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Coming Aboard

Posted on Wed Jun 8th, 2011 @ 3:41pm by Lieutenant Terina Mekar

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: USS Arizona
Tags: Cowell

Starbase 900
Crew Quarters

'You are the First Born of the Teer, Daughter of the Leader of The United Tribes of Capella. You carry in you the blood of warriors. Beyond that, you are of the Tarkan, The First Tribe of Capella. There is nothing you cannot overcome. The strength of your ancestors courses through your veins. You will bring honor to yourself and in doing so bring honor to all of Capella and us. We love you, Terina. Strength, Fortitude, and Honor be yours.'

She had watched the recording so many times but it never seemed enough. Seeing her father in his ebon armor with mother next to him was difficult. She loved them both so very much and she missed them. Part of why she was in Starfleet was because of him. He had served with courage and honor for many years before retiring to take his rightful place as the leader of their world. Of course he had been a warrior, choosing to specialize in Security and Strategic Operations. She on the other hand had chosen Science.

At first she thought he would be disappointed. He had spent so much time with her, honing her fighting skills and imparting his tactical wisdom. While she was stronger than say the average Human she was nowhere near as strong as her father. What she lacked in strength she made up for with speed and accuracy. Not that she would be called upon to fight but she would always be prepared. Her father had drilled into her that surprise was a key element to victory. Concealed weapons on a Science Officer ranked right up there in the surprise department.

Her parents would have it no other way.

She recalled a conversation she had with her mother, Liane.

'They will underestimate you due to your beauty. You must use this to your advantage my little Sein Flower.'

The plant in question was native to Capella. It was beautiful and sweet smelling. It was also carnivorous. It attracted insects and even small animals to it before striking out to capture and eat them. She was the Sein Flower.

Lieutenant Terina Mekar checked the room one last time before hefting the carryall and heading for the docking port. She passed several crewmen at work on this far off Starbase in the Delta Quadrant. Terina had wanted to practice on the frontier and it really didn't get much more frontier than this. Having memorized the route earlier, she found her way to the docking port where she was cleared to board the vessel that would be her home.

"Welcome aboard the Arizona," said the sentry at the port.

"Thank you, crewman," she said in passing.

The corridors of the Arizona were pristine. She still had that 'new car smell'. Terina had heard the term before back at the Academy. Humans were an odd people with their many different types of language. It was no wonder they had trouble communicating with each other. Capellans almost always spoke plainly. That had gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. She had learned from that particular mistake. Now, Terina usually paused before speaking.

She found her quarters and entered, staying just long enough to make certain that her personal belongings had been delivered. Most important was the box from home. It contained her Power Cat rugs, the banner of the United Tribes, and her Kligat. Fixing her loose ponytail into a tight bun, she proceeded to inquire with the computer as to the location of the Commodore.

People were staring at her as she moved through the ship. She was new after all, though Terina had an idea as to why. Her looks had always made her self-conscious. On Capella they had caused more than one brawl to break out. Her cheeks colored as she recalled the day she had offered fruit to Ulli. He was handsome and a skilled fighter. The combat that had ensued quickly got out of hand as a few old grudges had come to the fore. The scolding she had received from her mother was legendary in the Mekar Household. It was the last time she had done anything of the sort. There was no such custom on Earth. Offering fruit was simply offering fruit. That had taken some getting used to. Again she had no idea how there were so many of them. Their mating rituals were convoluted and often far too complex. If a Capellan man wanted you, he spoke plainly and said so. If there were many suitors then they usually fought until only one remained conscious. Simple.

Ulli had left her the day she was leaving for her sophomore year at the Academy. She thought she had loved him but as it turned out it was more infatuation than anything else. Terina had to be very careful when choosing a suitor. Her father was the Teer. Being with her was a political move as well as a personal one. For that reason she had abstained from intimacy going on five years now. She considered it a test of character. The ability to control ones desires was important. These things could distract a person at a crucial moment. So she had learned to go without food, sleep, and sex for extended periods of time. The last one a VERY extended length of time.

Entering the lift, it quickly deposited her off near the Captain's Ready Room. She checked her tunic and touched the buzzer. The voice that answered her sounded like two rocks rubbing together. She entered to see the older Human that matched the image she had seen of Commodore Cowell.

"Lieutenant Terina Mekar, reporting for duty, sir," she said standing at attention.


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