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Here Comes the Bride...zilla!!

Posted on Thu May 26th, 2011 @ 2:44pm by 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Starbase 900; Random Bar
Timeline: Following 'The Improvised Counselor'

After spending a couple hours with Ensign Schenk before parting ways, Xylia found herself in yet another bar. She weaved her way through the sea of people while searching for anyone she might know, but in an area so large, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Luck was on her side, though. Settled at a table away from all the rowdy drunks was none other than the First Lieutenant she'd only met once before, and the conditions then weren't so great. Now, though, she would have more time to sit and shoot the shit without worry of the Arizona falling under attack.

"Well, hello there, Lieutenant DeVries. Always nice to see a familiar face among the riff raff." She said, glancing down at the man with a grin. When one of the waitresses passed by, she stopped her. "I'll have whatever he's having, and keep them coming. I have to catch up."

Turning abruptly in his seat, Lukas drank in the figure of the individual speaking to him before he realized it was the Lieutenant he had conversed with in Security some days prior. "Evening," he retorted with a nod. "What brings you to parts shady?"

"Curiosity mostly, and I hear the alcohol does things to a person." She stated, taking the tray of drinks the waitress brought over. Once she was settled down across from the man, she downed the first one and winced. It still burned going down. Not nearly drunk enough. "So, listen... your mom and I talked not too long ago, and she's... afraid... you're going to do something stupid. I got to thinking about that. Why don't you?" There was absolutely no mistaking the mischief dancing in her eyes.

Raising an eyebrow in the direction of the woman, Lukas wondered just how much she had had to drink before she showed up. "Are you crazy? Doing something incredibly stupid with my mother on the other side of the quadrant is one thing... doing something when she's five minutes around the corner is another. She would annihilate me... of that there is no doubt. What's with the sudden death wish?"

Xylia laughed and shook her head. She did have a bit to drink before showing up at her current location, but not enough to cause total inebriation. "You wouldn't actually do something stupid. She would just think you did until she was told otherwise, so there is no death wish." Lifting another glass, she slammed it back before settling the glass down on the table. "She and I pranked the Captain, now Commodore, last shore leave. It's her turn. What I'm thinking isn't nearly as bad. We'll tell her we eloped while we were here."

"Oh fates," Lukas wanted to cry. "Did you know her and my father got married after a drinking match that started with a bet? She would berate me forever if I did the same! You do realize this... right?"

"Calm down. I didn't say we were actually going to get married. I haven't had that much to drink. I doubt I'd ever have that much to drink." Xylia retorted. "It's a joke. Even she has a sense of humor."

Lukas felt a warm tear slide down his cheek. He didn't know what woman was trying to kill him more. His mother or his "impending" wife. "Well... I suppose it's just a harmless... joke."

Cocking her head to the side, the woman watched the tear slide down Lukas' cheek. "Are you... crying? Aww... shit... your mother is going to kill me. Here... have another." She lifted one of the shot glasses off of the tray and pushed it toward him. "If it scares you that bad, we'll forget I mentioned it. I just figured being the son of Stace S. DeVries would give you a little backbone."

"Oh, that's not the problem... it's keeping said backbone intact that is," the man admitted as he finished the drink as quickly as he received it. "But, I suppose if you're willing to die as well... then what the hell."

"Now, that's the spirit! Have another drink, dear husband... We have to pay a visit to mom soon." Xylia placed another shot in front of him and took one for herself, downing it before slamming the glass on the table. "Is there any kind of novelty shop on this rig? I have to buy you a ring. Physical proof."

Lukas shrugged and polished off the next shot. "I'm not sure... I've never been to this station before... but assuming they're like all the others... I'm sure they do somewhere."

The more she drank, the more she wanted to burst out in a fit of giggles. Stace was going to obliterate her, and quite possibly her son, but that was okay. Someone had to be pranked, and this time there wouldn't be any really fat naked clowns gyrating in faces. Then, there was always the chance that she would see right through the rouse and call them out. Either way, it was going to be done. Finishing off her last two shots, Xylia got to her feet and looked down at the man opposite her. "Oooh, she's going to kill us. Kinda gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. I'm even going to call her 'mom'." She broke into a fit of giggles finally, clutching at one of her sides.

"I'm thinking maybe we should have sickbay on standby... just in case," Lukas suggested - knowing full well what his 'mom' would do to them. Oh how she was going to make him wish he really did die. "So... I guess we need to go... shopping. I know you chicks dig that."

The female Lieutenant extended her hand, wavering just slightly from the effects of the alcohol. "Shopping is a woman's best friend. You'll learn to like it after we're 'married'. There's still time to back out. If you want to, give the word, and I'll just take you back to my quarters."

"Doesn't seem much like 'backing' out does it?" Lukas pointed out as he stretched his arms over his head. "Let's just get this show on the road. I assume you have some idea where you're going?"

"I haven't the slightest clue, but I'm sure we'll figure it out." Xylia stated. "If you want to back out, we'll part ways at the door and never speak of this moment again."

Lukas shook his head. What was with these women? "I said let's do this. Quit yammering about backing out... unless that's what you want. If not, then let's go find some bling merchants. Shouldn't be too difficult."

"No backing out, and no more yammering. More booze, though. We'll bring it with us." Grabbing a bottle from the bar and settling up the bill, the Lieutenant headed out of the rowdy bar, stumbling only once. She was a bit beyond buzzed, and was aiming for downright torn up. After everything that happened, she felt she could use the time to just forget for a little while.

Issuing a shrug in the direction of the bartender, Lukas hurried out after the Lieutenant. "I would suggest visiting the promenade. They should have what we're looking for. Hopefully."

"The promenade it is, then." She said, heading in the direction most people seemed to be heading. Surely they had to know where they were going. "Your Mom's not so bad. We're pretty friendly outside of the office. Perhaps she won't kill us... much. I mean... you could do worse."

Of that Lukas had no doubt - recalling several incidents a few years back. "You're right... however, it still won't be pretty. Hilarious in the end I'm sure... but until then... well... we better be putting our game faces on."

Xylia lifted the bottle in her hand and grinned over at him. "I've got my game face right here. Besides... your Mom could be thrilled at the prospect of you having a wife who would kick someone's ass for you. It would mean she wouldn't have to." She took a sip from the bottle and looked around the promenade area when they reached it. It didn't take long for her to spot someone who would be able to help them out. He looked pretty shady, flashing his goods to people who passed by. "Him... he won't ask questions. Let's get this show on the road."

All Lukas could do was nod. It was going to be a long night.


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