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Baseline Testing: Intelligence 101

Posted on Thu Jun 9th, 2011 @ 6:28am by Darek Halsey & Chief Petty Officer 1011 & Chief Petty Officer 1010

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Various
Timeline: TBD

A lone spot of light illuminated the large man standing in the middle of what was known as Holodeck 4, located deep with in the bowels of the Arizona. The single light known a special in the technical theater industry dimmed as the man reached under his dark leather jacket and the chirp of a Federation comm-badge was heard.

=/\= Marc, it's Darek. Would you mind joining me in Holodeck 4 ASAP, if you please. =/\= Was all that was said, and leaving no room to respond to the query the channel was closed and Darek was heading for the arch. "Computer activate program Halsey-bravo-two-one, remove all safeties." The room immediately responded, the single special began to fade completely out and a mirror perfect simulation of the Intelligence Offices shimmered into life. Even as the room was still forming, Darek was crossing the room. Removing his jacket Darek eased himself into a chair with a clear view of the door. It was all waiting at that point.

Finishing up the last of his cross-referencing, Ens. Schenk saw that he had a page request on his console. Checking it, he listened as Mr. Halsey made a request to him in Holodeck 4. Stretching, he grimaced as he had the replicator make him a quick stimulant to help him clear his head; all reports and no action had left him with a mild headache, but he pushed it aside as he rode the turbolift to the deck that contained Holodeck 4. Tapping a button on the console, he announced his arrival as he walked in and found himself back in the Intel Department with Mr. Halsey sitting at the desk.

"Darek. To what do I honor of your request, and did you enjoy that cigar?"

Smiling Darek stood and extended his hand, "The cigar is being saved for a special occasion," He said as he shook hands with Marc, "Now as to why you're here. I need to see how you'll handle yourself during a number of situations, just so that I don't become redundant in my advising role." He replied motioning towards the active display. "It's a simple series of simulations and drills, nothing to harsh I would say." With a series of graceful swipes and a light taps he looked up from the controls with the first drill set to begin, "Ready?"

Marc took his hand and gave a firm shake before releasing it. "That sounds good to me. Computer, what is the status of Holodeck 4 current program and safety protocol?"

The computer chirped and responded in the neutral female tone. "Holodeck Four is currently in use. Safety protocol is off."

Looking at Halsey as the computer told him that the safety was off, he raised an eyebrow. "What purpose does the safety protocol being off serve?"

"Because Marc, I want to see how you work when lives are really on the line." Darek replied before placing his thumb and middle finger in his mouth and whistling; one of the rear office doors opened and Chief Petty Officers 1011 and 1010 entered the room. "Yes, Mr. Halsey?" They both inquired. Grinning Darek turned to look at the two, "You are to assist the Ensign in his duties during the following series of drills."

"Aye, aye Sir." They chorused.

Turning back to Marc, Darek stood waiting for the man's reply. But the one card he did have up his sleeve was the Ensign Schenk did not know that the two Chief Petty Officers who stood behind Derek were only holograms, and part of the simulation. As it stood Darek was not about to trust the Ensign to, two of the best Intelligence Officers he'd ever worked with, at that point he was only willing to gamble with his life.

Marc nodded as CPO's 1010 and 1011 came in; it made sense that if he were to be tested in Intelligence that others from his department would be there, also. "Very well. Let's get this started." Inwardly, he prepared himself, calling more on his Security training than his meager Intelligence training. His eyes traveled over his holographic surroundings, taking in any details that were different from the real office.

With out reply Darek input the final sequence of commands to the program and moved his hand over the literal big red button, hesitating for a moment Darek looked up at the Ensign and nodded. Dropping his hand the final few centimeters so that his fingers could engage the button, the moment the tips of his fingers brushed the button the room darkened and the computer began a five second count down.

"Program beginning now!" It stated hurriedly, the lights quickly came back up followed by what sounded like a series of explosions from outside the intelligence offices. 1011 and 1010 were already at their consoles and apprising the Ensign of the situation at hand, normally the pair would finish each others sentences, but in a crisis or mission critical time they would speak individually.

"Ensign, the simulated Arizona has been boarded and if the life signs detectors are correct it appears the intruders are moving towards our position." CPO 1010 stated.

1011 looked to the Ensign, "Your orders Sir?"

Darek chuckled to himself as he removed the particle magnum from the leather shoulder holster. "Remember Ensign the three of us are the only back up you have." With a flick of his thumb the weapon was moved from the stun setting to the kill setting and echoing the Bynar Intelligence officer. "What are your orders Marc?" Darek inquired.

Marc immediately went over to his console and confirmed what he had just been told. "Seal off Deck 10 and 11. Detail Security teams to checkpoints Alpha and Zeta; Activate forcefields every ten meters and seal off all access and exit points in between. POF 1010 - detailed analysis on incoming forces. POF 1011 - confirm entry point into the Arizona. Mr. Halsey, activate protocols for initiating a combat situation and take the ship to Red Alert." His fingers flew over the console, attempting to get a specific lock on the intruders, numbers, and species.

Placing his weapon on the console, Darek's fingers flew across his console. "Activating combat situation protocols and the Arizona is now at Red Alert." He responded. He looked up to see the Ensign hard at work, 1011 and 1010 were furiously communicating in the Bynar language. "Ensign, force fields are being removed approaching these offices." 1010 stated, followed quickly by 1011. "Multiple entry points along the haul, we have no shields at those points. Possible beam into to our location in progress, scrambling signal.

But it was to late a series of figures beamed into the intelligence offices main room. "Contact!" Darek yelled as he grabbed his weapon and took cover behind the console.

Marc stopped what he was doing as he heard the reports and saw the figures materializing in the Intel office. He was unarmed, out manned, and this seemed like a Security mission gone wrong than anything. He cleared his throat. "Computer, end simulation!" and gave his authorization for authentication to terminate the program.

Turning to Halsey as the Holodeck returned to normal, Marc took a slow breath. "Mr. Halsey. With all due respect. this is a Security-based mission. While I am a trained Security officer before I was transferred to Intel, I was led to believe that you were to be my adviser on such things. Please tell me what this simulation had to do with Intelligence?"

Darek placed his weapon slowly back into it's holster and stared the man down, "For one, if you had paid any attention in your two years of the academy, you would have done as you were supposed to." Crossing his arms over his chest he sighed, "I quote, 'In the event of eminent capture of any intelligence infrastructure on board any Federation vessel, station, or other wise the Chief of Intelligence will institute a wipe of all intelligence data to prevent the procurement of classified and possibly injurious information to the Federation and her Allies.' That rule is under Section 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1A of the SF:I something or another."

Moving from his position uncrossed his arms and placed them behind his back. "I was simply looking to see if you could follow simple protocol, that's all this drill had to do with Intelligence," Running his hand over his face, he sighed inwardly. He knew he was being unjustly hard on the man, "Ensign, the funny thing I learned over the last twelve years is that Security and Intelligence have many interconnected similarities. Security, your protecting a tangible target, Intelligence your protecting the Federation, and the deep dark little secrets that allow the Federation to run as she does from day to day. If we allow harm to come to the secrets, or if we allow them to be taken we have failed. Just as in Security if the mark is killed or something is taken, we have failed." He felt like he was preaching, but it seemed necessary.

"I'm sorry to make you feel like your doing things you already know how to do, and as your record shows, you can do them quite well. But that was not the point, the point was to see if you could keep those secrets safe. I should have warned you, but I didn't I expect a lot from you because you can handle it. Is that clear Ensign?"

Turning he walked towards the door, "The next drill is just your standard infiltration simulation, that is if you wish to continue. If not let me know if not, so I can speak to the Commodore and get out of your hair Ensign."

The young Ensign stood still and attentive as the former Chief of Intelligence gave him the full breakdown and he was a fool not to have thought of the outcome. As he watched Mr. Halsey exit the holodeck, he slowly sank to his knees in the now empty room. "The Kobayashi Maru and I failed. I apologize Mr. Halsey. I have a lot to learn and I can only hope that I make a quicker study with the next simulation....if you will continue to teach me."

Darek had only walked far enough into the hall to be out of sight, but not out of range to hear the Ensign's voice. He lowered his head to his chest and smiled, so the hard headed Ensign can learn. He paused and waited a few more seconds before reentering the room and walking up to Marc. Squatting down so he would be eye level, Darek looked at the man with an honest gaze. "I'm here to help Marc, no one is perfect. Hell it took me many tries, at many things to get to where I was today. I won't walk out on you just yet. You have a lot of potential and your good at your job, if you weren't the Commodore would not have picked you for this."

Pausing he stood and offered his hand to the Ensign, "Come on Marc, we can save the next simulation for later. You and I have intelligence data to go over before we head ground side, aye?" He inquired.

Taking a long moment before he even realized that the man was talking to him, Marc finally looked up. "How did I screw up so badly to not know basic protocols, Darek?" He asked, his voice soft. Finally, he took his hand and came to his feet. "Yeah....before I get everyone in my department killed or hating my guts. Pretty shitty job I've done so far as Acting Chief, huh? I couldn't even beat a holodeck program."

Darek laughed and patted Marc on the shoulder, "You want to hear a funny story Marc!?" He said guiding the young Ensign from the holodeck. "Of course you do! I failed this simulation my first time too, I failed it as a Senior at the Academy. I failed it the day of graduation, everyone else failed it too." He replied looking for the man's expression. "You want to know why..., well it's actually quite simple really."

"We get our heads so wrapped up in all the other procedures and protocol that we forget the simple basics, we don't consider it because it is so simple. Just remember in the field, keep it simple stupid. And you'll never go wrong."

Marc nodded, listening to Mr. Halsey. "Thank you, Darek. I have a lot to learn from you. Let's go get caught up on the Archadians and not get anyone killed...especially a certain stubborn Ensign. After that...I owe you a couple more cigars and a drink." He exited the Holodeck with Mr. Halsey, heading back to the Intel Office.


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