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Respect....and Admiration

Posted on Sat May 21st, 2011 @ 8:08pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: USS Arizona: Deck Five; Holodeck One
Timeline: Following: 'Butting Heads'

If there was one thing she loved more than alcohol, it was the chance to teach an arrogant man or woman in their place. Xylia wasn't like most women. There was no way she would ever let anyone talk down to her no matter what their rank or station. On duty, it was required, but when she was off duty, that was a completely different story. Once before, rank flew out the window because she was called gutter trash, and she held her own against the then Captain, taking a brutal beating, but delivering one of her own. This would be no different.

The Lieutenant walked through the doors of the holodeck, well aware that the Klingon doctor's eyes were on her as she moved. That fact only fueled the fire burning within the depths of her. She pushed the thoughts of maiming him from her mind and moved over to the console, looking through the available programs before picking one she felt was sufficient. Boxing had always been her thing, but this time, she went a different route, hoping to throw the Klingon man off his game just a little bit. The program came to life around her, revealing the Hamas Mountains on Qo'noS. Stretching her arms and loosening up a little bit, Xylia kept her eyes on the door, waiting for Kar'G to walk through.

Lieutenant (JG) Kar'G stepped through the door into a scene from his youth and stopped in his tracks. He stood in the clearing which was surrounded by dense vegetation and trees clearly from the Hamas Mountains on his homeworld of Qo'nos. A warm fast breeze blew his hair back and he inhaled the air, a growl coming from his chest, although not a hostile one.

"I am impressed, Lieutenant." He bowed to her and stepped into the holodeck. Going to within three feet of her, he met her eyes. "What will be your choice of combat?" If the woman was crafty enough to throw him off once, what would she do again? He brought the training of his youth to the front of his mind and relaxed his body.

"Hand to hand. There is no other way." Came her response. She could and would use a weapon when it was required, but she preferred the feel of protesting flesh beneath her hands. Of course, some might consider her to be a sick individual, but she didn't see it as such. Most times her anger was reserved for the enemy, but sometimes there were others on her side who stepped out of bounds. "Prepare yourself. I'll make this as quick as I can, though I can't promise it will be painless."

"Very well, Lieutenant." He stepped back from her and dropped into a low stance, his left arm leading with his right pulled back, his large hands balling into tight fists. "I do not wish to harm you, but I may. I will be able to heal you, however."

Xylia cracked her neck first to one side, then to the other as she dropped back into her own stance. She brought her hands up in front of her and eyed the man, looking for his weakest point. It didn't take long before she was on him, delivering a flurry of punches to his mid-section and ribs. It obviously left her open to assault, but there was always a method to her madness.

Kar'G's firm physique took several quick rounds from her before he brought his left hand to a guard position. Leading forward, he pressed himself into her putting his strength behind it. His right hand came in low for a hard blow to her solar plexus, attempting to put her down quickly. His left foot came forward and to the side before he hooked it back behind her ankle at the moment of his anticipated blow.

Taking the hit like a true champion would, the woman allowed herself to go back, but it wasn't in a way he would have hoped she would. She brought her arms up over her head, but not before catching his jaw with her elbow, and allowed her body's own momentum to bring her back on her hands. Now in effectively in a back bend, she raised one leg to rest her foot against his chest, then proceeded to kick him away from her while in the same motion, bringing her other leg up to kick him under his chin. Her movements were fluid... precise... calculated. Landing on her feet roughly a few feet away from him, she stood upright once more and fell back in her stance. "Are you ready to quit?"

Caught off guard, Kar'G's head rocked with the force of her elbow. His head turned to the side and upwards, not seeing her feet come up - one connecting solidly on his chest and the other on his chin. Groaning, he flew backwards into the holographic brush and collapsed in a heap on the ground. He shook his head and attempted to clear his vision, seeing double of the human Lieutenant and not very good images at that.

Lieutenant Lischka made her way toward the Klingon man currently lying on the ground, stopping a few feet away from him. One side of her screamed to finish him off, while the other, more logical side wanted nothing more than to leave him where he was. She closed the distance between the two of them and crouched over his disoriented form, gripping him by the front of his shirt. Raising him from the ground slightly, she checked his pupils, but kept herself on guard just in case he tried to get clever.

Kar'G blinked his eyes several times before he managed to focus on her. He kept his arms at his side and gave a nod to her. "Lieutenant..." He halted as he tasted blood on his lip, licking it. A new look entered his eyes as he realized that this woman was someone who he could respect. Someone that he would be willing to fight and die beside of; someone he could even call a mate one day. "You....have my respect."

Xylia stood upright and offered her hand to the man. "That's all I wanted. As I said, people underestimate me because I'm a woman. I can and will use ass kicking to prove I'm a force to be reckoned with."

He accepted her hand and pushed himself off the ground with the other, coming to his feet. He unsteadily bowed to her from the waist and stood back to his full height, speaking in Klingon. "I am honored to have fought you."

"Likewise, Kar'G." Xylia responded in his native tongue as she returned the bow. When she was back upright, she placed a hand against her abdomen, trying not to wince. "Now, if you will excuse me, I do believe I'm going to follow my doctor's orders and get some rest."

"If you wish, I can get you a sedative as well as a mild stimulant to increase your blood flow. The stimulant would not keep you awake." The medical side came out in him as he looked at her solar plexus where he had punched her. "It would do well to enhance your healing, also." His eyes inadvertently swept over her breasts before coming to a rest on her eyes. "Perhaps I could prepare dinner for you tomorrow to make up."

The woman stood before him and blinked, completely unaware that he offered any form of medical assistance or that he was giving certain areas of her special attention, once she heard his offer. To say it was unexpected was a complete understatement. "Are you asking me out?"

"To make up for insulting you and not giving you the respect that you deserve." He replied, his voice even but his nostrils flare as he inhales her scent from the air.

"Okay, Kar'G, I'm going to be completely honest with you." Xylia began. "I was seeing someone, and he was killed in a battle just weeks ago. While it wasn't anything serious, I'm not entirely sure that I'm ready to step into that kind of situation again right now."

The Klingon nodded, the ridges on his head drawing together at the central point. "You have my apologies on your loss, Lieutenant. If my offer is taken the wrong way, then I must apologize again." He turned, heading for the door of the holodeck, looking over his shoulder. "However, I would not turn you down should you extend the offer to me." With that, he ordered the door to open and walked through it.

"Computer. End program." Xylia ordered with a shake of her head. She followed behind the man, her hand still pressed against the throbbing area of her stomach. The only thing she wanted to do was take a much needed shower and sleep for thirty-six hours before she was required to report for her twelve hour shift.

Heading to the nearest turbolift, Kar'G never once turned his attention back over his shoulder at her as the doors closed. "Deck Four, computer." He ordered it, raising a hand to his busted lip. The human female had gotten him good and he looked forward to colliding with her again.


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