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What excuses may come for not coming...

Posted on Mon Jun 6th, 2011 @ 12:05pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Commodore's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Shortly after 'What theories may come...'

Not long after the Senior Staff meeting, Commodore Nathan Cowell had managed to get a hold of Colonel DeVries and has, in the nicest way he was capable, told her to report to his Ready Room. While he wasn't entirely sure what had transpired while the rest of the ship was in the staff meeting, he was positive there would be at least some manner of story, possibly entertaining, revolving around whatever prevented her from being around to give her two cents. The old man wasn't sure he would like whatever story she provided, but he still needed her unique input on the situation, even if he had to pry it out of her behind closed doors.

Arriving some time shortly thereafter of her 'summons', Stace wasted no time in taking up the 'usual' seat and eying the old man. Though he hadn't specifically told her the meaning for their meeting she had a feeling she knew what it was pertaining to. "So... um... yeah. Missed your shindig."

"Yeah, you did," the Commodore said in a grumbling tone, "Any excuse for why or are we going to skip it and just head straight to business?"

Stace seemed to consider for just a mere moment telling the crusty one all about the juiciness that took place within the last few hours but felt that perhaps she might just want to keep it to herself for the time being. "Yeah, we'll come back to that... so, did I miss anything important or just a lot of 'my dick is bigger than your dick' shit?"

"There was a bit of penis comparison, yes, but there were some interesting ideas to come forth from it," Nathan commented before leaning back, "The biggest concern is, that this whole affair is a set-up... And given your and your son's connections to certain elements... I thought perhaps you might have your own theories on what I and the away team might need to be on the lookout for as far as clues to whether this is the doing of those shady fuckers or not."

Having worked within the agency for years herself, Stace knew right away just what Nathan was hinting at. What would they do to give themselves away to those looking for it. It was a hard question for sure... not knowing which particular agents were working on what end of the current spectrum. A lot had changed since the death of Luther Sloan and her ultimate departure. "To be honest I'm not sure one might pick up on anything. The section is very good at hiding what needs to be hidden. However... I don't think they expected Lukas to make it this far either... so... that is a definite advantage for us."

"Yes, I had a feeling that would come up. But for the moment, I'd rather not throw all the cards on the table so maybe we won't use Lukas just yet... So... Since the shady shit bags are good at hiding the shady shit, are there any signs that other people they've had contact with might exhibit that might give away their exposure to those bastards?" Nathan inquired.

Stace nodded quickly. "Knowledge in general is usually a sign. For example... a lot of these civilizations are not familiar with the Federation at all. Most have never encountered a member or have even heard of us due to their limited technology. Anyone who seems too 'comfortable' without cause should send up a flag."

Nathan nodded, "I would have to agree there, except these people are supposed to be a protectorate... So they should have had enough exposure to us that they would be somewhat comfortable, but it is indeed something to look out for. Any specific precautions we should take to combat possible threats to our success?"

"Carry a strong right hook?" she retorted almost jokingly aside from the still serious look on her face. "These people are ghosts. It's hard to prepare for that."

Nathan sighed, "Well, I suppose there's no helping it then... How about you grab a few good men and come join the party. Even if they are expecting you, we'll be at a bit of an advantage with you around to at least anticipate things we can't."

The red head shook her head and crossed her arms. "No dice Cowbell. Something tells me you shouldn't keep all your eggs in one basket... if you catch my drift."

"That doesn't sound like you... Are you feeling alright, Colonel?" the Commodore asked with an expression similar to a glare.

"I'm fine," Stace replied with a glare of her own. "I just assumed you had this mission covered... after all I heard through the grapesweeney that you were going yourself."

"Yes, I am, mainly because I have to show my face and put my boot in some asses. But that doesn't mean you can't come along too. Just leave the Sweeney-toad behind this time, eh?" Nathan groused.

The woman looked nearly appalled for a moment. "Leave him behind?! Are you crazy? Who else are we going to use for a human shield?"

"Chet?" the old man threw the name out there, honestly hoping he might become a pin cushion for some errant energy.

"What?!" she blurted loudly. "You might as well say Elizabeth at this point!"

"No, I like her..." Nathan countered, "Chet could walk in front of a firing squad and I would likely laugh... be the first joke he ever attempted that was funny."

Stace frowned. "I... I don't want to talk anymore."

"Spoil sport..." Nathan grunted.

"Whatever old man... you just best be ready when it's time to go our we're leaving your crusty ass behind," Stace said as she rose to her feet, "Don't think for a second we won't either."

"If you ain't in the shuttle when the shuttle takes off, you ain't going... yeah, I've heard that a time or two..." Nathan chuckled...


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