and control. We worked with Lieutenant Commander Halsey..." 1010 continued.

"Since that time we have tagged along with the Commander on his many assignments as mainly C&C but we've helped out in many other skill sets as well." 1011 finished the abridged version of their combined history. "Or were you looking for more specifics Ensign?" 1010 inquired with a look across at his mate.

Ensign Schenk studied the pair for a moment, listening to their speech pattern and the bare facts that they told him in a mechanical fashion. "What are you specific skills as individuals if you are separated?"

"We do not operate separately..." They replied in unison. "But I," 1010 started, "Have specific training in real time intelligence and cryptography. Where I," 1011 began, "Have specific training in real time Command and Control as well as infiltration tactics." She finished, it was uncommon for Bynars to operate separated even taboo at that. "But we can function separately, we prefer not to." 1011 added as well, showing that they had functionality when separate.

"Thank you, Chief Petty Officers 1010 and 1011. Do you have any questions for me which will help me aid you better in my capacity as the Acting Chief?" Marc tossed the question out, wondering what questions that they would put to him. He mentally categorized their skills and where he could best use them.

"None Sir..." Began 1011, "As Tennyson said, some one had blunder'd,"

"Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die..." 1010 finished.

It wasn't totally fitting but it did get their message across, they hoped.

"Thank you. That is more than satisfactory. You may go." Dismissing them, the Ensign began once more to sort through information and catalog his new information before beginning a search for Tennyson to find out exactly who they were quoting.


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